into Sally's steamy pussy until both of them were breathless with pleasure.

'Hen it comes!' he gasped, feeling his cock swell up and his balls tremble with the big load of cum that was almost ready to shoot.

'Yes!' Sally shouted, holding on tightly. She could feel Kurt's big cock swelling up to unbelievable proportions in her steamy, shuddering pussy. She loved the feeling she got right before Kurt came. His cock felt like it was going to tear right through the spasming walls of her cunt, it swelled up so big. It felt just wonderful and the jerking action of his swelling prick in her tight cunt always made Sally come.

'Oooooooh,' she moaned as the thrills built up higher and higher. She felt the bed whirl around and then her pussy was coming, spasming and nipping around Kurt's hard cock, squeezing him so tightly that he had to come too.

'Wow!' Kurt gasped. His balls started to pump wildly. Huge spurts of creamy, white juice shot out of the tip of his cock and went flying up Sally's pussy, blasting against her womb and filling her with incredible delight.

'Suck it out, baby.' Kurt yelled, sliding his pumping cock even deeper into Sally's squeezing pussy. 'Suck it all out!'

Sally's pussy did just that. It sucked and watered and came all around Kurt's exploding cock. Cockjuice and pussyjuice mixed in steamy pools and ran out of Sally's shuddering pussy to drip down her quivering asscheeks to the bedspread below. Kurt rolled her back and forth through the steamy puddles of fuckjuice until his big cock finally stopped pumping.

'OOOOOOH!' Sally groaned, a big satisfied smile on her face. 'I'm so happy, honey. Isn't fucking wonderful?'

Kurt had to admit that it was. That was just the trouble. Fucking with Sally was so wonderful that he didn't know how he was ever going to turn her into a prim, proper little wife. He would have liked to keep her just the way she was, uninhibited and sexy, but Miss Sarah would never approve of a wife like that. He'd just have to concentrate on getting Sally to behave tomorrow.

Sally giggled a little as she went back into the kitchen to finish dinner. She was happy again. She'd gotten Kurt to fuck her and it had been just as good as it always was. She'd just have to work on him a little harder. Maybe she could try being a little more sexy around the house. She'd figure out some way of getting Kurt over his prudish notions. She liked fucking too much to wait a whole week before Kurt did it again. She wanted to fuck every night and she was determined to see that she got Kurt to want it, too.


Professor Richard Barton ran a quick comb through his silver-streaked hair and rang the doorbell. Miss Sarah had asked him to be here at seven and he was right on time.

'I… I'm afraid I have a very distressing problem,' Miss Sarah confessed, leading him into her study. The sterling tea service was sitting out in front of the fireplace and Miss Sarah poured him a cup of tea before she continued.

'It's about that young Sampson boy who enrolled last month,' Miss Sarah continued, gathering up a thick pile of material and handing it to Professor Barton. 'Just look at this disgusting array of pictures the boy's monitor found in his room! We simply can't allow things like this at the school.'

Professor Barton picked up the package of material and began to page through it. Then, before he had time to stifle it, a huge belly-laugh escaped his lips. The material certainly was disgusting, from Miss Sarah's point of view. Dick Barton didn't find it in the least bit disgusting though. It was one of the finest collections of sexy photographs he'd even seen.

'Uh… well, Miss Sarah,' Dick said, trying his best not to laugh again. 'I really don't think it's all that terrible. Most boys Sam's age have pictures like this lying around. As long as he doesn't start passing them around or anything, I really don't think we have to worry.'

Miss Sarah's face turned red. 'How… How can you say that, Richard?' she gasped. 'Some of them are just simply obscene! Here… I'll show you.'

Miss Sarah reached for the pictures and held them gingerly by the corners as she paged through them. 'Here!' she said, her face red. 'Just look at this one!'

Dick took the picture from Miss Sarah's shaking fingers. He glanced at it and immediately felt his cock harden in his pants. The picture showed a man's tongue slipping up the slippery, pink depths of a woman's pussy. The woman had her head thrown back and there was a huge smile on her face.

'Er… yes,' Dick mumbled crossing his legs to cover the bulge in his pants. 'It certainly is graphic, isn't it?'

Miss Sarah's face got even redder. 'Not only that, it gives these boys the wrong idea about the sanctity of… of marital relations,' she stammered. 'Looking at that picture, you'd think that the woman was actually enjoying it!'

'I'm sure she is,' Dick said before he remembered that he was talking to Miss Sarah. 'Women generally do, you know.'

Dick clamped his big hand to his mouth. He certainly hadn't meant to say that, especially to Miss Sarah!

'Sorry, Miss Sarah,' Dick apologized, not daring to look up at Miss Sarah's face. 'It's true though. After all, this sort of thing is considered to be a normal part of sex.'

Dick stopped suddenly. He realized that he was just making matters worse. The bulge in his pants was getting harder and harder, just thinking about the graphic photograph.

'Professor Barton!' Miss Sarah gasped. She was obviously flustered. Her face was the color of a ripe tomato and she looked ready to faint any second. 'You can't mean that women actually enjoy this kind of thing! I just don't believe it!'

Dick struggled to maintain his composure. He just had to remember that he was talking to Miss Sarah Snodgrass, the prim and proper lady. All he could think about was that lewd photograph, that wonderful, sexy photograph. Of course, Miss Sarah couldn't know the jays of having her pussy licked. He was sure that no man had ever touched her.

Suddenly Dick couldn't stand it any longer. It had been six months since he'd poked his hard cock into a woman's pussy and Miss Sarah was a woman, even though she tried very hard to hide that fact. Before he knew what was happening, his arms shot out and he grabbed Miss Sarah firmly and ran his fingers right over her nipples.

'Oh!' Miss Sarah gasped. She struggled to get away from Dick's hands but that made him grasp her even more firmly, rolling her stiff nipples between his fingers.

Dick knew that he was probably going to lose his job for sure. He didn't care though. A man could go without sex only so long before he just had to do something. If he was going to get fired anyway, he might just as well take a choice memory or two with him.

'What… What are you doing?' Miss Sarah screeched, beating her hands ineffectually against Dick's strong chest. 'This is inexcusable! Unbind me, this instant!'

Dick chuckled. Miss Sarah had nice tits, even though she kept them well hidden. The nipples punched right out through her clothes and quivered under his fingers.

Dick reached for the back of Miss Sarah's dress. He might just as well give her a real reason for firing him.

Miss Sarah's head whirled around in dizzy circles. She knew that she should scream for help, but something very strange was happening to her. Sweet, hat sensations that she had never felt before were rippling through her nipples all the way down to her untouched pussy. Miss Sarah gasped and struggled, but she didn't struggle quite as hard as she could have.

'Oh!' Miss Sarah gasped, feeling her dress slip down and big fingers fumble at the clasp of her bra. 'What are you doing?'

'I'm going to show you how it feels to be that girl in the picture,' Dick declared, unclasping her bra and letting Miss Sarah's big, firm tits spill free. 'I bet you're going to like it too. I know you are.'

Miss Sarah jumped and quivered as Dick's fingers touched the bare skin of her tits. Then his fingers were tugging and pulling at her large dark-red nipples, making them as hard as big marbles on the tip of her quivering

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