Rachel's body quaked and shuddered under the stress of his digging, driving frictional usurpation. Her head slowly turned to the other side, her eyes still closed and the eyelids vaguely fluttering. Almost inaudible little moans escaped her slightly parted lips now. But the shuddering of her naked breasts and the darkened, flint-like surgings of her nipples bespoke the betrayal of her own healthy eager flesh… perhaps the more responsive because of her own deprivation since the disappointment of the honeymoon and the subsequent weeks of frustrating union with Timmy's father.

Heather, moving to the side of the bed now, observed these telltale signs and understood them as a woman: 'You've got her all hot and worked now, little brother, go ahead and fuck hell out of Mummy!' she exhorted in a taut, shuddering voice.

He needed no encouragement now. An electrifying current of sexual desire swept through his wiry young body as he accelerated his pace, thrusting again and again and again to the very hilt within his stepmother's vaginal cavern, his fingers digging relentlessly into the inner edges of her lower buttocks, his mouth feasting now on one dark, stiff nipple as he readied himself for the last assault upon her beautiful, helpless, almost unconscious body.

And then with a hoarse bellow of untold rapture, his aching agony was released as with a final thrust, he glued himself to Rachel Woodling's nakedness, crushing her passive mouth under his, as he felt his essence shatteringly burst deep within her vitals, and lay panting and fulfilled upon her.

'Not too bad for your first fuck, little brother,' Heather drawled. She set the camera down on the night table beside the bed. 'Now get off and go to the bathroom while I sponge her off. I've got dibs on Mummy next. And you can make the movie.'

Young Timmy Woodling withdrew himself with a sobbing groan and slow-slowly clambered off the bed, his organ limp and stickied. Seeing his sister's contemptuous eyes on his dwindled manhood, he had the good grace to blush and lower his eyes, then to mumble, 'Aw, why do you have to treat me like a kid anymore? I'm a man now, you know damn well I am, Heather!'

'All right, little brother, if it will make you any happier, you're a man. But go wash yourself and hurry back. It's no treat for me to look at what you've got left now, you know,' she sneered.

With a stifled oath, the youth hurried to the bathroom, while Heather, opening the drawer of the little table, took out a handful of Kleenex and, bending over the inert Rachel, began very gently though mockingly to sponge the stickied lips of her vulva. Then, her eyes blazing as she contemplated the rumpled open pajama tops, the smooth basin of Rachel's palpitating naked belly, the matted black curls of the pubis and the noticeably chafed- looking pink lips of her vulva, she swiftly doffed her nightie and flung herself down naked on the bed beside her stepmother. 'Now it's my turn, Mummy,' she crooned as her slim fingers began to caress and fondle Rachel Woodling's swelling naked bosom.

When the youth returned, he gasped in lecherous amazement to see Heather's sinuous, milky-white nakedness stretched out over Rachel Woodling's body, Heather's lush round buttocks tightening and rippling as she began lasciviously to grind her loins against her dormant victim's.

'Jeez, Heather!' he gasped hoarsely, 'what a terrific shape you've got! Lemme fuck you, just this once, please, Sis!'

'You touch me, little brother, and I'll tell Dad and he'll cut your nuts off,' the red-haired young woman viciously hissed without turning to look at him. 'Just do what you have to do, take the camera and get all of this. I'm going to go down on Mummy till I come. And I'll bet I make her come, too. Go on now, you heard me!'

His fingers trembled as he retrieved the camera and stepped back, set it into motion, his eyes fixed on the white hillocks of his sister's squirming, weaving buttocks.

'That's the girl, Mummy,' Heather murmured salaciously, her lips nuzzling first one dark, stiff nipple and then the other, 'I'll bet you like this lots better. Women are always gentler with one another, aren't they, Mummy? Do you feel my little cunny saying hello to yours, Mummy darling? You bitch, come on, give it down to little Heather!'

