a bit being a father.”

“I know. Lisa’s got one of the good ones. He’s crazy about both his wife and son. I thought you didn’t care about having a family.”

“I guess I’ve never really thought about having one, and with Gini, well, there’s no way I want to even try. I’m happy with my life with her.” He looked at Debbie and smiled. “Really happy.”

“I know.” Debbie got up and patted him on the arm. She was surprised when she saw Gini slowly walking to the breakfast bar. Gini had a robe over her gown, but a sleeve, the right one, was twisted up inside, and her arm was caught up and bent.

“Baby, come here.” Debbie pulled the sleeve out and untangled Gini’s arm. “You’re doing so well dressing yourself.”

“Dee… bee, lah… uff.” Gini leaned into Debbie and hugged her.

“Boy, you two are lively this morning,” Debbie said. “What did you do all night?”

“In… ter… chorus.”

“Ohhh…” Debbie stood straight up and opened her eyes wide. She was not expecting that answer—intercourse—a new word for Gini.

Robert walked up to them. “Be careful what you ask.” He smiled at Debbie and raised his eyebrows.

Gini went from hugging Debbie to hugging Robert. Debbie blushed.

When Lisa arrived, the first thing Gini asked about was the baby. Lisa told her Lenny wanted to spend the day with Timmy alone, and she and Debbie were going to go clothes shopping for a new outfit for Debbie.

“Why?” Gini asked.

“One of my old friends is visiting next week, and, I, well, I just need some new clothes,” Debbie said.

Lisa had her arm around Debbie’s waist, and Debbie’s arm lay relaxed on Lisa’s shoulders. Lisa loved spending time with Debbie and was grateful that Lenny had no problem with the two ladies being together. Another man might be suspicious, knowing they had been lovers in the past, thinking that might tempt Lisa to be intimate with Debbie again, but she respected her husband too much to do that. Besides, they were close friends, and close friends—girls—could hug and hold hands without being out of place.

When Debbie and Lisa walked out together, Lisa hugged Debbie tighter. “This is going to be so much fun.” With her head cocked to one side, she smiled Debbie’s favorite flirty smile.

“Yes, it is, Leesy. Let’s go do it.”

Lisa was slightly built, about five foot three, with fine strawberry blonde hair. The strands seemed to have a mind of their own, a few wild pieces flying in all directions, which always amused Debbie. The faded freckles across Lisa’s nose, almost hidden in her fair skin, were another endearing feature. Even though Debbie always felt she was the mature one in their relationship, Debbie recognized how Lisa could ground her when she became frantic, or rude, or like a junkyard dog.

Robert was happy Debbie was getting back to a normal life. She had finally relaxed and was finding time for herself. She’d been so intense the last few months, taking on the added responsibility of another person’s well-being. He had worried about her.

Tuesday morning, Debbie woke with butterflies in her stomach. She tried to tell herself she was being ridiculous; Micky was a friend. Why was she so nervous about seeing her? But Debbie knew deep down she could still be in love with her and feared the feelings might be reciprocated. Debbie honestly did not know how she would deal with all that now. Her life was so different than when they were together in the past.

She jumped out of bed, took a shower, and started getting dressed and ready for Micky’s visit. Then she realized she still had to take care of Gini’s bathing, which they generally did together on the days Robert was at work.

She shook her head and put on some casual clothes and walked into the kitchen. Robert was putting on his overcoat to leave for work.

“I’m sorry, Robert. I can make a quick pot of coffee so you can take a cup with you.”

“No need. I have meetings all morning at the Long Wharf Hotel. I’ll get some there.” He turned and left the condo.

Everything was out of sync, and the butterflies were still there. She looked at the monitor. Gini was sleeping soundly.

She made sure she had all the ingredients for the luncheon Micky would attend, then went back to the monitor to check on Gini. She needed to calm down and relax. Her gaze rose up to the bottles of bourbon on the top shelf of the bar. Then she broke out laughing at herself. That’s all she needed, some laughter.

The rest of the morning was as every weekday morning was. Gini patiently waited while Debbie applied her own makeup and Debbie put a little lipstick on Gini’s plump lips.

“Be… uff, pree…tea.”

“Yes, you look beautiful, baby, like always.”

Gini smiled a big, bright smile, her dimples digging into her cheeks.

About eleven, Debbie walked into the kitchen just as her phone lit up. It was a message from Micky.

Listen, girl, my day has become crazy. I don’t think I can make it for lunch. I’ll keep in touch.

Debbie stood stunned, staring at her cell screen.

“Dee… bee…” Gini wrapped her arms around Debbie’s waist.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” She hugged Gini and kissed her on the top of her head.

The house phone rang.

“Yes,” Debbie answered.

“Ms. Jones and that cute baby are here to see you.”

Debbie grinned. “Howard, please send them up.”

Debbie and Gini walked to the elevator to help Lisa with the stroller when she arrived. As Lisa walked out, she gave Debbie a big hug. “Debs, I love your new hairstyle; it looks really good.”

“Come on,” Debbie said, “let’s get him out of that suit.”

Timmy looked like the Michelin Man in his insulated bunting, his arms sticking out away

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