its design and modeled after our castle.

The wealthy make their homes up here, while the majority of our citizens live in the valley below, along the river that curves around the mesa’s base. Verdant fields of rich farmlands, fed from the water’s canals, dot the landscape. Across the river lies a steep plateau. The deep orange and crimson layers of rock are beautiful even in the darkness.

Visitors from other tribes often remark on how harsh life here must be, but I’ve never found this to be truth. The great desert beyond the city is an ocean of red sand; so dry, it was once believed to be devoid of life. But in the hundreds of cycles we’ve made our home here, we’ve learned the secrets buried in the fine, crimson grains of earth. A system of caves, connected beneath the surface, flows with vast, deep rivers of water. There is a plethora of life to be found here, if one knows where to look.

I often fly over the desert at night, marveling at the various creatures that move and hunt along the dunes. I wonder if my soon-to-be mate will recognize my home’s beauty, or if she will miss the great oceans that line the cliffs near her home.

I sigh heavily. We have no choice, she and I. With so few females left, the discord between our Clans must end. To broker peace, we will attempt what I never would have thought possible before the plague claimed so many of our people.

We will forge treaties and alliances with the other Clans through bonding. The first pairing of this design will be mine and Noralla’s. I will do my best to be a good mate to the Water Princess. I only hope that this life will make her happy.

Though she is of easy nature and pleasing to look upon, in her eyes I see the lingering doubt she tries so hard to hide. I recognize it because the same doubt has shone back at me in the mirror every day since my father negotiated our betrothal with her Clan.

I am Fire and she is Water. Were two elementals ever so completely opposite from each other?

Shaking my head, I look at my hands. I suppose we will find out soon enough.

A flash of light in the distance draws my attention. I look to the sky and my mouth drops open when a trail of fire blazes across the desert plains. It is not uncommon for meteorite debris to penetrate the atmosphere, but this one is larger than any I’ve seen.

A strange warmth blooms in my chest as I watch it fall.

I’ve heard stories of those who could sense their destiny calling to them, but I have never put much faith in these tales, believing them to be the musings of spiritualists and dreamers. And yet, I cannot ignore this strange compulsion as the space between my two hearts grows warm, where my scales would glow brightly if I found my fated one.

I’ve always been curious, an explorer. The unknown fascinates me. Even without the odd reaction my body has to this blazing meteorite, something about it calls to me and I must know why. I cannot push aside the gnawing feeling that this falling star is important. I trust my intuition. It has directed my path to my favor many times before, so I will not ignore it now.

My thoughts turn briefly to the betrothal ceremony and a heavy sigh escapes me. I know I have a duty to my family and our kingdom. But I must know what fell from the sky this night; I will not be at peace until I have an answer.

With a slight clench of my jaw, I cast my gaze out to the desert again and resolve to leave in the morning to investigate.

Chapter 3


“Lilliana?” a familiar voice sounds in my ear. “Wake up. Are you all right?”

A low groan escapes me as I open my eyes. Stabs of pain pierce my forehead when blinding light assaults my vision. I squint up at Skye as she grabs my hand to pull me into a seated position.

I wince at the movement. Everything hurts, my head most of all.

She gives me a pained smile, drawing my attention to the dark bruise on her chin. “Thank the Stars you’re awake. I was so worried.” Her voice is thick with emotion as she pulls me into a hug. “Anna told me you’d be all right, but I was terrified of losing you, too.”

I swallow the knot of grief in my throat as the image of her brother, Thomas, floats to the surface of my mind. “What happened? Where are we?”

“We crashed. And… I don't know where we are.” She shakes her head, resigned. “I don’t think anyone does.”

Anxiety fills me as I quickly scan the area, only now noticing at least five people lying on the ground and the rest bruised, limping, or injured like my best friend. However, I can’t spot Talia, Milo, or Anna. “Where are—”

Already anticipating my question, Skye cuts me off. “Everyone survived.” Her eyes dart to the side. “Some are still unconscious, but Anna has scanned everyone, and we should all be fine.”

A heavy sigh of relief escapes me, cut off halfway by a hiss at the sharp pain in my ribs. I band an arm across my torso as if that will somehow ease the deep ache. Since I couldn’t care less about modesty at this point, I lift my shirt and notice several dark bruises covering my body. No wonder everything hurts.

Talia appears at the edge of my vision. “Hey!” she calls out, looking no worse for wear as she stands beside her brother, who appears equally unaffected. “I’m so glad you’re finally awake.”

I blink up at her. “How long have we been here?”

“About twelve hours, give or take,” Milo replies. He glances over his shoulder. “Some of us are already putting together some makeshift structures for shelter.”

Despite their

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