eight o’clock, or I’ll collect on my debt.”

She should have answered his calls. Hiding from her problems wouldn’t make them go away. “Okay.” Mira checked her watch. It was four o’clock. Only four more hours of freedom. “I’ll call you before that.”

“No, you’ll come to my office before that. I don’t do business on the telephone, Mira.”

“Fine.” She hung up and slipped the phone through the window to Drake’s henchman.

He returned to his car and drove away just before the light turned red again.

This was it. Tonight, she’d have to sign over her life to Drake Eastwood and become his own personal breeding vessel. She never even thought much about having kids until she turned thirty recently. Her days for motherhood were growing fewer and it made her think of life passing her by. She wasn’t born to work, sleep, and stress over money.

In a last-ditch attempt to save herself from this fate, she stopped by the bank. She waited for someone to see her, her foot bobbing and her palms sweaty. By the time it was her turn, she was wobbly on her feet when she stood. Her nerves were shattered by all this stress.

“Mrs. Davencourt.” He opened an arm, motioning her to the empty chair in front of his desk.

“Miss,” she corrected.

“Of course.” He began punching something into a computer. “What can I help you with?”

“I wanted to apply for a loan.”

“Can I know the nature of the loan and how much you need?”

She swallowed hard. “I need around two hundred and fifty thousand.”

“Is this for a house? You probably need the mortgage department,” he said.

Mira shook her head. “No, just a loan.”

He smiled. “The nature of the loan?”

Her brother had gambled away the family legacy and hooked up with a bully from her past. Now she needed cold hard cash to avoid being his personal fuck toy.

“Some personal debt,” she said.

He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t see any collateral listed on your account. Do you own any property? Have any investments?”

“No. Nothing.” She started to stand up. “I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“Miss Davencourt. Have you considered a private loan? The requirements are much less strict than the bank.” He handed her a business card just before she left. As she walked out of the bank, she glanced at the card. It said Eastwood Enterprises.

She was royally screwed. Even the universe conspired against her.

After heading home to her apartment to shower and change, she drove back to Drake’s office in the city.

His PA was there in the lobby of his office, talking with the secretary. She already hated his PA. She was pretty and skinny and always looked her up and down like the popular girls used to do in high school. Mira hated feeling small, but it was the story of her life.

“I need to see Drake,” she said.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, but he’s expecting me.”

The PA gave her a disapproving glare and began to flip through a planner. “He has a full schedule today. So sorry.”

“Can you tell him Mira’s here?”

The PA picked up the phone, turning her back as she talked. Within seconds, the door to Drake’s office opened and there he stood. He was wearing a black suit, no tie this time, and the top few buttons of his shirt undone. It was seven o’clock, so he was probably finished with work for the day. She was surprised his office was still open at this hour.

“I’m here on time,” she said.

“You are. With an hour to spare.” He walked toward her. “But I do remember telling you that the debt grew by the hour. It’s been two days.” He pretended to count on his fingers, adding up her mounting debt.

“There’s nothing else I can give you. You’ve already asked for everything I have.”

“I’ll think of something.” He came over until he was right in front of her. “You ready to sign?”

“I have no choice. You know that.”

She handed him the business card she got from the banker. He glanced at it.

“You tried to get a bank loan?”

She ignored his question. “Why would they hand out the card of a loan shark, that’s what I want to know.”

“I’m a businessman, Mira. And I always get what I want. I have arrangements with most of the major banks in the city.”

“Of course, you do.”

He cupped her face. “I’m glad you’re ready to sign.”


Drake felt a sense of relief when he saw Mira standing in his office. He knew she’d be back, but the lingering doubt was now put to rest. Her blonde hair looked slightly damp, falling heavily down her back. Such innocent beauty. He’d had a torch burning for her since their school days. He should have acted sooner.

She stared up at him with those big blue eyes. Mira had turned into a gorgeous woman, and now she was all his. Without this debt, he knew she’d never have anything to do with him. A woman like her wasn’t impressed by wealth or power.

“Where do I sign?”

“Now you’re in a rush?”

She kept glancing over at his PA, so he turned around.

Glenda sat on the edge of his secretary’s desk. She was always trying to kiss his ass, but he had no interest in her romantically. He never mixed business and pleasure—except in Mira’s case.

“Drake, I’m doing this for my brother. Nothing more.”

“What about the part where you come willingly? Do you not remember that clause?”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m here. That’s all that matters.” Again, she glared at Glenda behind his back. “Next time I’ll remember to make an appointment. I’m sure I’m not your only conquest.”

Was Mira jealous?

Interesting. She had to care in order to be jealous.

“I do

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