was always told. He would know her by scent, magic. There was no rhyme or reason. But, would she be here? Or was he destined to be stuck with her - his mystery mate?

West walked the perimeter as he caught the scent of something, not wolf. There were several covens here, but this was different. This was fae and he hated their kind. Always screwing with people. Not at his party. West shifted his path, heading towards the stench near the door. As he approached he took another whiff and this time, he paused, catching something that had his dick twitching and his body aching with a foreign hunger.

West scanned the small crowd spilling through the large double doors and stopped on a short curvy blond creature. Their eyes met as she turned towards him. The air in the room dampened, the sounds gone. There was no one but her.

He needed to know her.

West took one uncomfortable step forward. Taking a deep breath, he tried to control his body. He fisted his hands, his muscles damn near shaking with restraint.

Nothing was going to help, his dick was going to have a zipper imprint for the remainder of this fucking party.

"Well, hello there," said a voice. He didn't care who it was, his eyes couldn't look away from the woman in front of him.

He stood toe to toe with the beautiful female and drew in her scent. Her body fidgeted as she drew her hands behind her back, pushing those delicious breasts closer to him.

Extending his hand, he offered it to her without words. There were no words to describe how badly he wanted her. No. Needed her. His raging hard-on wanted her, his body begged for her, but even just a simple touch of her hand eased a soul-deep yearning. He needed to feel her.

West's heart beat once, twice, three times and finally she pulled a hand out from behind her and even more slowly, she placed it in his.

Stepping backwards slowly, he pulled her into the crowd where the music's tempo was slow, rhythmic. An excuse to bring her close.

They settled somewhere among the bodies and he pulled her in, pausing, allowing her to pull away. She didn't, and instead, she came the remainder of the way.

Her thighs rested against his, her free hand sliding up his arm, resting on the back of his neck.

"Who are you," he asked.

Her breath hitched. "I should ask the same thing."

The feel of her breasts rising and falling against his chest only made him more aware of her. She was here, in his arms.

She wasn't going to make his life any easier, and fuck it if he cared.

Allowing his free hand to explore her above the costume, he tried to memorize her curves. He inhaled, trying to remember her scent. The perfume of her had been ingrained in his subconscious as if waiting for him to finally remember. It was the only thing he could do to keep himself from taking her in the middle of the dance floor. Suddenly this party didn't suck and neither did his life.

"Fine. No names, yet. By the end of the night I'll have you begging for mine," he whispered into her ear.

Closing his eyes he pulled her in. Without thinking his tongue darted out, tasting the outer ridge of her ear. She didn't pull away, and he took that as an invitation. Pulling in the lobe, he sucked on the soft skin. His lips trailed along the line of her jaw to the soft skin of her neck, stopping at her collarbone.

God, he needed to stop this. His pants were about to bust a stitch. The pain should have made him stop. This was all her fault and she should fix it.

She didn't seem like that kind of female though, but God, he needed her.

She moaned against his chest.

Air. Fuck he needed air. No, he needed her. Air could wait.

"Want to go outside," he asked?

Finally, after an eternity, she found her voice. "Yes."

God, he wanted this creature. His wolf pawed within, whining. Keening for her. Yeah, yeah. Down boy. He had this.

West started walking backwards, pulling away, but keeping her hands within his own.

As he turned, he released one hand and repositioned his grip on the other. She wasn't getting away.

Leading her out, the cool air of the night did nothing for the fire burning within him.

The second his feet hit the pavement he turned and pulled her in. Her lips were on his before he inhaled his next breath surprising him. Without missing a beat he answered her back, drawing her closer. Every breath she took, he took.

Every taste of her tongue drove him deeper and deeper into insanity.

He wanted her, no, he needed her. He couldn't take his next breath without her.

West's hands wandered. Instinct driving him to explore every inch of her.

Sucking in a gulp of air he pulled away. He bit back the need to claim her. God. No. He couldn't fuck up like that. Could he?


Ellen's mouth tingled as he pulled away.

Wait, why had he pulled away?

"Wait. No."

She looked up into his eyes, pools of blue sapphires. She'd seen him in her dreams. Well, maybe not. Maybe she'd dreamed him up and here he was.

Her wolf panted in need.

Down, girl. We're getting mated in, well when the hell was she getting mated again? She couldn't remember her damn name, let alone a stupid date.

If she did this, with him, it couldn't be undone. It wasn't cheating though, right? Not if you didn't know the person you were cheating on. She'd agreed to a loveless marriage. She'd agreed to what her father wanted for her, but right now this is about her.

What she wanted.

And, she wanted him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

God, she liked the sound of his voice. The deep baritone slipped beneath her skin, flowing like a river of molten sex.


Her panties were wet. Was that a real thing? Ellen had read all those steamy books,

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