beautiful, Marion! Just beautiful!” Tuck said and Will nodded in agreement.

     “Have you decided on a name for her yet? What about Anna? Or Alanna?” John asked as they all laughed, including Marion.

     “They are both beautiful names, John. But I already have a name. I decided to name her Robin,” Marion said and Tuck smiled. Will shrugged.

     “Robin Hood? That’s not very original," he said with a look of confusion, Tuck smacking the back of his head.

     “It’s a tribute you idiot!” Tuck said and Will laughed.

     “I was kidding!” Will replied, rubbing the back of his head.

     Little Robin opened her eyes, they burned a brilliant green. Tuck looked into her tiny eyes and frowned.

     “You know, this one is going to be trouble," he said with a wink.

     The city was undergoing a massive change and had been for the last few months. The treasures that Nigel had collected from the castle had indeed gone to the homeless, but he had gone one better. Nigel had seen to the construction of the Robin Hood Housing project, which saw the construction of a massive new development of buildings that would house thousands of homeless people.

     A white marble statue of Robin had been erected out the front of the two buildings, a hood over his head as he held out his bow with an arrow set into it pointing in the direction of the castle ruins in the middle of the city.

     Friar Tuck continued to work at his Friar’s bar, which thanks to the help of his legendary tales had become one of the most popular places to drink in the entire city.

     John Little went on to write books, writing of the legendary exploits of Robin of Loxley. He also would help Marion raise the child when time allowed.

     Will Scarlet became captain of The Alanna, leaving Sherwood to explore the galaxy with a band of alien outlaws. They would continue Robin’s work on other planets of the galaxy and make sure no one ever forgot the name Robin Hood.

     And then there was Marion, who not only had a child to raise but a city to run. Marion was elected to become the Governess of the city of Sherwood. She vowed to restore peace to the sprawling city and invoke a new system of government that would not only protect the wealthy but would take special care of those who had no homes or food. She turned the red light district into a support area for the homeless and chose it to serve as the location for the Robin Hood Housing project buildings; great skyscrapers that were constructed just to house those who had fallen on desperate times.

     Marion knew there would still be difficult times ahead, but from the balcony of her Sherwood Forest cabin, she looked out from her rocking chair, nursing baby Robin in her arms as she rocked away, running her fingers through her daughter’s hair and gazing into her beautiful emerald eyes. One life ends, and another begins.

Epilogue: eighteen years later..


Deep in the city, a young woman ran for her life, screaming out for help as she struggled to keep a hold of her groceries. The two men chased her down the dark alley as she stumbled onto her face, splitting her lip and spilling groceries everywhere.

     One of the men pulled out a knife, holding it to her throat.

     “You’re yummy lassie ! Why don’t ya do a dance for daddy?” he asked with the voice of a snake as the other guy laughed like a wild hyena.

     “Let her go!” A woman’s voice screamed out from somewhere in the darkness and the two men looked up suddenly. They exchanged glances looking left to right, fear taking over them.

     “I SAID LET HER GO!” The woman’s voice repeated as the woman they had jumped grabbed what groceries she could before running out of the alley.

     Out of the shadows, in a shiny green leather suit with a hood stepped a woman, a long bow in her hands armed with two green laser arrows, and it was trained on the attackers.

     The men raised their knives preparing to run for the emerald clad woman, but she fired the laser arrows which disarmed them both. The two men screamed, each clutching the hands that were blasted by the arrows, creating nasty wounds.

     “You shot us! Who the hell are you, lady???” one of the men screamed and the woman stepped into the light to reveal a pale face with dark hair beneath the hood, green eyes and green lipstick on her mouth which creased into a smile.

     “I’m Robin Hood," she said.






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