above the lounger made it even worse.  Her limbs hung loose as her petite torso was rising into the air like her heart was a magnet that paired with the ceiling.

Lin stopped dead in her tracks, but I kept running and plunged each arm into a separate body of smoke.  I could feel the intelligence, emotion even, though I couldn't understand it.

When I reached out to grab Alora from where she floated above the medical lounger, a strong force threw me backwards like a cold winter storm.  I fought against it but struggled to get any forward momentum.  Then I was suddenly free of their hold, as if they could not longer impact me in the least.

Lin screamed as I managed to levitate on my own and pass through all five shadowy creatures that encircled our sleeping guest.  She dropped back onto the examination bed abruptly, jolting awake.  Her eyes stared at the ceiling as if she was possessed for a moment.  During that time, all five intruders dissipated.

I reached for Alora's hand but couldn't grab it.  Something was wrong.  I turned toward Lin to ask her for help, but she looked to be in worse shape than the girl.  The look of horror on her face scared the shit out of me.  Her gaze was in my direction, but just off center, like she saw something approaching me from the other side.

I turned quickly to find nothing there.  Then the sound of Alora gasping for air caught my attention.  I reached for her again.  This time my hand found hers without a problem.  It took nearly a minute for her to stabilize.  During that time Lin regained her composure and joined me at the bedside.  She nervously injected another sedative as I watched the monitors.  Alora looked like she was going to be okay.  Her vitals were settling down again.

"Well, that was weird," I said.  Then I informed Portia that everything was under control.  She could cease the defensive output in the room.  For a while I didn’t even notice the flashing lights and angry sounds that had some effectiveness in fighting these monsters of the void.

"Weird is an understatement," Lin said, still appearing very much afraid of me.

"What did you see that scared you so much?"

"You, Joah," she said, almost in a crying whisper.

"What about me?"

"You turned into a shadow monster to chase them off.  Your human body just disappeared.  Then it came back again.  Something terrible has happened to you, my love."

I smiled as her words sunk in.  It was a shocking revelation.  But I disagreed with her opinion.  "Or something wonderful."

Thank you for reading the first book of the Joah Maroon series.  Expect a sequel soon.  If you enjoyed the writing style and story, please check out other works of mine listed below.  This series will link together two separate series in the same universe: Island Girls & Dirty Girls.

Writing a novel can often be challenging, requiring perseverance and intense focus.  Along every step of the way I think of my readers and what they enjoy.  Please take a moment to rate and review this novel on Amazon and Goodreads.  Not only will it help me make adjustments, but your words could also assist other readers like you take a chance on this series.

I appreciate it.

Rodzil LaBraun

Find more novels by Rodzil LaBraun:

Author website: https://rodzillabraun.com/index.html

Amazon Author site: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B013YWMRA6

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14212575.Rodzil_LaBraun

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