eyes to focus. I tasted blood in my mouth and I had a hard time clearing my head.

What the hell had happened?

The ship lurched hard and I toppled back, smashing against the bulkhead, the wind knocked out of me.

Painfully, I pulled myself up and lurched into the pilot’s chair. The viewports were just a mess of video static and the console’s lights danced in a blur, but I just kept staring at them until I was able to make out what was going on.

It didn’t make sense.

The displays showed every single warning lit up red: pressure, atmosphere, radiation, gravity, acceleration, impact sensors, battle alerts, prox, everything. The din of alarms was going to either deafen me or drive me insane. I frantically pawed at the console, until I found the interface reset.

One by one the warnings winked off, the alarms silenced themselves, and the viewports darkened.

At least I could think now.

Once I confirmed that the automatic stabilizers and inertial dampeners were engaged and the prox plates were charged, I told the navsys to park us where we were. No reason for us to be going anywhere until I figured out what was going on.

The viewports came back online just as I initiated a systems check.

Holy shit.

We weren’t at the Fountain any more. We weren’t even in space.

The forward viewport showed a blanket of thick clouds stretching out to the horizon. I cycled through the rest of the hull cams and saw more clouds, with the aft cameras also revealing a distant mountain range peeking through the clouds.

Odd. We were definitely in atmosphere, on a planet. But this didn’t look like Yueld—and according to the navsys, it wasn’t.

In fact, when I tried to call up our location from the database, only one word popped up.



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Keep Reading

The adventure continues…

Discover what happens to Jannigan next in The Crimson Peril.

Also by R.A. Nargi


Quantum Dark

The Well of Forever

The Crimson Peril


The Iron Veil

The Eight of Nights


The Brawling Adventures of Bander

The Legendary Adventures of Bander

Learn more at randynargi.com

The Well of Forever is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2021 by Randall Nargi. All rights reserved.

Published by Bogwood Press, a division of Bogwood, Inc.

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Nargi, R.A., The Well of Forever / R.A. Nargi. pages cm.

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