the heir of Cantrada assassinated. How would we rally the human slaves without him?

The demons dragged him through the door, rounding around the corner. At the last possible moment, his eyes flickered open.. He caught the glimmer of the fear and uncertainty on my face, and began to struggle against the demons. Impressively he managed to fight them all off temporarily, until another seizure hit him hard. Then he was gone, he screams echoing off the corridor. My cell door slammed shut, and I was alone.

I wouldn’t cry.

I backed into the corner again, blinking away tears. I could just shift away at any time, couldn’t I? The thought helped keep my panic at bay, and I gathered my knees to chest. It was so cold here. I wished for once I had worn more clothing. I wished for a lot of things, but mostly, just to lay my head against the chests of my mates one last time.

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