do what she asks and have her and David’s friend do it.

Honey opens the door and waves me in as she follows in behind me. We look around, and Honey opens some books, flipping through all the artwork. I walk over to the corner, looking at all the different designs on the wall when a man comes into the lobby from the back.

His gaze instantly lands on my sister, and he smiles. “Hey, Honey.”

Honey looks up at him. “Hey, Ozzie. This is my sister, Ginger.”

Honey points over to me, and I don’t have any time to shut my mouth, which has dropped open. Ozzie is all man. His arms are covered in tattoos. He has hair that is a little longer and hangs over his brow. His dark eyes seem almost black as he looks back at me. Stunned, I can barely get a word out, so it’s more of a grunt.

Honey’s head flips toward me, and I know she’s surprised. I’m usually the one that is flirty and comfortable in any situation. I’ve never been stunned silent. Not until now.

Ozzie is staring back at me, but it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking. There’s no smile, no frown, nothing. He’s just looking at me, and for a second, I think he’s looking at me in interest. But maybe that’s just me hoping. His eyes travel down my body, and I swear his gaze burns into me as it goes back up to my face. My whole body feels like it’s twenty degrees hotter. If him looking at me does this, I can just imagine what it would be like if he touched me. I rub my thighs together at the thought of it.

Finally, I snap out of it. “I’m still deciding what I want.”

“But—” Honey interrupts.

I give her a look, hoping she can tell that I want her to be quiet, and thankfully she shrugs her shoulders and closes her mouth. Her eyes are as big as saucers, so I know she’s trying to figure out what the heck is going on with me. This is definitely not like me. Not at all. I’m the flirt. I’m the one that is nice and over friendly with everyone, so for me to be stunned quiet, I know she doesn’t know what to think.

Ozzie nods his head, his eyes looking at me curiously. “Okay, if you want to look at the books and try to get an idea, I just finished my last tattoo so I’m going to clean up the room before I take you back.”

I nod my head, not trusting my voice.

When he walks back out the door he just came in, I run over to Honey. “You have to go.”

“What?” she asks loudly, confusion etched on her face.

I put my hands on her shoulders and turn her toward the door. This is completely out of character for me. I don’t even know what I’m doing at this point, but I know I want to be alone with Ozzie. “I want to do this by myself. I got it.”

She’s walking toward the door, but she’s shaking her head at the same time. “Ginger, I don’t know about this.”

“What? You said he’s friends with David, and he trusts him. It will be fine.”

She stops and turns to face me. “What is going on, sis? I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s up.”

I roll my eyes. Honey always was the one that was more levelheaded. She’s kept me out of more trouble than I want to admit. “Nothing.” And then I shake my head, not wanting to lie to my sister. “I want to be alone with Ozzie.”

“You just met him,” she says, her eyes wide.

“Yeah, well, I know what I want. So will you please go?”

She grabs my arm. “Ginger, what are you doing? This isn’t like you.”

“It’s not like I’m going to ask him to have sex with me on the table or anything.” I roll my eyes, acting as if I’m offended ,but in reality, if given the opportunity, I can’t deny that the thought of doing just that isn’t tempting.

Honey, always one to look at all angles of a situation, persists. “You rode here with me. How will you get home?”

“I will call you if I need a ride.”

Finally, Honey turns. “I don’t like this, but I’ll go.”

I squeal a little. “I love you, sis. I’ll call you later.”

Honey walks out the door, and I turn back toward the counter. I fluff my hair and straighten my shirt that’s hanging off my shoulder and then take a few deep breaths.

“Hey, I’m done,” Ozzie says as he walks into the lobby.

He’s looking around the room, and I feel I have to explain. “Honey had to go.”

He doesn’t question why, only asks me, “Do you want to reschedule?”

“No, I’m good. I mean I’m ready,” I stutter, shaking my head.

He smiles then. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, showing off all the tattoos on his arms. He crosses them on his chest, and even though he’s smiling at me, his face is still guarded. “Great. So did you figure out what you want?”

“You,” I say loud and clear. Even from where I’m standing I can see his eyes darken. My panties are soaked, knowing exactly what I want from Ozzie. And it’s when the silence continues that I realize how hard I’m staring at him almost as if I’m daring him to come and take me right now that it hits me. Oh heck, did I just say that out loud?

He walks toward me, slow and steady, his eyes never leaving mine. His nostrils are flared, there is heat in his eyes, and I swallow hard. Yep, I definitely said it out loud.



I’ve never been more turned on in my life. When I

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