“It was a long flight.”

Ukhaan waved a hand. “Help yourself. Just make sure she’s back in the kitchen in time to cook breakfast. And no permanent injuries.”

“I’ll make sure she can work.”

That wasn’t exactly the same thing, was it? She closed her eyes in despair, and when she opened them again, the stranger was watching her.

The geflin fish disappeared in no time, and Ukhaan frowned at the empty platter. Fortunately, she had prepared a number of side dishes, as well as a dessert. The two males demolished it all.

Under other circumstances, she might have been pleased by the appreciation for her food, but all she could think about was the fate awaiting her later that evening. She had never found sex particularly enjoyable—although she suspected that was at least partially because Kevin had never cared about her satisfaction—and the thought of being at the mercy of this huge stranger made her stomach cramp with anxiety.

The meal dragged on interminably. After the food was gone, they lingered over a bottle of Foldaran brandy. When she attempted to clear the table and escape to the kitchen, Ukhaan frowned at her.

“Leave it. Return to your position.”

Shoulders slumping, she went back to her place against the wall. Normally she listened to Ukhaan’s conversations on the rare occasion he had a guest, hoping to learn something that might help her escape. Tonight, she couldn’t focus. The dread continued to build, and she had to bite back a yip of dismay when Ukhaan finally pushed his chair back.

“Enough business for tonight. I want to start the inspection early tomorrow.”

“Of course. And I want time to enjoy my… gift,” the male drawled. She could feel his eyes on her, but she refused to look at him.

“I doubt she’s worth spending much time on, but suit yourself.” Ukhaan shrugged, then glared at her. “And you, behave yourself.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

“Follow me,” the stranger ordered, and she forced herself to obey, trying desperately to think of a way out of the situation. Maybe if she told him she had a terrible disease? If only she knew more about possible diseases out here.

Still trying to think of some way to escape her fate, she followed him reluctantly into the guest quarters. Most of the mining company facilities were spartan, and this room was no exception. Since they were beneath the surface, no windows interrupted the plain stone walls. A large rug in muted colors was one of the only concessions to luxury.

The door closing behind her made her jump, and she whirled around to find him leaning against the wall, studying her.

“Don’t look like that, girl. I’m not going to eat you.” He gave her an unexpectedly attractive grin. “Although it’s a tempting thought. I bet you’re a tasty little morsel.”

She stared at him in horror. He wanted to eat her? But then she took a second look at his face and recognized the lust in his eyes. Oh. That was still terrifying—and possibly just the tiniest bit exciting. How long had it been since she’d experienced any type of sexual pleasure? Long before she’d been taken from Earth. Certainly not in the last wretched years of her marriage.

“Well, you can’t do that,” she said, then cringed when she realized how stupid she sounded.

“Are you challenging me? Because I assure you that not only could I bury my head between those sweet little thighs and feast on your cunt, you’d be screaming my name before I was done with you.”

She stared at him like a deer in the headlights, and his hard face softened a fraction.

“What’s your name?”


“I’m Varga.” He waited, but she couldn’t think of anything to say in response. He sighed. “Don’t worry, little bird. I’m not going to hurt you. Get in the bed.”

“What? No!”

“To sleep. Ukhaan is going to expect you to spend the night.”

Unfortunately, she suspected he was right. She walked slowly to the bed in the corner and kicked off her shoes. The rest of her clothes remained firmly in place as she reluctantly climbed under the covers and pulled them tightly up to her chin.

He stripped off his tunic to reveal a massive chest, covered with even more of those odd golden scars. Kicking off his boots, he prowled towards her with the sinewy grace of a big jungle cat.

“What are you doing?” Her voice sounded breathless.

“Getting in bed. I’m not about to spend the night on the floor.”

“I can do that—”

She started to scramble out from under the covers, and he put a huge hand over her chest, holding her in place with effortless ease. Her heart beat so quickly she felt lightheaded. His face softened again.

“We are both just going to sleep,” he said quietly. “Understand?”

After a long moment, she nodded.


He turned out the light and lay down next to her. She tried to move as far away from him as possible, but it was a small bed and he was a huge male, and she was right against the wall already. Every muscle in her body was stiff with tension as she waited for the inevitable.

Time dripped past, and nothing happened. His breathing slowed and deepened. Was he really asleep? She certainly couldn’t climb over him but maybe she could wiggle down to the end of the bed and sleep on the floor after all…

Very cautiously, she started to work her way out from under the covers. She’d only managed to get one arm free when that same big hand landed on her stomach.

“Stop wiggling,” he said sleepily. “Or I might think you’re trying to tempt me.”

She froze and heard a deep chuckle. He patted her stomach but didn’t move his hand, and

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