with fire. He wanted someone who could handle him. He was meant to be Alpha someday and that meant his wolf was strong, dominant, and didn't take any shit. It also meant, he wanted his equal in the sack.

Sure, he'd had some killer flings. A few in the pack, but he'd learned pretty quickly mixing flings and pack usually ended up messy.

"Dude. Stop. I'm sure she's great. How many females have you met that don't measure up?"

He started to walk, Eric following suit.

"Eric. Do you have any idea what forever means?"

He shrugged.

"I'm serious, do you have any idea what it's like to know there is no out. Once mated, you mate for life or until death." West felt sick.

Ha. With his luck, she'd be crazy. Great. Why was he the first in three generations to not find his mate? Maybe there was something he was missing. What though? What if he could force fate's hand? He had to try something. Anything.

"Hey, Eric? When are they planning the party?" The pair walked outside, the heat of the desert hitting. Yeah, he hated this place already.

"Tonight. That's what I was trying to tell you. We need to go get some costumes."

Right. With that many wolves in one room, how could he not find his soulmate? The one that would complete him and his wolf. One that wouldn't bore the shit out of him while they lived. Of course, maybe he was looking at this all wrong. Maybe they'd have one of those diplomatic relationships. Maybe she'd be cool with just doing their own thing, once they had a cub to solidify the union. Fucking rules. He would have to sleep with her at least once. Was that how that worked? Get through it once? With his luck, that's not how it would work.

Damn. He was just fucked if he couldn't find her. If he was stuck getting mated, she needed to be the right one.

"Fine. Let's go find a costume. I'm not wearing tights though."

His brother shook his head. "You're taking the fun out of this."

West was on his last nerve. This had to work. "Eric, for once don't fuck with me. Let's go find something so I can get on with a new plan."

"I have no idea what you have up your sleeve, but it's usually good. So whatever. Just remember, tights show off your junk to ladies. I mean, Robin Hood probably got tail for days."

They mounted their bikes parked alongside the house.

"Eric, Robinhood probably didn't actually fucking wear tights. Whatever. Still no."

Pulling at the cord securing his helmet, he'd grabbed it off the bike. Pausing for a second, he tried to clear his head. In, out. He was getting mated. He wasn't ready. His wolf wasn't doing much better with the uncertainty of it all either.

Maybe the freedom of the road would help clear his mind, his soul, and shut the wolf up. His wolf. There was another losing battle. He was fine with the arrangement. They'd been at odds forever about mates. The wolf didn't seem to mind the duty, but he couldn't just stay in wolf form their whole mated life. The human side was going to need a partnership. The wolf needed instinct.

The engine roared to life, the throaty hum of his customized motorcycle. He wouldn't be getting rid of his bike. She'd better be fine hopping on the back for a while.

His jeans stretched over his thighs as he hugged the machine between his legs and took off down the street.

Costume, got it. He'd make this work. Fate was about to suck-it when he found the female he should have been with, not one his mother and father had deemed a good match.

West followed his brother, praying that tonight would be his answer.


"Colby, I look ridiculous."

Ellen watched as he fixed his top hat. "No you don't, you look hot."

Eyeing herself in the mirror, she thought she looked more like a fancy hooker.

"It's like Alice of the red-light district."

"Ellen, dear," Colby said, coming up behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders.

"It's called sexy Alice-in-Wonderland. And it's a themed costume. Be happy you didn't get sexy Queen of Hearts like Katie." They both looked behind them.

Katie yanked at the corset.

"I'm killing the person who designs adult costumes next time I have a minute, " Ellen said. "Also, why did you get to be the Mad Hatter?"

He grinned. "Have you seen my ass in these pants? You can't compete. Plus, I don't have those." He pointed to her breasts. "I can't fill out a dress like that. Make sure you don't slap someone with those. Not sure how well they will stay in that dress when you start to actually enjoy yourself and dance."

He twirled her around. "Now, for the finishing touch."

Colby slipped a dainty sparkly blue mask over her head and gently rested it against her face.

She put her hand up and helped him sit it above her nose and on her eyes.

"Masquerade ball, remember?"

She smiled. She couldn't forget. Tonight was some kind of answered prayer. The chance to be anyone but who she was. Alice escaping through a mirror. If only.

"Are you sure you want to come, Colby?"

He cocked his head. "I will deal with a bunch of dogs, as long as I get to see this little pup smile." Colby leaned his head against her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight in a backward hug.

She laughed.

"Oh, God. Please don't call them dogs. They will shred you."

Katie butted her way to the mirror.

"Yeah, Colby. And it's not a metaphor for hardcore sex. She means they will take you out back, let you get a head start and then hunt you."

Katie adjusted her boobs. Katie had the looks. The perfect figure. Not Ellen. She got the curvy genes that made her boobs way too big, her ass completely wrong for most pants, and God, she wouldn't even talk about her hips.

"I think my ass is hanging

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