experienced a sensation such as he did when he spotted Luka on the sidewalk, his anger swept to relief, to a blinding fear over the fact his son was with a fully-grown man. An adult he didn’t recognize. He felt sick, a bitter taste rising in his throat. Nate leaned forward. “Can you stop here, please?” He kept his eyes on Luka as they passed him.

The driver grunted, acknowledged Nate’s request and pulled up a short way ahead of Luka and whomever he was walking with.

“Thanks.” Nate glanced at the fare, grabbed enough bills from his wallet to cover the ride. “Keep the change.” He handed over the money and was out of the cab quickly. He needed to get to his son.

“Luka,” he yelled and slammed the door shut. He rushed toward Luka, who froze in surprise.


All Nate had wanted to do was wrap Luka in a hug, tell him how worried he’d been, and how much he loved his idiot of a son. But he was blinkered by a feeling of horror. Who was this person standing next to his child?

“Luka.” He grabbed Luka by the arm, pulled him away and put himself between his son and the stranger. “What the hell are you doing with my boy?”

The slim man in jeans and a hoodie took a step back. “Easy. This… We were just—”

“Just, what?” He tightened his grip on the thick sleeve of Luka’s jacket. He never wanted to let go.

“Dad.” He could hear Luka’s voice, yet all he could do was focus on the man who had been with him.

“Well?” Nate narrowed his eyes. The man seemed to be younger than him, still in his twenties, and was confused.


“Dad.” Luka was tugging on his back. “This is Jared.”

“Jared?” Who the hell was Jared? He turned to the man. “Jared. So you spend your day picking up kids? I’m calling the cops!” He pulled out his cell as Jared backed away.

“What? No. Luka was sitting on the steps outside my office, and we were worried, so I was walking him home, I swear that’s all.”

“Jared’s not a bad man,” Luka said. He leaned out from behind Nate. “You’re not a bad man are you?” he asked more seriously.

“No!” Jared said, then held his hands out in front of him, and then as calm as he could, he added, “No, I’m not. I swear.”

Nate swallowed, the tightness in his chest easing a little. “Okay. Jared? I don’t even know what’s happening anymore.”

Jared shook his head as if saying, don’t ask me. “So, you’re Luka’s dad?”

“Yes. Nate.”

“Hi. I’m Jared. But you know that. Your son was,” he pursed his lips, “near my work. Alone. I only wanted to see he got home safely. Nothing else. No bad intentions. I promise.” There was a brightness in his eyes that left Nate wanting to believe him.

“Thank you, I guess. Sorry I overreacted.”

Jared lowered his hands.

“But you…” Nate turned around and looked down at Luka. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? And Auntie Lee? What were you thinking? Lying? No lies, we don’t lie, ever.”

Luka’s bottom lip trembled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Nate held Luka’s face, tugged the beanie he was wearing down over his ears. His cheeks flushed pink from the cool air and felt chilled against Nate’s warm palms. “What would I do if something happened to you? Hey?” He pulled Luka to him, appreciated the solid feel of him in his arms. “Promise me you won’t do anything like this ever again.”

There was a small hic as Luka nodded against him.

“What were you doing that was so important that you thought you had to lie about it?” He rested his hand on the top of Luka’s head, encouraging Luka to lean back.

Luka’s eyes were wet, his nose red. “It’s your birthday soon. I wanted to get you something.”

“What? You didn’t have to lie so you could do that.”

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”

“Sure, but you didn’t have to tell me, did you? There’s Lee, and your grandpa. Pops would have taken you to buy something if you’d asked him.”

Luka pouted. “I wanted to get it myself. Only from me. I saved up.”

Nate let out a sigh and the stormy sea of his emotions was finally at peace. “You’re an idiot.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to Luka’s forehead. “I don’t care what you give me for my birthday. As long as you’re there to spend it with me I’ll be the happiest dad in the world.” He tapped his finger to Luka’s nose. “Got it?”

Luka nodded. “Okay.”

“So, we all good now?” Jared said from behind them.

Nate glanced over his shoulder. Jared had his hands crammed into his jacket pockets, and he shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. “I’m sorry. We both are. Aren’t we?” He nudged Luka’s shoulder.

Luka chewed on his lip then said, “Sorry I bothered you. Thank you for walking me home.”

“No worries,” Jared said. “But you know, you shouldn’t go worrying your dad like that, okay?” Jared hunched his shoulders up toward his ears. “I’m sorry things got weird.” He looked at Nate and smiled. “I understand it must have been scary seeing a stranger with your kid.”

“‘Scary’ is one word for it.” He bit his lip. “Is there anything I can do to thank you for looking after him?”

“For me?” Jared shook his head. “Knowing he’s back where he belongs is plenty.” He turned his attention to Luka. “Anyway, pleasure meeting you, Luka. No more sneaking off places without telling somebody first.”

“So, I can go if I tell someone?”

Jared opened his mouth. “That’s not…” He held his hand over his stomach. “You know what, I’ll let your dad handle this one.” He stepped back. “I’m going to go. Leave you two to figure things out.”

“Wait, let me give you some money or something.”

“No, I don’t need that.”

“Dad?” Nate crouched next to Luka after his insistent tug. “What about dinner?”

“What about it?”

“We could get him dinner.”

Nate glanced up

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