him how you can kick his butt.”

My face was getting redder by the second. Every word that fell from Easton’s lips made me glare harder at the douche in front of us. “Go play with your stuff.” I pointed at the toys Easton had left on the sand a few feet away.

I turned back at the guy. “Not everyone can be smart. Some guys were born stupid, and no matter how much they try… they stay that way.” I aimed my words at Easton as I stared daggers at the guy. I didn’t know him, but as I glanced over at his posse, I saw Dean. He was laughing, and high fiving his friends. I don’t know why he thought trying to humiliate me was a good idea, but he did.

“You think you’re so cool?” I shouted in his direction. “You gotta send one of your goonies over here to harass my brother? What the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted. I was starting to draw attention, but I didn’t care at the moment. “Why don’t you do your own dirty work?” I stormed in his direction, and his buddies backed up, letting me pass.

His smirk made my blood boil, and when I reached him, I just stood there staring up at his smug face. “I can’t believe I ever loved you,” I growled.

“I can’t believe I lasted as long as I did without you giving it up.” He shrugged. “Better warn the next guy so he doesn’t waste his time.” He barely got the words out before I pulled my fist back and connected with his jaw.

“Bitch!” He hissed as he cupped his cheek.

I stood there, ready for a fight as his friends all stared at us. I shook my hand as my fingers stared to tingle from the impact, but refused to let him know that I was hurt.

“Let’s get out here,” one the guys muttered as he started to pull at Dean’s shoulder. “She’s crazy.”

“Damn right she’s crazy.” He glared at me as he started to turn away.

“Bet Brittany can make that feel better.” Another one laughed.

“I’m sure gonna find out.” Dean laughed as he walked away. His words hit me straight in the chest, causing me to stumble back toward Claire. It shouldn’t hurt like this. Now that I know what a tool he is, it shouldn’t matter, but it does. It hurts worse than any punch or kick could. It hurts enough that all I want to do is lie in bed and stuff myself with rocky road ice cream.

“You ok?” Claire handed me a bottled water when I sat back down.

“Not really.” I flexed my fist a few times. “He always was a hard head.” I laughed lightly to mask the pain.

“Where’d you learn to hit like that?” Claire asked with genuine interest. “As much time as I’ve spent with you over the years, I’ve never seen you punch something.”

“My dad taught me.” I shrugged. It really wasn’t a big deal to me. I guess growing up with a dad who was a professional fighter made this seem kinda normal. “I used to harass him all the time when I was younger. I practically lived at the gym when he was still on the circuit. Over the years, he’d teach me stuff. I haven’t used any of it since I was about fifteen. Boys were always kinda afraid to do anything to me. They knew I could beat their ass if I wanted.”

“Maybe you should get back into that.” Claire grinned. “Bet there are some hot guys at the gym, and you’d stay in great shape.”

“Maybe.” I stared out at the waves breaking on the sand. Beating the crap out of a heavy bag did sound mildly appealing, but then I’d have to deal with Caleb. He ran the front desk, and has been a thorn in my side since we were toddlers. Of course, I was always able to kick his ass. I grinned at the thought.

“See,” Claire pointed at my face, “it’s got you smiling already. I’m a genius.”

“You are pretty smart.” I laughed. “Let’s pack up. I’m not really feeling this anymore. Maybe I’ll swing by the gym tonight.”

“That a girl.” Claire jumped up and started helping me fold the towels. “We’re going to make sure this summer is awesome for you no matter what.” She danced on the sand. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Whatever it takes, huh? What if it’s more than you can handle?” I giggled.

“I can handle anything… even your devil child brother.” She pointed and I followed her gaze, catching my brother trying to catch a seagull. “Why is he so weird?” She rolled her eyes.

“I’ll let you know when I figure it out.” I laughed harder. “Easton!” I called. “Car is leaving in two minutes.” I grabbed our things and started walking to the parking lot. I knew he’d come. If he didn’t, he’d be stuck here. I was not waiting, and he knew this from experience.

Chapter 2Riley

“Can you fix me something to eat when we get home?” Easton whined from his spot in the backseat.

“Sure,” I grumbled. “Only if you promise not to tell Mom and Dad about me punching that guy.” I shot him a warning glare.

“Why?” His voice climbed higher. “That was so cool.” He bounced in his seat as his excitement soared.

“Because I said so.” I flexed my fingers. They hurt, and were starting to swell.

“That doesn’t look good. When Dad’s hand does that, he puts ice on it.” Easton peered over the seat.

“I don’t have any ice here, dummy. I gotta get home first.” I rolled my eyes. As much of a pain in the butt my brother was, he made sense some of the time.

When we pulled into the driveway, Easton bolted from the car. He tossed his

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