
Leory entered the diner and took a seat in the rear booth.  This place hadn’t changed on bit in the last four years.  He actually started to feel a little remorse at the amount he had authorized his managed to offer for this diner, making a mental note to amend the amount as soon as he met with him again.

Thinking he would never be served, Leroy was preparing to leave when Sadie Ann started his way.

“Sorry for your wait, but we are crazy busy with the parade and all tomorrow.  You would think the President of the United States was coming instead of some old football wannabe,” she droned on never looking up as she flipped through her receipt book.

“Wannabe football player?  I wager others might disagree given that Edens’ signing bonus is more than most in this town will earn in a decade!” answered Leroy feeling his anger grow.  How could he have ever thought he loved this stupid bitch?

Recognizing the voice of the speaker at once, Sadie Ann snapped her head up to look at the man sitting in the booth.

“Oh, my god!  Leroy Edens … I never expected you would stop by to visit with us.  Mama will be so surprised,” Sadie Ann said turning to go find her mother.

Catching Sadie Ann’s wrist, Leroy softly whispered, “I didn’t come here to see your mama, Sadie Ann, and I don’t want everyone in this damned diner asking for autographs.”

Deciding on an additional pathway for his vengeance, Leroy used his thumb to caress Sadie Ann’s wrist as he continued, “I was hoping to see you and maybe arrange to spend some time with you later today before all the chaos starts.  I won’t be in town but a couple of days before heading off to camp.”

Sadie Ann’s mind began to race.  Could it be that Leroy Edens was the escape she had been hoping for?  Did he possible still have feelings for her that she could rekindle?  Sadie Ann knew her mama would forgive Leroy’s being black given the now sizeable bank account he possessed.  If Sadie Ann played her cards right in the next few moments, she might even get to feel the power in that magnificent dick she had long imagined.

“Me?  You came here to see me?” questioned Sadie Ann attempting humility but failing miserably.

Understanding Sadie Ann’s arrogance was simmering just beneath the surface, Leroy answered, “Sadie Ann … I couldn’t come back home without seeing you.  I was even hoping things might have changed somehow.  You know I have always cared for you …”

Never one to miss an opportunity, Sadie Ann quickly took Leroy’s order and sashayed away.  Returning with his coffee, Leroy noted the adjustments to her uniform.  The skirt was considerable shorter and at least one more button was undone.  Sadie Ann took her time leaning over to give Leroy a clear view of her nearly perfect breasts as she placed his utensils on the table.  The view she provided as she dropped her book leaving the table caused his crotch to quicken.  That heart-shaped ass was just as beautiful as he remembered.  Too bad, Sadie Ann was such a bitch, or he might actually consider taking her out of this godforsaken town.  Nonetheless, he would enjoy teaching her a lesson in humility.

The peep show continued for the entirety of his visit.  Sadie Ann made no mention of his presence to anyone else in the diner.  He knew this was not so much for him as for her.  Announcing his being there would only elicit competition for Sadie Ann, and Leroy remembered that Sadie Ann never did like opposition.  As he prepared to pay his tab, Leroy decided on a hundred dollar tip to seal his offer.

True to his expectations, Sadie Ann scratched her phone number along with the time she would be finishing up her shift on the receipt.

Retribution at Last

Instead of taking his daddy’s old jalopy, Leroy rented a late model sports car knowing he would have to remind Sadie Ann what could be if she were his girl.  When he called the diner to set up their date, Sadie Ann, ever the hypocrite, asked Leroy to wait for her a couple of blocks down the street from the diner.  Following each of her instructions, Leroy played along knowing he would be the victor this night.

About five minutes later than agreed upon, Sadie Ann Jennings appeared.  Outlined by Leroy’s headlights, Sadie Ann ironically appeared angelic with the light encircling her.  The lights also shone right through her cotton dress leaving little for Leroy to imagine and once more causing his dick to respond.  Nearly fifteen years of affection coupled with overlapping years of wrath was a strange mix of emotions, but one that stirred Leroy deep in his core.  He vowed to himself that he was going to more than enjoy this evening.  Leroy would leave this white whore useless for all those who followed him as none would be able to match his virility.  She would spend the rest of her life trying to recreate their coupling.  Yes, Leroy planned to leave her with the longing he had endured since they day he came to believe he loved Sadie Ann Jennings and suffered her multiple maltreatments.

As Leroy reached to open his door and then open Sadie Ann’s door, she instead quickly entered the car.  Leroy watched as she took in all of the expensive details of the vehicle.  Only then, did Leroy apologize for the rental telling Sadie Ann that she deserved to ride in a much richer car.  Sadie Ann smiled, placed her hand on Leroy’s thigh, and kissed him softly on the neck while ever so slightly rubbing her breasts against his arm.  The smell of her signature honeysuckle perfume filled his nostrils as he turned to take her mouth.

Leroy pulled Sadie Ann towards him and covered her mouth with his own.  Massaging her lips with his and tracing her lower lip with the tip of

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