beer from the fridge.

“So, the meeting went that badly?” Jack Ruby asked from the dining table, his legs stretched out long in front of him.

Alec gave his best friend a cursory look as he snapped open the can. At nineteen, he technically wasn’t allowed to be drinking, but after the meeting he had just had with Seraphina Hanson, he figured he was entitled to it. The bubbling, tangy liquid slid down his throat smoothly, cold and refreshing. He didn’t immediately get a buzz, which was okay with him. He just needed something to take his mind off of that meeting and what Seraphina had planned for him.

“So? You going to keep me in suspense or what? I didn’t take it you were the dramatic one, Sinclair.”

Alec opened his eyes, looking at his friend dryly. “Yeah, whatever my sister tells you is bullshit, you know,” he said. “Just because you guys are dating doesn’t mean she’s right.”

“She’s right because she’s right,” Jack said as though it was obvious. “Trust me, you think I want her to be right all the time?”

“Where is she, anyway?” Alec glanced around, waiting for his younger sister by about a year to make her appearance. It was shockingly silent in the two-bedroom apartment, especially considering Jack had moved in around the time he and Lily officially started dating.

“Some friend called,” Jack said with a shrug. “Sounded pretty serious.”

“Hmm.” He took another sip of his beer, swirling it around in his mouth before swallowing it.

Jack wrinkled his nose. “That is disgusting. I don’t get why you do that.”

“I’m thinking.”

“That’s surprising.”

“Fuck you.”

“I’m probably one of the few people you haven’t fucked,” Jack pointed out, lifting a brow.

Alec wanted to come up with a clever retort but couldn’t think of anything to say. Jack wasn’t wrong. He let out a breath, hanging his head, shaking it. He stepped towards the dining table and dropped into the chair across from Jack. He leaned back, set the beer down, and spread out his legs, taking up as much space as he possibly could.

“Wanna talk about it?” Jack asked, the corners of his lips twitching up.

Alec didn’t even bother to respond. He still couldn’t get over the fact that Seraphina wanted him to date. And not fuck around, like he already was.

“If the audience – our family audience, I will remind you – thinks you’re in a committed relationship, they’re going to be focused on your play on the ice rather than your play in the bedroom,” Seraphina had said.

She seemed so proud of this idea. Alec nearly quit the team right there. He didn’t think it was fair for someone to dictate his personal life, even a job he loved more than anything in the world. Who cared what he did in his personal life as long as he showed up on the ice every day, and that was what he strove to do?

“It would seem that Seraphina Hanson is not impressed by the women who fawn after me,” Alec said, bringing the bottle back to his lips.

“I don’t think Seraphina gives a shit, quite frankly,” Jack said. “I think she’s more concerned with the Mayhem’s brand and what you represent when you adhere to your own set of standards rather than the team’s.”

“But I’m not wearing a jersey when I’m fucking them,” Alec said, standing up and gesturing with his free hand. The other continued to clutch his beer. “I mean, come on, Jack, do I not get a private life?”

“Sure.” Jack shrugged. “As long as your private life is actually private. When you hook up with girls, it’s not like they keep quiet. They take these pretty scandalous selfies with you and then the local sports reporter picks it up and it’s like old news, different faces: once again, Alec hooks up with a pretty brunette.”

“To be fair, brunettes are my type.” He grinned. “There’s something alluring about dark hair.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Must add to the mystery.”

Jack rolled his eyes.

“Oh, come on,” Alec said. “What, just ‘cause you’re dating my sister, you think you’re above appreciating the female form.”

“I never said that,” Jack said. “But I don’t notice it as much.”

Alec scoffed. “I highly doubt I’ll ever be able to find someone who gets me to forget to appreciate the female form.”

“Famous last words.” Jack wiggled his eyebrows. “Probably why your shot’s been off. You know, maybe you should be celibate. Ever think of that? Just for the season, at least.”

Alec nearly choked on his own beer. “Please tell me you’re kidding.” He headed into the living room, eyeing the couch. It had been a long day already and sinking into the cushions was pretty damn tempting. “I play better when I get laid.”

Jack snorted. “Dude, the season just started and you haven’t done your lucky five-hole dance yet,” he pointed out, arching his brow. “I mean, I know you’re a center, but shit, at this point, you usually have a goal or two under your belt.” He shrugged, leaning back against his chair, kicking his foot up on an empty chair. “Maybe you’re getting laid too much.”

“As if there’s such a thing.”

“Look, Seraphina Hanson took me aside at one point too, okay? It wasn’t just you. But my issue was my temper. If I hadn’t had that meeting with her, I’d still have anger issues.”

“What are you talking about? You still have anger issues. You just know how to handle it better. Being out on the ice gives you an excuse to drop the gloves.”

“Nah, man.” Jack shook his head, his dark eyes serious. “It’s not even about that. Not anymore. I mean, sure, I like to get into fights. The difference is, I don’t go looking for them. I don’t back down or anything, but I’m not going out of my way. I’ve learned you get your ass handed to you if you go out of your way to start fights.”

Alec flared his nostrils, loosing a sigh. He wanted to come back with something,

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