and the fantasies you envision exploring. Your pictures are incredible, your curves so luscious and feminine.

This feels like a situation that blurs the lines, and when you seek to create exceptional experiences, you need the right individuals who are willing to give it all. I am interested in having a serious conversation with you and exploring the possibilities. I have specific attributes that would lend themselves to your Academy. An impressive length for starters, and a wicked eye for detail. I am a man of voracious sexual appetite, who’s lust knows no boundaries.

Please, Caitlin, take me into your academy! Yes, together, we will bring tantric sex to another level, one that is ultimately higher in orgasms, you will feel something that you never experienced before. I will take you to new heights of sexual pleasure. I am devoted to creating an environment that is pleasure centric, Tantric, and exquisite.

– Ryan xxx

Sounds like a willing and enthusiastic student, thought Caitlin. Ryan certainly seems keen enough, his pictures showed an earnest young man, dark hair, boyish look, his age of 26 not completely matching his cute, boyishly youthful look. Nice slim build, lean but muscular. A model looks, with piercing blue eyes, stubble brushing across the jaw, like a sand-swept landscape. I could imagine getting a rash from that, Caitlin mused as she considered how to answer to Ryan. She decided the best course of action was to meet her applicants on their own level if they showed promise, she could craft them towards higher learning, in subtle ways, guiding her students to become more than they ever expected or anticipated was possible, with that in mind, she thoughtfully tapped out her response to Ryan.

After seeing your pictures, we definitely need to discuss this further. I think you will be a perfect student for my sex academy. Are you available for an interview in person? I want to find out some more about you. Xx Caitlin

After just a few minutes, Ryan came back with an avid reply,

Thanks so much for writing again so promptly, lets set up a meeting in person soon, I would like a tour of your Academy, I look forward to getting to know you on a deeper level.

Your fervent student to be, Ryan xxx

Chapter Four

Caitlin spent the evening preparing a report card for Ryan as well as preparing documents for the other hopefuls who would reply over the coming days and weeks. Jake still hadn’t answered back a second time, and his first message had seemed possessive, so that didn’t work in his favor. Caitlin wasn’t going to be messed around by applicants that kept her waiting, either they stepped up and showed their passion and enthusiasm like Ryan did, or they were scratched.

Though she had started this process on a bit of a whim, a spontaneous expression that took flight, now Caitlin found that her idea of how to run her sex academy was beginning to take shape. It would be a multi-level application, first messages on the dating site as the initial test. If the applicants passed and agreed to continue, she would take it to private messaging on a live service. Following that, a video chat or phone chat would also play a part, if they passed all parts of the process, they would be invited to her home, which was a magnificent triple story Edwardian house in the city, itself, a former teaching wing of a nearby college. The students would then spend a semester in her own personal harem, being educated in the fine art of sexual performances, she also hoped to find an exceptional learner who could be mentored in tantric sex, this exploration would dive into hidden depths of mental, physical and spiritual connection.

Lycan was the next applicant, he described himself as a horny Wolf-man with animal tendencies, he howls during orgasm and has been known to shapeshift when making love.

Well, that’s curious, thought Caitlin, I need to know more. A few messages were swiftly exchanged between them, it soon set the stage for him to be invited to a live texting session. Caitlin messaged Lycan a time for the early evening the following day and provided him with her personal message app details. We will see what this Lycan is all about; he seems a strong contender, comes from old wealth, owns large swaths of forestry, and is dedicated to conservation. Caitlin approved of his idealism, his rugged good looks held mesmerizing blue eyes which pierced her computer screen and sent shivers down her back.

Caitlin prepared for her virtual date the next afternoon by taking a long bath in scented oils, she lit aromatic candles which were scattered around her upstairs lounge room, at precisely five minutes to the hour, Caitlin snapped open her laptop and logged into the texting app. Lycan was online and waiting for her. Caitlin lay back on her chaise lounge, her long fingers tapping the keyboard, light clicking sounds the only noise in her candlelit room. She soon struck up a conversation with Lycan, talking about her vision for the sex academy.

My dear Caitlin, it would be nice to have some female company, since seeing your pictures, I think of you always, I am interested in being in your academy, and feel I have some talents to share with you. But we are only talking, my dear, hypothetically, as you have not invited me yet, so we don’t know what will happen. I would love to give you a full body massage sensual slow and gentle with sweet-smelling moisturizing cream. And then for you to return the favor. Then we would be so horny we could have cute romantic, unforgettable sex. What do you think of that idea, my beautiful Princess?

There was something otherworldly about the Wolf-mans reply, that name for starters, he appeared much older in his written words than what was stated on his profile, which was just 28.Caitlin gazed thoughtfully out across the city lights before preparing her reply to

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