eyes slowly closing. Her breath had stopped and the paramedics’ valiant efforts to save her had been in vain. She was gone, but they still took her from his arms, like she was alive and could be saved. But she wasn’t. They’d wanted to give him false hope.

There was no freaking way that in spite of all that the love of his life was alive.

"Alright, I can see that you think I’m lying. To answer your question Ryder, I wasn’t at the funeral because at the very same moment I was saying goodbye to her at the airport. I got her a temporary passport so she could leave the country without anyone recognizing her."

Noah didn’t have to tell Inéz twice. She was the only one who knew he wouldn’t lie about something that important. His grey eyes didn’t hide anything right now. Pure truth shone brightly in them. Besides, he always preferred the most painful truth to a lie.

Her smile widened thinking about Lynette surviving and leaving her hell-hole of a life far behind. She’d deserved more, and, somehow, she’d got her wish.

"Let’s say that you are telling the truth for a minute. How come we saw her get shot by your own fucking father?" Drew didn’t let it go that easily.

TheCaporolled his eyes. "Lynette was born into this world and over the years she picked up on a couple of things. One of them was to always have an escape plan. That’s why she made a deal with her uncle. He was to shoot her and then make it look like she’d died. Everyone needed to see her die to avoid any suspicion. However, Emilio didn’t get there in time to do the actual shooting and somehow my father took advantage of his last opportunity, not knowing he was, in reality, doing her a favor. Well, as much ofa favor as that could be, seeing as the wound was really bad," he explained before continuing. "I didn’t know about the deal at the time. And quite frankly, I wasn’t supposed to ever find out. But Emilio wasn’t able to provide her with everything she needed to get away. The FBI was still looking at their Famigliabecause of Severo’s arrest. So, he had no other choice but to tell me and we both did all we could to help Lynette. For the last four years, we were the only ones who knew. Until now, that is."

The words were ringing in Drew’s head. It was too much for him to process at once. One second he thought that Lynette was dead, the next she appeared in his mind all smiling, happy, and far away from the underworld. And from him as well. He didn’t know what to think anymore.

"Wait, so why are you telling us this now? I thought the fewer people knew, the safer Lynette was," Inéz asked, trying to figure out Noah’s true intentions, especially when he’d been so cautious with the information before. Truthfully speaking, she’d rather not know than make it harder for the girl. She’d suffered enough.

"Well, I believe that more dangerous people have found out. Bratva. I’m praying I’m wrong, but she might be in huge trouble and I need to find her. However, I can’t trust any of my soldiers to help me with this one. And I thought Isaac could aid me in tracking her down."

"But you gave her a new passport. Can’t you use it to find her? I mean how hard can it be for you to search for her name through some databases? Aren’t you used to doing such things?"

Henderson was done with illegal stuff because it was what had got him into this mess in the first place. After Lynette’s supposed death, he didn’t dare to make as much as a fake ID for his friends for money.

Noah rolled his eyes, tired of being senselessly questioned. It wasn’t getting them anywhere. They were treating him like he was a fool, who was not able to work with the resources that came with beingCapo dei capi. As if he hadn’t thought of every other possible alternative to find Lynette before coming to them. There were many things he would rather do, but he was out of options.

He growled. "For fuck’s sake do you really think I would be standing here telling you all this if I could find her on my own? The passport was temporary so she could leave without problems, but as soon as she was in Europe, she had to ditch it and find a way to get a new one. She contacted me a few times, however, she couldn’t say anything about her whereabouts or personal information. And it’s been over eight months since the last time I spoke to her. Way too long. I got a letter that might concern her, and if so, I’m afraid she is in huge trouble."

Falcone reached for his briefcase, put it on the table and opened it for all three to see what was inside. There was a small red box. Inéz took it only to see a diamond ring. It wasn’t what she’d expected.

"It’s the ring I gave Lynette at our engagement party. She must have taken it with her for God knows what reason," he explained.

Beside it, there was a piece of paper saying.



"I tried to figure out what those letters and numbers meant for a long time until I finally cracked it. If I’m not mistaken it is Spain - one day, Monaco - two weeks, Austria - one week, Hungary - two months, Poland - six months, Netherlands - one year, Belgium - six months and Great Britain - one and a half year. Those might have been the locations where Lynette stayed and how long she was there. But if I am correct, it means she has been followed since she came to Europe, and the last three months are unaccounted for."

"What does this word at the bottom mean?" asked Drew, slowly

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