the beauty in me.

My heart thumped with anticipation as Kim started moving slowly toward the window, her eyes sparkling with laughter. I remembered how she made jokes while she taught me to read and speak the human tongue. She never taunted me or made me feel stupid like some of the other kids did.

As she came closer to the window I stepped out of the trees, into a bright patch of moonlight. I could feel how the moon gleamed on my coat and how it made my eyes shine. Any second Kim would see me.

I took a deep breath to swell my great chest.


What I smelled at that moment brought me to my senses. I leaped back into the shelter of the trees and crouched, sniffing.

The foul stench burned my sensitive nose. It was a monster I smelled—a hideous, revolting werewolf.

And it was lurking in the trees, watching Kim and Paul!

Chapter 3

Anger boiled up inside me as I crept soundlessly to where the werewolf was hiding. The monster’s revolting odor was growing stronger with every careful step. Why was it spying on my friends?

Most likely it wanted to infect them with a bite, turning them into foul creatures like itself. Or maybe it hungered for their young blood.

Not if I got to it first! My claws itched to sink into the monster’s leathery back. Why was it here alone? Were the other werewolves planning something horrible? Maybe this one had been sent to make sure I stayed out of their way.

Baring my fangs, I was determined to get answers to all my questions. I crept closer. I could see the werewolf hiding behind a tree and staring up at the lighted window, its evil eyes glowing brilliant red. Strings of slobber dripped from its jaws and burned like acid when they hit the ground. The monster was staring so intently at my friends it wasn’t aware of me.

I knew I would only get one chance. The full-blooded werewolves were bigger and stronger than me. And I suspected they were more powerful in other ways, too—magical ways I knew nothing about. If I didn’t knock the monster down the first time, it would get me for sure.

I took a deep breath and leaped.


I landed on nothing but hard ground and dead leaves. The monster had been too quick for me. It was gone.

Disgusted with myself I started to brush the leaves and dirt off my paws. But some bits of it were stuck. I’d landed on something sticky. I brought my paw up to my face and sniffed.

Blood! My ears shot up and the hair along my back stood on end. I dropped to the ground and sniffed carefully all around. I found a few more drops, still sticky, as if the werewolf had bitten something not too long ago.

My blood ran cold. Was I too late? Had the werewolves already taken over Fox Hollow? Had they been busy in town while I was roaming the woods?

Tomorrow, I’d know the truth. Exhausted, I crept behind a tree and slept.

Chapter 4

I woke with the sun streaming into my face. Blinking, I jumped up. I was a boy again! Yes! It was all over—until the next full moon. I grabbed the clothes I had brought out with me last night and pulled them on.

Happy as I was to be human again, I couldn’t completely forget that it wasn’t really over at all. The other werewolves could change from human to monster any time they wanted. I was the only one who was human all the time except the three nights of the full moon.

But I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and headed for the house. Quietly I unlocked the back door and let myself in. Avoiding the boards that squeaked, I tiptoed to the stairs and up to my room.

A few minutes later Mrs. Parker tapped on my door. “Gruff? Are you awake? Are you feeling any better?”

I opened the door, yawning like I’d just woken up. “I’m fine, Mrs. Parker,” I said. “Maybe I just needed some extra sleep.”

“That’s good,” she said, patting my shoulder and smiling happily. It gave me a warm feeling, like she really cared about me. “Why don’t you tell Paul to hurry up while I get breakfast on the table.”

I knocked on Paul’s door and he yelled for me to come in. “Hey, man, you look like your old self again,” he said, tugging on a sneaker. “You really looked sick last night.”

No, not sick, I thought. Just miserable, knowing I was going to turn into a monster. And hating it that I had to lie to my new family. They were so good to me; but if they knew what I was, they’d all run screaming from me in fear and disgust.

Kim came down late for breakfast, looking sharp in new khaki pants and a bright pink T-shirt. I grinned at her but she just gave me a funny look. Before I could figure out what that was about, Mrs. Parker was talking.

“Kim, did you notice if Dad was up? He’s going to be late for work if he doesn’t get down here soon,” said Mrs. Parker.

Kim shrugged. “I think I heard him,” she said. “But I wasn’t really paying attention.”

We were almost finished with breakfast when Mr. Parker came down.

“You were awfully late last night, dear,” said Mrs. Parker. “I must have fallen asleep before you came in.”

Mr. Parker looked tired. There were dark circles under his eyes. “Yes,” he said, sitting down. “We all had to work late. Some new project they’re starting at Wolfe Industries.”

Was it my imagination or was Mr. Parker avoiding his wife’s questioning gaze? But before I had time to think about it, Paul jumped up. “Come on,” he said. “We’ll be late for school.”

Then as we headed out the door, Kim grabbed my sleeve and pulled me aside. “What’s up with you, Gruff?” she asked, searching my face with her keen eyes. “I know you

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