Jason’s last words to her; I know what you are. If he knew she was an Elemental, it would only be a matter of time before Marcus hunted her down.

Allyra shook her head – there was still so much left unanswered. So much she didn’t know and didn’t understand.

Whether she liked it or not, she was in the game now, but she wasn’t sure she understood the rules or indeed what side she was playing for. And the game was larger than just her. There was still so much to fight for and so much still to lose.

Vengeance for her father and Pierre.

Saving Emma and the green-eyed Cleaner.

Stopping Marcus and the Revenant.

It was hard to know where to start.

Secrets swirled around her; it was hard to tell what was real anymore. Jamie and Rob still didn’t know she could open the Gate, that she was more than just an Atmospheric – that she was an Elemental. It terrified her how they might react to the news.

And even more terrifying was how she felt. Despite the pain and terror she’d experienced in the past few months, she’d never felt more alive. It was as if she’d woken from a long dream, where she’d never been anything more than half awake.

She had come alive with her Gift.

Thinking back, it was hard to believe how pliant she’d been. Other than her yearly pilgrimage to this outcrop, she’d done nothing but allow life to carry her along.

Allyra steeled herself. If she were going to play this game, she would do it to win. Never again would she be a pawn, thrown around haplessly at the whim of others. She was going to play the game her way and find the answers to the questions that plagued her.

Allyra got to her feet and walked to the tree, placing her hand on the rough bark of its tree trunk.

“What are you hiding from me?” She whispered. “I’m coming back, wait for me.”

Epilogue – Alex

Alex could feel her. She was so close. He placed his hand on the Baobab tree and heard her whispered words.

Alex paused and rested his head against the tree. He ached for her. He’d survived several lifetimes in this place, his vision of her keeping the madness at bay. But now, having known her, having held her in his arms only to have her taken away.

He’d never felt more alone in his life.

It was selfish, she wasn’t safe here, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted her back by his side. He needed her.

There was so much he wanted to say to her, so much he wished to explain.

“I’ll always be here.” He whispered back, careful not to allow his words to transfer to her mind. “Please come back to me.”


To my husband Nicholas, this book would not have been possible without your unconditional support. Thank you for coming on the journey with me and always encouraging me to continue, it is only with your belief that we are here at the end.

To my parents, Annie and Sam, who encouraged my love of books and reading. Who believed that money spent on a book was money well spent. Who taught me that anything is possible as long as we’re willing to try. Who literally built me a castle of books. Thank you for everything you’ve given me.


Connect with the author for a free copy of the prequel short story: Before the Between as well as excusive news of the upcoming sequel.


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About the Author

Anna Webb has always had a passion for literature, consuming it at a vociferous rate. Over the years, she’s read everything from romance to thrillers, science fiction to mysteries, but fantasy literature holds a special place in her heart.

She is a full time chemical engineer and part time aspiring writer.

With a PhD in chemical engineering, her days are filled with chemical formulas and mathematical models. But every spare moment is spent reading, with every book providing a doorway into a magical new world.

Into the Between is her first foray into the world of writing.

She lives in South Africa with her husband, and three dogs with an unhealthy obsession with tennis balls.

Connect with Anna Webb online at: http://www.annawebbauthor.com


Artwork by Taire Morrigan - https://www.facebook.com/MorriganArtwork/

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