at the kitchen table and remembered the strange knots in his stomach.

He had always assumed they meant everything was wrong, but he had misinterpreted them. He realized that now as he swung off his horse in the yard and helped Ross down. As he discovered the truth, he felt a weight slip off his shoulders. Zack could only hope now that Della would forgive him for his ignorance.

Together, they barged into the house as his sister’s family finished singing a Christmas carol.

Breathless, Zack pulled his hat off as he looked around the parlor. Every seat was full. His sister and her family sat around cheerfully. Two strangers who looked vaguely familiar sat in chairs. And beside them was Della.

When his eyes fell on her, he could feel the pounding in his heart start up all over again.

“Della,” he managed breathlessly.

She had the sweetest face. It reminded him of the mornings when she came over to visit Ross who always clapped for her. Even then, as he tried to collect his thoughts, Zack watched his son cross the room and tug Della up onto her feet. She glanced between the boys as she smiled nervously. But there was still that sparkle.

It was a Christmas miracle, he decided, the unconditional love she had shown his son. He only wished he had realized that sooner. But now, he had a chance to fix it.

“Hello, Zack. Is everything all right?”

“I’m in love with you.”

Everyone stared. Zack didn’t know what had compelled him to say it like that. But it was too late to take it back. He tried to smile as she stared in surprise. “I haven’t showed it well, but that’s because I didn’t realize it until now. After our missives and your arrival and how you took care of Ross, I… I couldn’t do anything else. I still don’t understand it, and I might need more time, but I do. Inside and out. I don’t know why it took this long, and I don’t know why you didn’t tell me about that mark, but it doesn’t matter. I love you.”

She started to smile and then paused. “But I did, Zack. I wrote you a whole letter about it… And I don’t… what changed? I mean, you didn’t tell me about Ross in your missives, and I haven’t…”

He shook his head. “But I did. I sent it after my invitation.”

Her brow furrowed for a minute before she started to laugh. Della covered her mouth as she crossed the room to him. “Then our correspondences must have been lost. No matter. That… none of that matters.” She took a deep breath and then smiled hopefully. “You may take your time, as long as you need it. I’ll wait here for you.”

When he took Della in his arms a second later, Zack was amazed at how right it felt. Just as he mustered up the courage to kiss her, however, Ross started to cheer. The two of them jumped as they remembered they weren’t alone.

Everything followed in a rush. Leah joined the cheer with laughter. The whole room brightened up at the news that Della was staying. Zack learned that the strangers were Della’s parents who had hoped to take her back to New York City.

Zack thought he would worry about that later. Della had promised to give him time.

However, by the following morning, his heart had lightened so much that before their noonday meal, he took Donald and Judy Prescott aside to ask for their blessing to marry Della. They agreed only after he promised to wait until June when they could visit again.

“What are you doing in June?” Zack asked when he pulled Della for a walk after the children had opened all their gifts. He’d had an early talk with his son, and everything was falling into place. Though it intimidated him to move so quickly, everything felt right.

Della cocked her head, her eyes tracing his features. “June? I’m not certain. Why?”

He stepped forward. “Because I think that will be enough time. And your parents said they’d be here.”

“Here?” She turned from him, but he grabbed her hand. “For what? These are all riddles… unless… Is this your idea of a proposal?”

Stepping forward, Zack managed a grin. “It’s been a few years since I had to do this. But yes. I want to marry you in June. I want us to have a life together. Ross loves you, and so do I. We didn’t have the strongest start, but I’m ready to make up for that. Will you have me?”

She took a deep breath as she looked through wide eyes. Della had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. All he wanted to do was take her face in his hands and study her for the rest of his life. It was the strangest feeling, but he didn’t want it to end.

“Yes,” Della beamed. “I will.”

Zack almost laughed in disbelief. Everything had changed so quickly. The grief he had been buried in no longer felt so heavy. He felt like he could almost dance. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Della. It was only the second time he had done so, and Zack was ready for a lifetime of doing so. And finally, he kissed her.

The End

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