She had to hold back a snort and the laughter starting to build up inside of her. Poor man was cornered and had no way to escape. She could take pity on him and do something to rescue him. Teddy wouldn’t though. She had no way of discerning the man’s identity, and it would put her in an awkward position. Teddy hated scrutiny.

“Wonderful,” Lady Windley said. “I’m so, so glad.” She practically cooed out the words. What was she trying to do? Seduce him?

Teddy gagged a little. The gentleman sounded much younger than Lady Windley. Did he even find her attractive? She hoped she didn’t have to listen to them do…well, whatever two people in an active seduction did.

“Um, yes…” That tone sounded almost like a frightened animal trying desperately to escape. “I’m, um, glad you’re glad.”

A giggle escaped her mouth. She lifted her hand and covered it as fast as possible. Good grief. He was running out of words and kept repeating himself. This conversation was the most interesting thing she’d witnessed all night.

“Did you hear that?” Lady Windley asked.

“Hear what?” he said.

“That sound…” She sighed. “You really didn’t hear it?”

Teddy held her breath. Drat. She should not have given in to that giggle. They would discover her hiding place and then it would be all over. It was fun while it lasted.

“I’m afraid I did not.” The man sounded a little relieved. “Perhaps you should go to the retiring room and see if your daughter needs you. Is that not where you were going when we crossed paths?”

“You are right, of course, “she said and sighed again. “She does need me. Will you wait for my return?”

Teddy wished she could see his face. He clearly didn’t seem to want to spend any more time with her. Who was he? How had he found himself in his current predicament? Teddy was worse than a cat with her curiosity. Maybe she could follow him back to the ballroom. There it would be easier to identify him.

“Perhaps,” he said cryptically. “I must check on my sister.”

“Of course you do,” she replied easily. “She is fortunate to have you to protect her.”

That was a good trait. Not all family members could be relied upon. Unfortunately, Teddy understood that too well.

“I like to think so,” he said. “But she would disagree. She calls me beastly often.”

“She’ll think differently one day. When she truly understands what you are doing for her.” Lady Windley laughed. “All young ladies believe they know best. Now, I’ll let you get back to your sister, and I’ll go see to my daughter. I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. If you do not, come find me, and I’ll rectify that immediately.”

Teddy breathed a sigh of relief as her footsteps echoed as she walked away.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” His tone was husky as he spoke. “What are you hiding from? Hmm?”

Teddy swallowed a lump in her throat, as she met his gaze. Drat… Somehow, she should’ve known. This man was the one gentleman she desired. Even when she knew better. He was a rake and handsome as sin, and Teddy wanted him. “Hello, Lord Carrolton. I could ask you the same thing. Are you hiding?”

Ezra stared down at the lovely woman in front of him. She seemed to be aware of his identity, but he couldn’t recall ever being introduced to her. He definitely wanted to rectify that neglect on his part. He most definitely should have paid attention to this gorgeous lady.

“You caught me,” she replied dryly. “I’m skulking behind this potted plant. I didn’t wish to disturb your tête-à-tête with Lady Windley.”

“Were you now?” He lifted a brow, then leaned a little closer and said, “Tell me the truth. You were hoping to witness something scandalous.”

“That is absurd,” she scoffed. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open for a brief moment before she spoke again. “I’d never…”

“You most certainly would,” he interrupted her. “Your cheeks are flushed, there’s a hitch in your breath, and dare I say…a sparkle in your eyes. You, my dear, are excited. What do you believe would’ve happened in the corridor?”

She shrugged. “I honestly had no expectations when I left the ballroom. I knew one thing with certainty.”

“And what was that?” He lifted his lips into a half-smile. He liked her. If only he knew her name…

“That balls are designed to torture those in attendance, and I had to make a hasty retreat.”

She said it so seriously it took him aback for several moments. “I thought all ladies adored balls and dancing.”

“I assure you my lord that not all ladies are that frivolous.” She glanced away from him and down the hallway. “Are you expecting Lady Windley to return?”

“Are you still hoping for some scandal?” He winked. “I don’t need Lady Windley to assist you in that endeavor.”

What was wrong with him?

He should not be dallying with a proper young lady in a secluded area. It might lead him to a leg-shackling that he hoped to avoid at all costs. She was pleasant enough, but Ezra had no desire to wed anyone. He’d make a terrible husband. He really did like her though…

“I’m sure you’re capable of a great many things, my lord. I have no interest in any of them.” She lifted her chin high as if to belittle his efforts.

He couldn’t let that go easily. He had to make her understand he was a rake, and a gentleman of his stature took a dare like hers seriously. He took a step closer to her until there wasn’t much distance between them. Ezra leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I do not believe you.”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Believe what you will. It matters not to me.” She stepped back and hit the wall. He had pinned her in place without actually touching her. Escape was impossible unless he moved out of her way. He would. When he was ready…

He placed his hand on

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