door like a puppy begging to get in. “I’m telling you, you’re in for a good time. Come on out.”

I groan and pout at the door. King is going to lose his shit when he finds out what I’ve gotten into this time. I bet he wishes I were more like my sister, Sal.

She never gives him any trouble, but I think that’s because she isn’t around. Sal may have everyone else fooled, but not me.

I guess that’s why King made sure I picked a college a state over. Not too far away, but far enough. I know he thought sending me and Misty away to college would be for the best, but it hasn’t worked out that way so far. We’re home more than we’re on campus and when we’re on campus, shit like this happens.

“Come on, Eva, open the door,” my “date” slurs from the other side of the door.

He’s such a jerk. He said he forgot his wallet in his apartment, and we would only need to stop here for a few seconds to get it. A few seconds turned into him having a few beers, which turned him into Mr. Touchy Feely.

The only reason I’m even on this date is because of Misty. She asked me to tag along on a double date with her and some guy she has been seeing. Well, my dear friend, Misty happened to get a stomach virus, which certainly stopped any plans she had to go out. She has been no good to the world for the last two days, held up in the bathroom with her phone and the toilet.

She cancelled on her date, but insisted I still go. I’m so pissed at her right now. I never date and I mean, never. King would have a coronary if he knew this is how my first date turned out.

A date with a douchebag. King has such big dreams for me. He wants his little sister to have it all.

Yup, I’m his little sister no matter who our parents are. He has always looked out for me. Now that he’s the president of the Lost Souls, he takes his role even more seriously. I think, to King, taking care of me is one of the duties he inherited from the former president, his dad.

“I should be studying for my architecture exam, not on a date with this douche,” I mumble to myself.

Then there’s the fact that I also have an interview King set up for me tomorrow morning. It’s for an internship at one of the brother’s firms.

Oh, yeah, the Lost Souls may be a bunch of down and dirty, red-blooded bikers, but there are some really wealthy ones among the ranks. You wouldn’t know it when at the club. They all blend in, rough, dirty, and as raw as they come. However, there are those among the brotherhood who have placed themselves in the right social circles to run shit.

I sigh heavily as I stare at my phone. There’s only one way out of this apartment, if I want out of here anytime soon.

I plan to kill Misty.


“I’ve got you, brother. I’ll take care of it,” I say to King on the other end of the line as I sit on the edge of my bed.

“Never doubted it. Take care of my girl and make sure you get in and out without unnecessary problems, you feel me?”

“You’re not talking to a rookie, King. It’s been a long time since I’ve been a prospect. I did more than earn my patch.” I chuckle. “I’ll handle this like a pro.”

“Thanks, brother. Good to know I can still rely on a good few.”

“Call you later,” I say before disconnecting the call.

It’s the middle of the fucking night, but when my brothers call, I’m wide awake and ready to roll. The Lost Souls saved my life. When I was a kid, my dad used to beat my ass for fun. Cage Kennedy, the former prez of the Lost Souls, took me in like I was his son and raised me alongside his own boy, King.

I’d always been good with my hands and I loved to draw. I was also a wiz in school. Cage knew people in high places, so when he spotted my talents, he pulled some strings and sent me off to school. I didn’t have to worry about a thing. From the time I was seventeen, I’d been groomed to start Soul Deep Architecture and Construction.

I have made the club a lot of money, not to mention, greasing the hands of those friends who pulled those strings for Cage. It gutted me when Cage and his old lady, Rose wrecked, killing them both on impact. I was stunned, Cage was an excellent rider. He taught me.

When I wasn’t away at school, I spent all my time on the back of a bike. King and I are like brothers. As tight as can be. He’s a stand-up guy and as great a prez as his father.

I sigh into my tired hands. I’d decided to help out on one of the worksites today and I’m paying for it now. Standing, I let my body crack and creak before walking into my closet. I move past my expensive suits. This call is going to require me to get down and dirty.

Someone is fucking with one of the club’s princesses and that shit just won’t do. A smile teases my lips as I think of the little nerdy girl who followed King around during my summers home. The last time I saw Eva was during the huge cookout King threw for her high school graduation.

Gone was the adorable little girl with the long plaits in her hair. Eva is a straight knockout and she doesn’t even know it. I had to remind myself then she was only eighteen. King would have my balls if he knew the things that cross my mind every time I see Eva. She’s had my attention for

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