my eyes trailed through his toned muscular body up towards his face, I was speechless.

How could someone be this good looking?

On getting a closer look, I realised how gorgeous this guy really was; with dark brown hair, perfect jawline and beautiful blue orbs, he walked towards me.

"I am so sorry; I did not see before hitting the ball so hard in your direction. Are you hurt?"

I was in awe.

"I hope it didn't hurt you? Are you ok?" He asked again, breaking the awkward silence between us.

After a long pause, which felt like a lifetime, I finally gained some grip and replied, "I am fine, thanks. Just be a little careful next time, you even have few kids running around here. I am sure you don't want to hurt them."

"Trust me. I don't. My name is Jake by the way, and I am here with my friends". He extended his hand for a friendly shake, and while I nervously responded, touching his skin sent shivers down my spine.

"My name is Emma, and I am here with my best friend and boyfriend", I stuttered, pointing in their direction.

His expressions suddenly changed, and he now looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, good to know. Well, see you around", he muttered with a small smile, as he walked back to his friends.

My eyes were piercing his back. Part of me wanted him to stay a bit longer, hear him talk, and admire the aura he emanated.

While the other part of me was bought back to reality, as I heard Niki scream my name. She was waving at me, and without any further ado, I left Jake and my thoughts near the shore to go back and join my friends.

The rest of the day was eventful, we all warmed up over fun games and interesting chats. It was late in the evening when we reached back at the resort.

I was exhausted and yet a little shaken by the odd encounter I had with a total stranger today, and my mind could not help but kept going back to his icy blue eyes.

Shrugging the thought away for the millionth time, I decided to take a quick shower and changed into my nightwear before hitting the bed.


Morning came sooner and I couldn't believe myself as I woke up from a dream where I was vividly close to a guy who I had met for five precise minutes. I dreamt about Jake.

Jake... who the hell was he? And why did he have to affect me like this?

I felt Niki's hands gripping my shoulder before she jerked me out of my thoughts.

"Earth to Emma! Where the hell are you so lost?"

"Ouch! What the hell Niki, God! you are strong. "I looked at her annoyingly as I rubbed my palms softly against my shoulders.

"I have been screaming your name from the shower to hand me my dress laying on the bed. You were totally zoned out. What were you thinking? Come on, reveal."

"It's nothing, chill. Just something random." I tried to walk past her to the shower, but she pulled me back on the bed and looked into my eyes "Tell me what is bothering you? You seem nervous."

"Nothing. I just had this dream."

"What dream? Did you see something terrible? Did it scare you?"

"No, not like that. It was just... an intimate dream." I confessed as my cheeks turned deep red, but before I could complete, Niki interrupted me "Oh crap. Sorry, I asked. For the first time I don't want details. I cannot hear how you got down and dirty with my brother in your fucked-up head", she laughed hysterically, making me feel more embarrassed.

How do I tell her that the guy in my dream was not her brother but a man who I just saw yesterday and knew nothing about, except for the fact that he looked like a Greek God?

Niki had a good laugh for the next couple of minutes, and when she calmed down a bit, she continued, "well, when you already have your hormones breaking lose in the middle of your sleep, why don't you just get over with it? I am sure, all you have to do is ask". She winked.

"First of all, I am not having this conversation with you. This is getting weirder than I thought and after I tell you what I am about to tell you, promise me, you will leave me alone to get ready for our day. No more teasing or poking."

"Ok promise, now shoot," she jumped excitedly.

"Umm, I have decided to you know, to consider taking our relationship to the next level, tonight, after your birthday party," I cooed shyly.

Even though we had been dating in the last four years, I was still a virgin. Nate and I were intimate, yes, we kissed and made out many times, but never went too far.

"Aww. Look at that, my sweet innocent Emma. I am so happy. I know what this means for you. Wow. I can already picture you as my future sister-in-law." She squeezed me in a tight hug.

"Control your horses, Niki. Before you start planning my wedding, will you please get out and let me get ready?" I almost pushed her out of the door.

As soon as I was alone in the room, I headed to the shower and took a long warm bath. The untamed meaningless fantasies about a total stranger had to stop.

Nate's my boyfriend, and I love him with all my heart.

I wore a short red dress, perfectly fitting the shape of my body. I let my hair lose, put my favorite natural color lip gloss, grabbed my bag and made my way down to join everyone else.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and tonight it was Nate and Niki's pre-birthday party at one of the fanciest beachside

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