He extended a hand.

“Alicia,” she said. He shook her hand and his eyes darted to Colby.

A dog bounded in and sat on his haunches beside Colby.

“Oh hey pup,” Jess said, extending a hand to pet him. The dog went to bite him and Colby had to hold him back. “Kane!” A shot of fear went through Jessie.

“Whoa. That’s a… mean dog you got.”

“He takes some getting used to,” Alicia said, patting him. The dog immediately went calm.

“Yeah, yeah, I bet he does. So, um, when did you arrive?”

“About an hour ago. I went to the farm. Laura told me you were all here.”

“What else did she tell you?”

There was a pause.

Dylan immediately eased the tension by stepping forward. “Ah man, so much shit has happened around here. It’s good to have you back, brother. Mom will be over the moon. Really.”

“How is the matriarch?” Colby asked in jest.

All four of them laughed. “You’ll see. You’ll see,” Lincoln said.

“Come on, I’ll bring you up to speed.” Zeke wrapped an arm around his brother and led him away with Dylan. Jessie locked eyes with Colby for a split second longer as Alicia followed him. Lincoln stayed with Jessie for a moment beside the truck. He leaned against it, both of them observing. Thinking.

“She looks like her, doesn’t she,” Lincoln said.

“I guess.”

“Don’t go screwing it up this time, brother,” he said, patting him on the shoulder before walking over to join them. Jessie remained, looking at the crowds thinning out until his eyes shifted to the militia who were talking with Dan Wilder. One of them, the lieutenant, was staring his way. A devilish grin formed before he walked off.

Jessie had seen both the good and bad that evening — a community rallying together, two families at odds, a mysterious group now among them, and a returning brother whose ex-girlfriend he’d murdered.

He had a feeling it would get far worse before it got better. The way forward was as murky as the hills of Humboldt.

And now it had gotten a little darker.


Survive the Lawless Book Two

Book Three will be out in March 2021

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About the Author

Jack Hunt is the International Bestselling Author of over fifty novels. Jack lives on the East coast of North America. If you haven’t joined Jack Hunt’s Private Facebook Group you can request to join by clicking here now. This gives readers a way to chat with Jack, see cover reveals, enter contests and receive giveaways, and stay updated on upcoming releases. There is also his main facebook page below if you want to browse.



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