ground my teeth, counted one, two, three, imagining each number was a blow, and I pummeled the thought back.

By the time I opened my eyes, sweat beaded on my temples. It was time to board. I stood in line for the bus and swept a cursory glance across the other passengers when I stepped into the aisle. No fae. I headed straight toward the back where no one else was eager to go, unable to stomach anyone sitting behind me. Better the smell of waste than driving myself insane with paranoia. As it was, my sanity was already in question.

I sat down with a thump, the smell of cleaning fluid making my stomach churn. Twenty-four hours to go until I could escape from the unique odor that was the bus latrine. Then maybe a few weeks at a new place. Or, since it was a smaller town, perhaps I could last there for a month this time. I hoped so. Unless the queen acted up again, crowding out my thoughts until I had to pay attention to her. Whenever that happened, I’d run again. Running helped—it meant figuring out how to feed myself, find a safe place to crash, get another minimum-wage job. I got so focused on survival that I didn’t have any spare space in my mind for the queen to grab hold of.

But running for the rest of my life? I shuddered. One day, I’d tire of the running—of fighting. I was already exhausted. How much longer before I gave up? I shook my head, unwilling to think on it too much. For now, I focused on visions of Texas at Christmastime, a welcome change from New York’s bitter-cold winter. I needed to research busy jobs—see what was out there that could keep my mind occupied. Out of her grasp. Maybe I needed to work two jobs. Or three. Whatever it took so I didn’t have to run so much.

I could do this. I could beat her.



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About the Author

AC Washer is a chocaholic masquerading as an author.

To learn more about the dangers of early exposure to chocolate and its life-long effects, visit… Okay, not really. But you will get the inside scoop on all things Reigning Fae!

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