The Fables of Chaos

Book I

Jackson Simiana

© 2021 by Jackson Simiana. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2021 by Jackson Simiana

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

ISBN 9780646838281 (Paperback Edition)

Cover art and design by Claire Chivell



For mum,

you know why


Content Warning

Notable Maps of Eos

Introductory Letters from the Magister’s Imperium


Act I - Dawn & Dusk

Chapter 1 - Winged Omen

Chapter 2 - On the Road

Chapter 3 - The Troll

Chapter 4 – Homecoming

Chapter 5 - Embrace

Chapter 6 - The Meaning of Blood

Chapter 7 - New Company

Chapter 8 - A Single Moment

Chapter 9 - Bleeding

Chapter 10 - The Greater Good

Chapter 11 - Decrepit

Interludes I

Interlude - The Flutter of Wings

Interlude - Ruin

Act II - The Coming Storm

Chapter 12 - Pott’s Creek

Chapter 13 - Candlelight

Chapter 14 - Gleamrot

Chapter 15 - Outside of the Circle

Chapter 16 - United

Chapter 17 - Masks

Chapter 18 - The Duel

Chapter 19 - Winterglade

Chapter 20 - Hunter’s Bane

Chapter 21 - A Coming Storm

Chapter 22 - The Truth

Chapter 23 - Lost

Chapter 24 - The Dagger

Interludes II

Interlude - Nomad

Interlude - Downhill

Act III - Fire in the Sky

Chapter 25 - Consequences

Chapter 26 - Ashes

Chapter 27 - Dead Man Walking

Chapter 28 - Bells

Chapter 29 - A Call to Arms

Chapter 30 - Decimation

Chapter 31 - Upon the Throne

Chapter 32 - Confinement

Chapter 33 - The Butcher

Chapter 34 - The Stable Boy

Chapter 35 - Armistice

Chapter 36 - From Darkness

Interludes III

Interlude - Doom

Interlude - In Plain Sight

Act IV - Inferno

Chapter 37 - The Silence

Chapter 38 - The Two Assassins

Chapter 39 - Fires of War

Chapter 40 - Midnight

Chapter 41 - Chains

Chapter 42 - Brittlepeak

Chapter 42 - Aftermath

Chapter 43 - The Rains

Chapter 44 - Dynasty

Chapter 45 - The Light and the Dark

Chapter 46 - The Way Ahead

Chapter 47 - The Man in Shadow


   Content Warning

Eos is an unforgivingly brutal world, where violence and suffering is extremely prevalent.

This novel, while completely fictional, does contain descriptions, themes and events which may be upsetting to some people.

These include sexual violence, violence and abuse against women and children, animal death, graphic violence, torture, descriptions of mental illness and grief, and slavery.

It is also important to note that these characters and the things they do are fictional. The depictions of different ailments written are not always realistic or characteristic of people suffering with them, but are simply used to enhance these fictional characters, their decisions, and the consequences of their actions.

    Notable Maps of Eos

Opening Letters

    Introductory Documents from the Magister’s Imperium


Have you ever stared up at the sky, at the immense, epic vastness of unfathomable limitlessness that it holds? I mean, truly looked into it?


The sky has always been a fascinating symbol. Each and every person upon Eos will see something different when peering into the heavens.


Some see hope. Others find only pointlessness. Peasants pray for rain upon their crops. Kings pray for sunshine to brighten their tournaments. Intellectuals may ponder at the stars and moons, hypothesising as to their origins. The spiritual among us see those heavenly bodies and attempt to decipher their purpose.


All around the world, it is the same. The Tekawa Nomads thank Yunafa for their blessings in wind and water, while those of the Chantry light prayer lanterns to The Creator above.


Clerics of the Blue Flame find their answers in the sands and stars. The True Luminance, on the other hand, worships the Moon Mother through duty and sacrifice.


All religions and beliefs are tied to the sky.


Perspective is a personal quality that geography and culture help mould. Yet, despite the oceans and borders which separate us, despite our disjointed histories and cultural segregations, people of all types and races seek meaning from the skies.

-An introductory section of thesis in the fields of biology and sociology written by Lynn Jhono, disciple at the Grand Repository.



Addressed to -

King Ulmer Stoneheart of the Broken Coast,


My liege,

I write to you in haste about a matter most urgent, as it may affect the very balance of our kingdom.


The Imperium has been receiving strange reports from across the Broken Coast, Esterwatch and the Highlands of mysterious and unexplainable sightings and events taking place. I believe it may tie into the arrival of Kyzon’s Light, which is returning to our skies. The last arrival of Kyzon’s Light was during the Catacylsm of Old, over 8,000 years ago. I fear the events may be connected somehow.


The Magister Prime, Impatus Rumanos, has become obsessed with researching the Light and other dangerous fields of study. He has ignored our pleas to seek outside aid.


A group of peasants just north of the Repository fled their homes, claiming to have been attacked. With our sanctuary at risk of such attacks, we have barricaded our doors. We urge you to send aid immediately. Write to Magister Impatus, force him to heed our warnings. Please, help us defend the Repository and continue our research into these strange happenings.


I urge you to make haste.

Magister Aymeir.




-Letter sent to King Ulmer Stoneheart of the Broken Coast by messenger hawk, from a Magister of the Grand Repository.


Magister Aymeir could feel his weathered heart aching in his chest, beating so fast he thought it

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