into a good college.

While Mom worked and Juliana slept, I studied every computer language book I could find until I could code new programs in my sleep. Technology was growing by leaps and bounds and only seemed to be more promising in the future. That’s where I set my sights from an early age. Fueled by vengeance, but determined, nonetheless, I vowed our little family would never struggle again.



“When you’re right, you’re right. I’m glad you talked me into taking off work and starting our boys’ trip a few days early. This is exactly what I needed. The first day of October in the Caribbean does not suck at all.” I’m talking to my best friend, Kevin, but my eyes are glued to a hot brunette’s ass as she passes by. “Damn, would you look at that? Her ass looks like a volleyball—hard and plump. Makes me want to sink my teeth into it.”

“Man, she’s fine, all right. She keeps glancing over her shoulder at you, Rod. Annnnd she’s slowing down now. Are you going over there to talk to her or what?”

“Or what. The ladies come to me, dude. I’m not chasing tail for the two weeks we’re here. Tail chases me.”

“My bad, my bad. I keep forgetting what a catch you are.”

“Was that sarcasm I detected? That’s no way to treat your wingman.”

He chuckles and takes another swig of his beer. “After all the shit you gave me over picking this destination for our getaway, you deserve worse.”

This “destination” is a singles resort in Punta Cana. There’s clear blue ocean, white sand beaches, and sexy, half-naked ladies as far as the eye can see in every direction. It’s not exactly Hedonism II for singles, but it’s pretty damn close. Since they celebrate Halloween for the entire month, they’ve also planned a couple of costume parties during the time we’re here to further nurture the party atmosphere.

After several minutes of eye-fucking the brunette with the nice ass from behind my shades, giving her every opportunity to proposition me to no avail, I turn my attention elsewhere. If she’s not bold enough to make a move and accept my open invitation, she’s not bold enough for the bedroom antics I have in mind. Our other two friends, Hunter and Jace, rejoin us at our spot poolside with four ice buckets full of bottled beer.

“Man, that bartender is the woman of my dreams. I’ve used every line in the damn book to get her attention, but that nut ain’t cracking.” Hunter turns his gaze toward the poolside tiki bar and shakes his head. “I would rock her world if she gave me half a chance.”

“Hunter, the chick works here, man. She’s heard more lines than you could ever dream up. She’s nice to you because it’s her job and she’s dressed to kill for the tips. Besides, that girl is so far out of your league, you’d have to be an astronaut to reach her.” Jace grabs a beer from his bucket and takes off after a girl who catches his eye, not giving Hunter a chance to rebut.

“Will he score this time? Let’s analyze his approach. He’s confident but approachable. He’s showing his best smile and bleached-white teeth. There’s the subtle touch, ladies and gents. He went for the simple tactic of stroking her long hair between his fingers and letting it flow across his palm—innocent but suggestive. Watch how his knuckles graze across the exposed skin of her chest. It worked! She steps closer to him, looking up at him from under her eyelashes and smiling sweetly.

“Wait. What’s happening? Her expression changed suddenly, and she’s looking to her friends for advice. Jace pours on the charm, trying to sway the estrogen pack in his favor. Will he be able to close the deal this time, or will he be shot down once again? The suspense is killing me.”

Kevin and I stare at Hunter, who is completely oblivious to our silence during his monologue. Even though I want to tear my eyes away and check on Jace, I can’t figure out if Hunter is jealous or impressed. Maybe both? Or neither?

“No fucking way.”

Kevin and I simultaneously jerk our heads toward Jace in time to see him wrap his arms around the shoulders of all three ladies at once. He glances toward us, with a satisfied smirk on his face before the four of them disappear inside the luxury resort together.

“You know what this means, boys?” I lift my beer to my lips and take a long pull from the plastic bottle.

“What?” Kevin replies, but his attention is definitely elsewhere.

“We have to up our game exponentially. Jace just went up to the room with three girls. We’ve been here three full days without a decent score. The next ten days will be hell on earth if we don’t find a way to show him up.”

“Oh, fuck. You’re right, Rod. We’ll have to listen to him bragging every fucking day for the rest of our lives. Any chance there’s a penthouse orgy we can get invited to? Rod, you’re loaded, you know people. Get us on the list, man.” Hunter swipes the sunglasses off his face and stares at me expectantly.

“I don’t know what the hell you think I’m involved in when you’re not around, but I don’t belong to a secret society of swingers.”

“But you have one-night stands all the time. You have to meet them somewhere.”

“Yeah, on my own. I’ve never been to a sex club. Sorry to disappoint.” I shrug and finish my beer while it’s still cold in this heat and humidity. “Not that I wouldn’t visit one if the right person invited me. I’d have to scope it out first.”

“I’m going to mingle. Catch you losers later.” Hunter saunters off and joins a group of ladies in the pool.

“Want to put money on how long it’ll take before one of them tries to drown him?” Kevin nods toward the disappearing smiles and open

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