before shoving him backwards and watching Sean struggle for air. Sean looked to Jake and smiled crawling over to where the man was and managing to get within a few feet.

“I was… “, Sean struggled for air and paused. “… never going to hand you over”.

Sarah broke into another feat of laughter before hurrying over towards separating Sean from Jake. Jake felt Sean slip his cellphone back into his pocket while Sean dragged away groaning and screaming in pain. It gave him time to move, and Jake took it without thinking twice. Rolling on the ground and towards the gun she had kicked away earlier, he armed himself aimed at her and waited for Sarah to turn around as he flipped off the safety.

Sean smiled, staring her right in the face and managing the words “You are fucked now bitch”, before letting go of her shirt and falling backwards with his breath ceasing immediately. Jake firmed his grip around the gun while his heart faltered with pain upon seeing Sean die.

“Put the gun down Jake”, she warned.

Jake remained still and focused. “You did all these”.

She shook her head and wore a different expression immediately as she pointed in Sean’s direction. “They ruined my life… they made me into this and chose to live their lives in peace and happiness”.

He wasn’t buying any of it, especially seeing beads of tears running down her face. Sarah moved her hands gently behind her and away from her body, prompting Jake to take notice.

“Jake I really like you”, she whispered and drew closer.

“Nobody makes you evil… trust me, I know because I’ve lived with this darkness in me all through my life and it is why I let myself kill”, he explained. “You have that same darkness as me”.

Sarah paused and drew out a long knife she had hidden away immediately, lunging towards Jake but arriving too late as he squeezed hard and let rip three round into her, striking two into her chest and one in between her eyes. Her body collapsed in a large heap to the ground, followed by alarming sirens from police cars approaching the house.

Limping as he got to his feet and barely able to make proper run for it, Jake dragged himself out, just before Mike came rushing through the door with an embattled look on his face as they came to face with Sarah and Sean dead on the scene.

“You crazy bitch!” he thought to himself. “You messed up everything”.

He looked around for Jake but he was nowhere to be found.

“Search everywhere for Detective Jake!” Mike commanded, sending the police officers in chase of the man immediately.

Standing before the two bodies, Mike could tell Jake was gone for good… it was without an iota of doubt coursing through his entire body.

“I will keep searching for you”, Mike muttered and turned around.


Mark Hammon awakened to the familiar tone of his daughter speaking, but to an even more disturbing sight of an overhead lamp and himself being gagged atop a surgery table.

“What in the… “, he mumbled before seeing Jake’s face slowly crawl into focus.

Smiling and bearing a surgical blade in hand, Jake spoke, “Hello Mark”.

Mark felt his throat clamp together and his breathing becoming increasingly difficult. Jake had been wanted for the past six month and barely been sighted but there he was, smiling and bearing the most convincing look of evil in his eyes.

“Normally I like to work without noise or distractions but even you have to understand the need to listen to the treachery in your daughter’s words as a spur to make this more memorable for us both: Jake continued to smile.

Mark Hammon listened to his daughter ramble on about how her father had handed her information about Susan and also managed to lure Sean Stein out of hiding so she could have her revenge and deal with those who stained his gracious name.

“I had no part in this”, Mark pleaded. “It was all Angelina… I swear”.

Shaking his head and placing the blade by the man’s head, Jake drew closer. ‘I have a feeling you were this convincing with Sean too before leading him like his wife to the slaughter”.

He taped the man’s mouth before he could begin speaking immediately and stretched some bit before picking his blade again.

Taking another look at the cellphone with which Sean had recorded all his conversation with Angelina in the meat house, Jake muttered with a tone of relief, “For Sean and Susan”.

Mark Hammon’s scream would travel around the room but barely make it past the thickened walls. Jake had specially created the room for his work and he definitely wasn’t going to be disturbed…

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