though he did this sort of thing every night.



  FORBIDDEN series books!




'Forbidden'                   (Book 0.5 - prequel. Jasmine's story.)


'Three's A Crowd'        (Book 1)


'Once A Cheater'         (Book 2)


'Twice Inflamed'         (Book 3)


'Taming Wells'            (Book 3.5 - A Jasper Wells novella)




Spin-Off Novels

'Shameless'                 (Book 4 - Ziad's story)

'Wicked'                      (Book 5 - Jacob's story)


Dirty Secrets (Chick-lit/contemporary, Escort, Sister’s fiancé)

Girl Obsessed - A Dark Romance




Thanks for reading Jas and Aaru’s story. It’s been a pleasure bringing this book to you.

Shout out to all my loyal and supportive ZeeStormers. Thanks for your passion for my stories. I'm so glad I started this journey with you all.

I'm grateful to have a chance to put my books out there. Hope they make a difference in someone's life.

Lots of Laughter,


About the Author



I love Batman. (Hard-core Batman fan here and proud of it.) I have a Peter Pan complex. Day-dreaming is my favourite activity.

Oh and I live in Fiji with a huge family that drives me crazy 90% of the time.


For future updates, teasers, discussions, join my Author group (ZeeStormers!) on Facebook:

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