Aurora, who arrived like a good omen as soon as her mother had turned the manuscript back to me.

Adrienne Kress, who has been there to hold my hand, to get me to just shut up and put something on the page, and who sees my work as what it could be instead of what it is, and thus helps me see it that way, too. (Is it Monday? Are we Famous yet?) And for Adrienne’s Atticus, who was the inspiration for Linux, and who I would never hurt that way, little buddy.

Sunny Hope, who egged me on with word sprints, and gifs of kittens, and virtual soup and wine.

Nicole Chiou, my wonderful cousin and, thankfully, willing translator.

Mike Perschon, who believes so strongly in my work that he teaches it to the next generation. And to all the students and faculty of Grant MacEwan University for inviting me to speak to you, and to share my love of Hain with you.

Liana K, for late-night academic conversations that helped me figure out the arc of the characters’ journeys and reminded me of the point of these novels when I was floundering in the plot.

Julie Czerneda, for her unwavering love of this world and these people, and her child-like glee every time I put a new book in the series into her inbox.

Christian Stiehl, who helped figure out what kind of D&D character Ichiro would play.

Jay Hunter for helping me figure out which cards to deploy.

Elize Morgan and her, “GO! GO! GO!”

Mad Lori, who is always great for a chat when I just need to get my head elsewhere for a bit.

Mom and Dad, for supporting me while I pursued this small bit of happiness. And a second batch of thank-yous to Mom, in particular, who has been a tireless and generous proofreader for me for years. I am so grateful to her for that. If you find a typo in this book, it’s only because it managed to hide while she was circling all its cowering brethren. (No, seriously, I mistype a lot.)

Aunt Brenda, who calls me and gives me a lovely book report each time she finishes one.

And lastly, to my Readers. Thank you for sticking with me, and Forsyth, and this world, for as long as you have. We are both so humbled, so flattered, and so pleased.

About the Author

J.M. is a voice actor, SF/F author, professionally trained music theatre performer, not-so-trained but nonetheless enthusiastic screenwriter and webseries-ist, and a fanthropologist and pop culture scholar. She’s appeared in podcasts, documentaries, radio programs, and on television to discuss all things geeky through the lens of academia. J.M. lives near Toronto, loves tea, scarves, and Doctor Who (all of which may or may not be related), and her epic dream is to one day sing a duet with John Barrowman.

Her debut novel Triptych was nominated for two Lambda Literary Awards, nominated for the CBC Bookie Award, was named one of Publishers Weekly’s Best Books of 2011, was on The Advocate’s Best Overlooked Books of 2011 list, received an honorable mention at the London Book Festival in Science Fiction, and won the San Francisco Book Festival for Science Fiction.

Connect with J.M.

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