men like that. One, I’ve lived by the no baseball players rule, and so far, I’ve lasted twenty-six years and I don’t plan on breaking that streak now. Secondly, with the amount of pussy that seems to follow them wherever they go, I’m not really in the mood to fight off a woman who thinks she has an imaginary hold on a grown man.

“Too bad,” she says before downing the rest of her drink before she gets up from her stool and turns toward me. “You need to interact with some hot men…”

I audibly sigh as her eyes soften.

“I’m not telling you that you have to sleep with one of them, although from what you’ve told me about dipshit, you could use a good fuck.” She smirks at that last part, and the worst part is that she’s not wrong. My sex life these last few years has been less than ideal. Even with Cole in the picture, it was never mind-blowing. Honestly, it’s been so long since I’ve had mind-blowing sex, I wonder if it’s even possible anymore.

“I’m not like you,” I start before taking another sip of my drink. “This isn’t easy for me…” The pity in her gaze has the pit in my stomach growing heavier with each passing second. I hate that look.

This stuff has always been easy for Mel. Confident to a fault, fearless in the pursuit of a good time even when I know deep down, she wants exactly what I want. To settle down and find that one person that sands down the sharp edges of your life, the one that looks at all your faults and still sees the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen. But I know the last time Mel felt that pit in her stomach, wishing on a star kind of love, it broke her apart. And I know she uses the armor of getting laid, no strings attached sex as a way to deflect her feelings, and sometimes I’m in awe of her stamina and sometimes I want to punch her.

Tonight, I want to punch her.

“It’s easy for me because practice makes perfect.” She winks as I roll my eyes for the thousandth time tonight, thinking back to the first time I met Cole. I never meant for us to last as long as we did, he was supposed to be a one-night stand, yet before I knew it, he was staying over on weekends and two years later, I’m stuck with mediocre memories and an ex that I’d rather forget.

Mel shifts beside me and when I look over, I stare in fascination as she eye fucks a guy on the other side of the bar. At this point I know exactly how our girls’ night is going to end up, and I silently thank God because now I can go home and get out of these damn heels. I glance at my godforsaken footwear and groan. The black wedges are the only pair of heels I own, which in turn means they’re the only ones I know how to walk in. Tonight, I paired them with dark wash skinny jeans with holes all along my thigh and a dark green camisole that shows just enough cleavage to make me feel amazing, but not enough to garner too much male attention.

Before I have the chance to tell Mel that I’m leaving, allowing her to climb all over Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome across the room, someone touches the small of my back, making me jump.

“Hey there gorgeous, mind if I sit?” I quickly glance behind me seeing a man many women would die to have touch them, but I shrug away and turn back to Mel, who is still paying no attention to me. I ignore his question, tapping on the bar and ordering another drink. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” I can hear the smirk as he takes his hand off my back as I take a deep breath.

Okay. New plan.

I spin on my stool, placing my newly filled glass on the bar. The second my eyes land on him, I know exactly who he is, and I definitely do not have the patience for a man like him right now. Cameron King is one of the best pitchers in the major leagues and a complete and total manwhore. And right now, his eyes are tracking me like I’m his next meal.

I do a once-over myself, studying the short brown hair styled perfectly, deep brown eyes, and a smile that should make me weak in the knees, yet I feel absolutely nothing. He’s wearing a simple black T-shirt that accentuates his forearms and loose hanging blue jeans paired with Converse shoes. A man after my own heart.

“By the look on your face, I take it you know who I am?” He smirks, taking another swig of his beer and winking at me over the rim.

“Yes, I know who you are. You’re kind of hard to miss.”

He chuckles, missing the sarcasm completely. I’m just about to ask him to leave when Mel decides to grace us with her presence.

“I knew you would catch the eye of someone tonight!” she practically yells as Cam raises his eyebrows. “I’m Melissa,” she starts, getting between me and Cam. “And this is—”

She motions to me with her thumb, but I interrupt her. “Mel!” I mumble under my breath, not wanting Cam to know my name. She looks blankly in my direction as I slightly shake my head, hoping she gets the idea.

“This is my…” She gives me one last look before finishing with, “Friend.”

I nod, smiling that she finally got the point.

“Who is desperate for a good time.”

And of course, she has to go and ruin it. This cannot be happening right now.

My head falls into the palms of my hands as Cam starts laughing beside me. “Oh really?” he sounds intrigued, getting closer and closer with every passing second. “What did you have in mind?” he whispers against

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