the crashing sound like an axe splitting wood.

I observe in stunned silence as they fight the wolf. It clamps its jaws around the first one’s arm. He releases an inhuman roar as he punches at its snout to break free. The second man wraps his arms around its chest trying to pull it away from his brother.

The wolf cries out in pain, releasing his hold. I watch in shock as the man wraps his hands on either side of its face and twists.

A horrible crack slices through the air and the wolf goes still, collapsing to the ground in a crumpled heap. I stare in disbelief as its dead body shifts into that of a naked man with dark hair.

I turn my gaze to the two men. Panic fills me as my eyes rake over the many deep cuts and claw marks across their arms and bare chests. Each of them heavily wounded and bleeding. We’re far from the estate and any help. I’m surprised they are still able to stand. Panting heavily, they stare down at their kill in disgust.

“What just—” The rest of my question dies in my throat as one of the men collapses.

Despite my shock, I rush toward him and drop to my knees. I cup his cheek, turning his face to me. “Are you all right?”

His brother kneels beside us, concern evident in his green eyes. “Finn, how badly are you hurt?”

Finn winces as he looks up at his brother. “I... I should be better soon.” He barely manages. “Cash, you need to protect her in case there are more.” He places his hand over mine and closes his eyes as his head falls back.

Panic tightens my chest. I whip my head toward his brother. “We need to find help!”

Cash looks to me, his face lacking the concern that I feel. “He’ll be fine. We just need to find a safe and quiet place for him to recover.”

I blink at him in shock. My gaze darts to the deep cuts that mar Finn’s forearms and chest. Compared to Cash, it’s easy to see that he took most of the blows during the fighting. “He’s heavily injured. We need to get him to a healer. Now.”

Cash meets my eyes evenly. “Trust me. He will heal on his own. He just needs time. Do you have somewhere we can take him? Somewhere safe?”

The way his eyes scan the forest as if looking for any signs of danger sends a chill down my spine. Before he passed out, Finn warned there could be more wolves. I certainly don’t want to stay here to find out if he was right. Swallowing thickly, I push down my fear and force myself to focus. “Yes. We should go back to the estate.”

“Lead the way.” Cash carries Finn’s unconscious form as he follows behind me. I’m surprised by his strength and how easily he keeps pace with me despite his heavy burden.

I call out over my shoulder, “When we get there, I’ll send for the town’s healer.”

Cash shakes his head. “That won’t be necessary. He will heal. We just need somewhere safe for him to do it.”

I give him a wary look as we make our way out of the forest and back up the path to the estate. “I can’t help but notice you keep saying we need to get somewhere ‘safe.’ What do you mean? Are you worried there are more—” I pause, struggling to find the right word to describe what I saw, finally I settle upon “creatures like that wolfman back in the woods.”

“Yes,” Cash replies, his face hardening. “That, or something much worse.”

“There are worse things than that?” I ask incredulously.

“Unfortunately, there are. But you do not have to worry Ella. We will protect you.”

“You will?” I hate the small squeak in my voice as I ask, but I’m still so shaken by what I just witnessed, I cannot help it.

“Yes,” he replies solemnly. “With our lives.”

A disturbing realization hits me. I meet his gaze evenly. “How do you know my name? And why aren’t you more worried about your brother?”

A grin tilts his lips. “Trust me. He’s been injured far worse than this and recovered just fine. And as for your name... we came here to find you.”

I blink at him, astonished. “Why me?”

“It’s... a lot to explain,” he says, and I note the hesitation in his tone. “Once we’re somewhere safe, I promise I will tell you everything.”

“All right.” Strange as it may seem, I trust him. After all, he and his brother saved my life. If they hadn’t intervened, I’d probably be dead right now. And if they had meant me any harm, they could have done whatever they wanted to me in the forest. No one would have ever known.

I glance back over my shoulder again at Cash, carrying his brother. Myriad questions run through my mind but they’ll have to wait for later. Right now, I just want to get as far away from the woods as possible and hope nothing follows us.

I lead him up the side path to the estate gardens. Quickly, we move past all the flower and vegetable beds, skirting around the large fountain in the center. As we move past the tomatoes, I recall how only yesterday I picked several ripe ones to use for a stew. Back before I realized that shifters actually existed.

I lead Cash toward the tower in the far corner. It’s connected to the main house, but you wouldn’t know it from the state of disrepair. The worn and heavy wooden door creaks on its hinges despite my attempt to open it quietly. My gaze travels up the spiraling staircase that leads to my room at the top.

I look over my shoulder to the brothers. “We can take him to my room, but it’s at the top of the tower. Can you make it with him like that?”

“Of course.” Cash says this as if carrying a full-grown man, almost his exact size is

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