wild colors.

Tad and his video games, she thought amusedly. He had a space one that he was crazy about. It was good that he was, because one game was all she could afford to buy him for their used gaming console, which had belonged to Morris. The game had been on the discount shelf. It was gently used, but Tad didn’t mind. Most of his electronics were second or even third hand. They couldn’t afford much in the way of entertainment.

Clancey had been delighted that the benefits package she got with her new job was even better than the plan she’d had when she worked for Hollister at SAPD. Medical and dental were included. Medical expenses were the arrow in her knee. She had health problems that weren’t apparent, but they could be expensive from time to time. It was nice that she didn’t have to try to treat herself. She could afford to go to a doctor and be treated. There was a small co-pay, but she could manage that.

She was sorry Tad was so vehement about the military. It was probably just a wild dream anyway, she thought. They were unlikely to let her in. But on the off chance, she’d gone by the Army recruiting office before she picked up Tad at school and got some literature about joining. She’d mentioned her health issue to the soldier in charge, who grimaced, but said they did occasionally make exceptions, and she was welcome to try anyway.

She didn’t want to make life even more complicated for her little brother. But when Morris got out, what were they going to do? Compared to living in a homeless shelter, the Army looked good. It looked very good.

She picked up her grandfather’s guitar, sat down with it and began to play.

Copyright © 2019 by Diana Palmer

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ISBN: 9781488075926

A Cattleman’s Honor

Copyright © 2020 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Nelson’s Brand

First published in 1991. This edition published in 2020.

Copyright © 1991 by Diana Palmer

The Wedding in White

First published in 2000. This edition published in 2020.

Copyright © 2000 by Diana Palmer

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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