Derek, her ex-fiancé, said.

“Derek. I’m surprised to see you,” she said, keeping her voice devoid of emotion.

“You look good.”

“I’ve gained some weight. You look great.”

He really did, but then he always did. He woke up looking perfect. All he had to do was run his hands through his perfectly cut hair and it fell into place—unlike hers, which looked as if she’d just gotten laid… not that that was necessarily a bad look.

He leaned forward, kissing her cheek. Sage was relieved to realize that not only didn’t it hurt, it was oddly devoid of emotion. She was finally over him. She had gone from love to hate and now finally, to apathy.

“Given why you broke things off between us, I’m surprised to see you here.”

“Well, Gwen actually rather enjoys these kinds of events. One of our clients has acquired a small studio and is talking to Gail about one of your books being made into a movie… one of the earlier books before they got so smutty.”

Zing! He couldn’t help himself… neither could she.

“Doesn’t Gwen read the smutty ones?” asked Sage, feigning innocence.

Zing! Bullseye she thought as he blushed. Hmm, Roark would never blush. She wondered if she could even embarrass a man like Roark. She didn’t actually know any men like Roark, but that wasn’t the case.

She didn’t know how to tell him his girlfriend, Gwen, was an avid reader and participant in her private reader group on Facebook. Gwen was also a lawyer and on track for partner, which she guessed was the real reason Derek had broken things off between them. There was a part of her that knew she should feel bad about being a bit bitchy, but this was her party, and she wasn’t going to take crap from her ex.

She allowed Gail to move her through those she wanted Sage to meet, whispering in her ear who each person was and why they were important.

“Cindy Sellers, huge erotic romance blog. Always features our books and gives them stellar ratings on Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub,” Gail whispered. “Named you erotic romance writer of the year.”

“Cindy! It’s so good to see you. I can’t thank you enough for all your support… and for naming me Erotic Romance Author of the Year. I was so touched.”

“My pleasure, Sage, and I totally meant it. The bottle of wine was so sweet and so like you.”

She’d have to remember to thank Gail for that.

Finally, the party started to die down and she looked for Terrance, who was surrounded by those who had waited. Sage hailed one of the waiters.

“Ms. Matthews?” she said. “I just love your books.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that. If there’s one you’d like in paperback, just go grab it and I’ll sign it for you.”

“Really? Thanks! Now, what did you need?”

“See that group of readers with Terrance? Could you get their drink orders? See if you could also snag us a tray of hors d’oeuvres and put it on my tab?”

“I can do that. That’s so sweet of you. You’re not like most of them. You really seem to like your readers.”

“I don’t like my readers… I adore them. Join us if you can.”

The waitress glanced at her watch. “I can do that. My shift just ended. I’ll get you…”


The girl’s smile broadened. “Us set up.”

Two hours later, the room was empty except for Sage, Terrance, and the last of the readers. When she’d signed the last book and received the last hug, they left the ballroom.

“Terrance, I’m going to take a stroll outside. It’s really a lovely night.”

“Want some company?”

“No, you go upstairs to Max and give him my love.”

Terrance grinned, held up the wine bottle Sage had pressed into his hands, and left. She waved off the concierge and headed outside to one of the hotel’s courtyards.

Pew! Snap! Pew! Snap!

Sage heard the sounds as pieces of bark from a nearby tree flew into her face. She dropped and rolled as another two bullets skimmed past where she had just been standing and embedded themselves in the tree. Rolling away, she got to her feet behind a dense cluster of bushes and ran toward the main hotel, screaming her head off.

The next sounds she heard were the tromping of footsteps and shouts of security people. Sage was hustled inside via a side door and immediately surrounded by hotel personnel who assured her that she was safe, and that the police had been called.

“Gail…” she started, realizing she was in shock.

“Sage, oh my God, Sage! I’m right here.” Gail rushed to her side.

Thank God was right. Thank God for Gail, who swiftly took control of the situation and helped her file reports with the police, ensured her room was secured, asked the hotel to station additional security in and around Sage’s suite, then helped Sage back to her room.

“Are you sure you’re all right? Do you want me to order room service? The kitchen was about to close, but they said they’d be happy to make something to send up to you,” Gail offered.

“That would be great. If I could get a big bowl of their cream of crab soup, a loaf of that bread they serve with lots of butter, and a couple of diet cokes, I would be so appreciative.”

Gail ordered room service and stayed while Sage changed into her robe and the food arrived.

“If you’re sure you don’t need anything else…”

“No, thanks, Gail. I really appreciate it. I think I was in a bit of a shock. I don’t really recall much of what happened.”

“These local yokels aren’t all that sure. They think probably kids out doing a bit of night shooting mistook you for something else. One idiot thinks someone was shooting at you.”

“At me? Why would anyone want to shoot at me?”

“Who knows? I think things are probably so boring around here, he’s just trying to make up something exciting. I’m sure it was just a couple of kids being stupid…”

The fog from the fear seemed to be dissipating. “But why

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