“I guess I thought when they sent me back to Lydia’s I’d have a few days of normalcy before jumping into working for the enforcers.”

Quinn stopped what he was doing, turned, and crossed the room to her. Becka backed up, running into the wall. Quinn stopped just as their bodies touched.

“Even if Saige and I weren’t here, do you think that would be possible?” he asked.

Between the sugar on her lips and the smell of his skin, she couldn’t remember what she thought. “That what was possible?”

His lips hitched a grin. “Normalcy.” When she didn’t answer, he continued. “Do you think after you’ve become who you are now that things could ever go back to how they were?”

Becka sighed. “No. I’ll always have the Null gift and I’m heir to House Rowan unless they kick me out again. But I can want what I want.”

He leaned in and took a deep breath. “There’s what we want, and then what life throws at us.”

“Uh huh,” she answered.

“So, I’ll ask again. Is me being here a problem? Because if it is, I can get another room somewhere nearby.”

“You can stay,” Becka replied. “I know it’s safer and smarter all around. But you have to get your own Oreos.”

He laughed. “Noted. Have you looked at those journals yet?”

Becka nodded, but then pressed a finger across his lips. “I know there’s a mountain out there waiting for me, but can you just give me tonight to do something mindless so I can stop worrying about who will try to kill me next?”

Sadness flitted across his expression, but was soon replaced by a heat burning deep in his amber eyes. “I can think of a few mindless activities to pass the time.”

Her lips grazed against his cheek, the heat between them electric. “I’m confident you can,” she whispered. Becka slipped sideways out from underneath him and backed out of the doorway into the hall. “But for tonight, it’s all about Baking Wars.”


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Thanks to Zippy Wizard Redaction and 5280editing for their editing services.

Special thanks to Jen for her support, critiques, and insight.

And to my friends and family who've been a source of unending strength, laughter, and wine over the years: thank you for the inspiration.

And lastly, to my partner, Lee. Thank you for running alongside me in this journey. Your enduring support and candor mean the world to me.

About the Author

Candice lives in Denver, Colorado with her son and their cat Newt. A professional hedonist, rabble-rouser, winemaker, and goat-herder, she adores archeology and mythology. Candice focuses on habit hacking to meet minimalist, health, productivity, and positive mojo goals, and sometimes even blogs about it. An unrepentant epicurean, she grows heirloom tomatoes and ferments a variety of sauerkraut, sourdough, kombucha, pickles, and water kefir.

If you would like to know when she has new books out, please sign up for her newsletter here. Email her if the mood strikes you.

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Also by Candice Bundy

The Shadow Series

Shadow in the City, Prequel Short

Twinned Shadow, Book #1

Buy here

Poisoned Shadow, Book #2

Buy here

The Depths of Memory Series

The Dream Sifter, Book #1

Buy here

Dreams Manifest, Book #2

Buy here

The Liminals Series

The Daemon Whisperer, Book #1

Buy here

Ripples, A novella

Buy here

For a list of my full catalog of available titles, visit my Amazon Author Central page.

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