Once again, excited by the sight and the sound of his sister's Lesbian conquest of his stepmother, the blond youth found himself in full erection. The camera shook in his trembling hands as he tried to steady it, his eyes glazed and enormous as they drank in the scene before him.

Writhing like a serpent, slithering her loins back and forth from side to side over Rachel's, Heather WoodIing performed the tribadistic ritual of Sappho with her beautiful naked stepmother. Her body shivered as her passion seethed, and now her mouth suckingly devoured Rachel's, her tongue thrusting past the lax soft moist lips to dig inside her stepmother's mouth as In a kind of penis-envy she achieved her own carnal possession of that exquisite, inert body on the bed.

Now, her right hand cupping and kneading Rachel's left breast, Heather slid her left hand under the brunette's hips, her forefinger questing for the sinuous cleft between the resilient warm buttocks. Finding it, she slyly prodded the puckering dainty lips of Rachel's anus, and then she began to quicken her grinding, frictional maneuver over Rachel's quivering loins.

'She feels me, I can tell, Timmy! Move up closer, get all this you can,' she excitedly panted.

'Yeah, oh, Jeez, Heather!'

Heather's milky-sheened body writhed and jerked now in a turbulent frenzy as orgasm approached her. Heedless of her brother's lecherous stupefaction, she squirmed and ground and twisted and arched herself back and forth until suddenly with an inchoate cry, her body vibrated and threshed in the throes of climax.

A long moment later, in a drowsy, gloating voice, she murmured, 'I needed that, little brother! And I've got a hunch that Mummy needed it, too. I could feel that itchy cunt of hers just about ready to give it all down, but I beat her to it. Come on now, let's go back to sleep. And hide that movie where nobody'll find it till we need it. We're going to have a little chat with Mummy about the facts of life, and it's going to pay off, you'll see!'

Chapter 4

Rachel Woodling slowly sat up, blinking her eyes to clear them of the drowsiness she still felt. Through the venetian blinds, she could see the bright sun after the storm of the night before. Groggily, she slipped out of bed, walked unsteadily towards the bathroom and there filled the wash basin with cold water. Plunging her face into it, she gasped at the sudden revival. Then, holding onto the basin with both hands as she straightened, she saw her own face in the mirror and turned scarlet as she remembered what had taken place.

So much of it had seemed part of a dream in which she was wandering alone in a desolate canyon. But she could still recall Heather's vituperative words, and her flesh twitched at the recollection of what young Tim and his older sister had done to her until those pills had taken effect and plunged her back into an unresisting and insensate state.

Taking off her nightgown, she got under the shower and made it as cold as she could stand, then hastily toweled herself and, going to the closet, took off a hanger a freshly laundered peach-colored satin slip which she drew over her voluptuous body.

Just as she was turning back to her dresser, the door flung open and both Heather and young Tim stood there smirking at her.

'Good morning, Mummy. Or rather, I ought to say, good afternoon,' the red-haired young woman drawled. 'We looked In earlier, but you were still pounding your ear. Besides, you sort of earned a late sleep-in.'

Rachel bit her lips and could not help blushing at the amused, cynical look of her amoral stepdaughter. 'What-what do you want of me now, Heather?'

'Not much, really, Mummy.' Again, Heather underlined that endearment with dripping sarcasm. 'Just to tell you that we looked at the movies Tim and I took last night. Wow, they're really sexy, Rachel! I figure that you'd want a chance to pack and write Daddy a note that you're leaving him, rather than have us show them to him when he gets back home. By the way, he just talked to me on the phone and he'll probably be home in time for dinner. So you've got maybe six hours to make a clean break.'

Rachel Woodling drew a deep breath, her arms at her sides, trying to ignore the lecherous grin of the blond boy lolling against the side of the door. 'Look,' she falteringly began, 'let's be rational about this, please, Heather. I told you last night, I happen to be in love with your father. At least, give me a fighting chance to prove to you that

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