love for her.

"What does that mean, Tavis?"

"Will ye be my wife?"

"I am now."

"Nay, ye but hold my name. Will ye hold my heart as weel?"

"Oh, Tavis, 'tis a most precious gift, and I will cherish it as it deserves," she whispered huskily, and proceeded to show him so to the best of her ability throughout the night, an endeavor that Tavis did his best to reward in kind.

None of those in the hall were surprised to see nary a sign of the pair as day proceeded into night and edged toward day again.

Copyright © 1988 by Hannah Howell

Previously published as Amber Flame.

All rights reserved.

Published in 2004 by arrangement with Leisure Books, a division of Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

Thorndike Press® Large Print Core.

The tree indicium is a trademark of Thorndike Press.

The text of this Large Print edition is unabridged.

Other aspects of the book may vary from the original edition.

Set in 16 pt. Plantin by Carleen Stearns

Printed in the United States on permanent paper.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Howell, Hannah.

His bonnie bride / Hannah Howell.

p. cm.

ISBN 0-7862-6537-X (lg. print : hc : alk. paper)

1. Highlands (Scotland) — Fiction. 2. Kidnapping

victims — Fiction. 3. Large type books. I. Title.

PS3558.0898H57 2004



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