instantly beads on my forehead, but I try to enjoy it, knowing the freezing temperatures will be here before I know it.

My stomach drops when I see Chad's car parked across the street. Nerves turn into fear as I debate on what to do.

But then, he decides for me when the car suddenly starts and he pulls up beside me. He rolls down the windows, his dark eyes lethal.

“Get in the fucking car,” he says through gritted teeth, his hands white-knuckling the wheel.

“No,” I say quietly, not wanting to cause a scene in the middle of the road.

I keep walking anxiously, but of course, his car follows me slowly just like I knew it would.

God, I wish I had money to buy my own car. My mom and I both walk to school and work.

“You’re wearing the dress that shows half your tits. Getting desperate, Des? Wanting to whore yourself out?” I hear equal amounts of lust and disgust in his voice.

I walk faster, trying to ignore him, but then his car stops, and I hear his door slam. Instinct tells me to run.

I don’t, though.

That will just make him mock me. Besides, I’ve played this game with him before. I know he’ll catch me.

My arm throbs with pain as he grabs it and jerks me to his chest. I bite my lip to keep from making a sound as I crash against him.

“Chad, stop,” I say, hearing the plea in my own voice. “Just let me go. I’m just going to school. We can talk when I get out.”

His face twists in disgust. “Who’re you meeting at school, you little bitch? Trying to get your cunt fucked?” He yanks the back of my hair, making me crane my neck to look up at him.

I’m only 5’3” and he’s 6’. Oh, what must it be like to be a big strong man trying to intimidate women at every chance they get.

“Stop!” I say, shoving at his chest, but I may as well be slapping a brick wall.

I’m so sick of men pushing me around. First, my dad, then Chad. My ex-boyfriend.

He curls his lip in a mocking smile. “Get in my car or I fuck you right here and now.” My helplessness intensifies because I know he’s not lying.

“You mean rape. Because that’s what it would be,” I say, disgust lacing my tone.

Anger makes tears burn in my eyes.

The last time I said no to him, he hurt me. He left scars permanently imprinted on my soul. Just like everyone else in my fucking life.

“Just let me go, Chad.” I try to keep my voice strong but it still cracks. “Please,” I whisper.

He only laughs, and then drags me to his car, and shoves me inside.

I grit my teeth as I notice some neighbors peeking outside their windows. Soon as he gets in the driver's seat, he’s on me.

He grabs my face, callous fingers scratching at my cheeks and then he shoves his tongue in my mouth.

Reflex takes over and I bite it. He growls and jumps back.

“Fucking bitch!” he snarls, then he grabs me roughly between the legs.

I whimper, clenching my thighs together. “Stop,” I cry out. “Just stop.”

My heart thunders in my chest, and I flinch, closing my eyes when he cocks his arm back as if to hit me.

They burst open when he forcefully spreads my legs, pulls my panties aside, and cups my sex.

“This will be mine. You’re lucky I have shit to do or else I’d beat the fucking shit out of you and then take what’s mine.”

My mind is instantly brought back to another place in time—Chad on top of me as I try to fight him off, but his abuse wouldn’t stop. Hit after hit, blow after blow. It’s like I’ll never escape him. I’m suddenly pulled out of my reverie when his hands are on my face and he pries my mouth apart. His face comes closer and he sucks on my tongue before biting it like I did to him. I cry out in pain, and he pulls back, a sinister expression on his face.

“You just fucking wait, Des,” he says, and it’s a warning.

I don’t answer. I simply sit forward in the passenger seat and stare blankly at nothing.

I fucking hate him. I hate him so much. If he wants to come for me, then I guess I’ll be prepared.

You don’t grow up in an abusive household without learning a few tricks. I’ll be ready for him next time he strikes.

When we pull up to Blackcrown High, I’m so relieved that I want to get out and kiss the ground.

My hand flies to the door handle, but Chad has other plans and grabs my jaw, forcing my face to his, and slams his lips to mine. I feel nothing but revulsion and I don’t move my lips or reciprocate in any way. He paws at me, angered by this, but I hold my ground.

When he pulls away he still looks menacing, but his smile looks pleased.

I jerk the door open and scramble out of the car with a few tears streaming down my cheeks and I hastily wipe them away before anyone can see.

“Bye, babe. See ya later,” he taunts.

I don’t turn, only walk quicker inside the school.

The school is big. So I know I’ll have a hard time finding my way around, especially with my jumbled nerves.

The cool air is a Godsend when I scurry inside, my flats clicking on the tiles, but that sound is drowned out the further down the hall I get.

The place is jam-packed, body to body, full of all the typical high school students. Jocks, scene kids, overachievers, the super rich and popular, and everything in between.

I think I’m standing in the commons, but I can’t be too sure. I need to find my way to the office and get a map of the school and get my schedule.

It feels as if everyone’s staring at me even though they couldn’t possibly be. Sure, I’m

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