tried to temper my hope so that I am not disappointed if it does not happen.

It is every Drakarian’s dream to find their fated one, but it does not happen for all of us.

My parents exchange another glance and then look back at me, their expressions hopeful. After a moment, my mother speaks. “Will you at least consider the possibility of bonding to a human?”

Little do they know that I have been eagerly anticipating meeting the humans with the hope that one of them is fated to me. That my mark will appear the moment I see one of them and I will know, without doubt, that she is mine and I am hers. I had worried, however, that my parents might be upset if this occurred, especially since I’ve heard that the humans are practically defenseless compared to our people.

They lack claws, fangs, scales and even wings. All the basic things one should have to defend one’s self against enemies or predators. From the way they have been described to me, I wonder how they have managed to survive as a species. But Varus goes on and on about his mate and how wonderful she is, insisting that she is strong in other ways.

A smile quirks my lips as I decide to tease my parents. “I have decided to lead a celibate life.”

Father’s eyes widen in shock and my mother gasps. “You cannot mean that,” she says. “How could you even consider such a thing? You are heir to the Earth Clan throne and—”

I try but fail to suppress a grin and mother sighs in relief. So does Father.

He narrows his eyes but it is easy to see the amusement that dances behind them. “You nearly stopped both my hearts with your words, my son. I thought for a moment you were serious about celibacy.”

I laugh. “I had to find a way to repay you for your coordinated attack.”

Mother scoffs and then tips up her chin. “I do not know what you are talking about.”

I cross my arms. “So you deny that this was a planned intervention before I left?”

Father grins as he looks to my mother. “Our son is wise. He knows us too well.”

“Of course, he is wise,” Mother smirks. “He takes after me.”

She leans forward and takes both my hands, her golden eyes shining at me full of a mother’s love. “While you are gone, your father and I will pray night and day to the gods for you to find your fated one among the humans as Varus has done. I long for you to be happy, Kaj.”

A smile tugs at my lips. “And you also want many grandchildren.”

She laughs. “That too.”

I sigh heavily. “I know you wish for me to find a mate. I wish for this as well. But I desire more than anything to have what the two of you do.” I pause. “I pray to the gods that the mark on my chest will glow someday… that I will find my fated one and know, without doubt, that she was destined for me by the gods.”

Father places a hand on my shoulder. “We wish this for you as well, my son.”

One of the staff steps onto the balcony and then bows low before us. “Forgive my intrusion,” he says. His gaze shifts to me. “Your cousin, Healer Ranas, is on the vid screen in the communication room. He says he must speak with you urgently, my prince.”

Without hesitation, I rush to the communication room. As soon as I press the button on the vid screen, his face appears on the display. “Cousin, you must come quickly. We need help!”

“What is wrong?”

“The Wind Clan. They attacked the city and tried to steal the human females. We defeated them, but many are wounded. Can you send more Healers?”

I blink slowly, shocked. How could this have happened? Females, regardless of species, are cherished and treasured among our people. Harming one goes against all codes of honor. “How many are injured?”

“About twenty humans.”

Panic coils tightly in my chest. From what I’ve heard, their species does not heal as quickly as ours, even with the use of my Clan’s healing fire. “We’ll be there as soon as possible,” I reply and then shut off the display.

I tap out a quick message to my parents, informing them that I am leaving immediately and assigning several more Healers to accompany me to the Fire Clan’s lands. As soon as I’m done, I shift into my draka form and take to the sky. I had wanted to bid them goodbye, but there isn’t time. Furiously pumping my wings, I ascend into the clouds.

Myriad thoughts flow through my mind. The last I’d heard, Prince Raidyn of the Wind Clan stole one of the human females from her crew in the desert. The only witness to this event was a human male named John, whom Varus does not trust.

Like myself, Varus does not believe Raidyn would have taken the female without good reason. Either she is his fated one or she was in danger. Either way, he would never harm her. However, the human male claims that Raidyn attacked them unprovoked and took the female against her will.

It does not make sense that the Wind Clan has now attacked and tried to take the humans from the Fire Clan capital. Why would they break their enduring treaty of non-aggression with Varus’s people?

A bellow shakes the air behind me, and I’m relieved to find more Healers already following in my wake.

An Earth draka with copper scales comes up beside me and I immediately recognize Rowan—my personal guard. His light-green eyes meet mine, full of determination. “Allow me to accompany you, my prince.”

I shake my head. “You do not have to come.”

“I may not have trained as a Healer, but I can still blow healing fire. I wish to be of help.”

It is no use arguing with him. Rowan is not just my personal guard, he is a close friend. Ever since we

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