spewing his hot white stream into her even as she overflowed, the sex sauces of the two darkening the white satin of the sheet beneath them. More minutes passed and the two rode each other. Others in the room were leaning over Dianna, holding her gently, often caressing her, teasing her, as her man fucked her. Then finally he finished with her, just as Dianna had used her last reserve of energy in playing out her release. The man withdrew his cock from her, the shaft making loud sucking sounds as he pulled it from her vaginal recesses. His prick shimmered with his cum and that of Frank, as well as with the oily stickiness of Dianna's own juices.

The two collapsed into a tangle; those who had observed the performance relaxed, and there seemed to be an almost instantaneous rush of tension from the room, like pressured air escaping from the open valve of a balloon. The shadows of the candle and the overhead light continued to play and dance over the two motionless bodies of the exhausted performers. A switch clicked in the stillness, and the overhead blue beam was extinguished, leaving the room to the erratic jumping golden light of the candle; the door to the room was opened, and the gloom was lightened by the dim lighting out in the hallway. Without being told, the members, now quickly dressed, filed quietly out of the room. Vivian, her great breasts once again half-hidden by the material of her blouse, motioned to me with her eyes that I was to follow the others. I got up oat of my chair and looked over at Dianna. She and Frank were still together on the mattress, their minds lost in the light napping sleep of the anxiously weary exhaustion that enveloped the two of them.


I turned and followed the members out of the room. I ordered a drink from the bar and then stepped through a set of four white framed tall French doors which led from the livingroom out to a large square brick patio. The patio was elevated about ten feet above the lawn as it stretched out from the house like a close- cropped green carpet. A stand of tall old trees lined the property just outside the brick wall that ran the perimeter. The sky was clear; the moon had appeared low on the horizon, full and ice-cold white, its craggy surface staring down into the blackness of the night. The scent of honeysuckle perfumed the balmy moist air. 84

I took my drink and headed for the far corner. The night air breezed gently against my face, refreshing and cool. I found a quiet place and sat down on the three-foot-high wall that bordered the deck. I gulped down half the drink, really more from thirst than anything else. My shirt was soaked with perspiration, and the night wind sent chills up my back. I had about thirty minutes to fill before the second of the two performances, and I knew that my mind, still filled with visions^of Dianna writhing and bucking under Frank and then under her second lover, her curves and treasures covered with gently caressing, softly demanding hands, her flesh traced by the fingers of those around the bed as they and others examined and inspected her as if they were children newly presented with a new outrageous toy, needed some quiet and some rest.

My thoughts shifted as I wondered what was happening to Dianna now. I knew that Vivian would be with her, making certain that she got at least a few minutes to rest, maybe staying with her as her mind and body relaxed and recovered. 1 knew also that Dianna had enjoyed the first portion of the ritual immensely. Though not an obsession, and certainly not anything beyond the simple search for physical pleasure, her own attitude toward her own undeniable beauty was one of simple acceptance. She had no difficulty in admitting that, through no effort of her own, she had been given great physical beauty, and early on she had resolved to enjoy that beauty to the greatest extent possible.

Pleasantly vain, her pride in her appearance forced the development of, first, her continuing constant efforts to maintain and improve upon her looks and, second, an almost singleminded effort to experience every feeling, every pleasure that her body could provide. Dianna reveled in being the center of attention, in displaying her physical gifts, in showing off the great sexual expertise that she had acquired. She was a hedonist through and through, and she made no effort to hide that fact. Whatever there was to do, she wanted to sample it at least once.

As I had watched her being examined and eaten and fucked on the bed only a few minutes before, her movements, her sounds, her eyes had shouted out the fact that everything that had been done to her she had enjoyed.

And just as I knew that she had accepted the fucking with open unabashed enthusiasm, I also knew that now, even as she was allowed her short rest, her needs were anticipating the experiences that awaited her when the ritual resumed.

I took another swallow on my drink, the iced liquid feeling good as it washed down my throat. I checked my watch; a little over twenty minutes remained of this break. I took a joint from a nearby table and lit up. Sitting on the short patio wall, I watched the other couples as they came and went from the livingroom to the patio and back again. Although I was alone in my dark little corner, there were, at any one time, maybe eight or nine members out enjoying the night air. Grouped in twos and threes, they spoke quietly, their hushed words blending into the other muted sounds of the night.

I turned to my right, and over by the back wall stood a group of three men surrounding what had to be the most physically striking woman I had ever seen. She must have arrived at the party after I had been shown into Dianna's room because I knew that I would certainly have remembered her.

She was several inches taller than anyone else on the patio, maybe six-four or six-five. Her skin was a deep rich brown; and her coloring, along with the shining black of her long straight hair, as well as that of her eyes, betrayed what appeared, and what I later was told, was her Polynesian heritage. Although extremely tall, and although a large woman, her belly was incredibly flat, sweeping down from her full, very round breasts to the tight, almost tiny circle of her waist. Her thighs were curved and fleshy, though at the same time firm. She wore nothing under her low-cut blouse and ankle-length skirt, and a small black triangle marked the rise of her mound. Her eyes were almond-shaped, and, her overall size notwithstanding, she lent a theme of delicacy and sensuality. She was, simply, a giant's portion of beautiful woman.

The four were speaking together. The man standing closest to her appeared to be her husband. He was as light as his wife was dark, with sandy red hair. Though at least half a foot shorter than the woman next to him, his shoulders were broad, his arms muscular. One of the remaining two men, both of whom I had already met earlier, made a comment and the woman, whose name I later learned to be Tamara, laughed, her teeth flashing against her copper darkness like brilliant white pearls. Then she said something in reply, to which her husband, David, and the other two men smiled. Slowly, she then turned her back on the three so that she was facing the outside of the patio. Leaning down, her arms extended, she braced herself against the top of the short wall, a foot or two directly in front of her. Even bent at the waist as she now was, Tamara remained taller than the men gathered around her. David, a bright smile playing on his lips, reached down and pulled her long dress up over her delectable ass, exposing her to his two friends and everyone else then on the patio. The other conversations around me ceased as all eyes turned toward the fascinating display. David told the woman to spread her legs apart, and she did so; Tamara had turned her head back over her shoulders, and, the smile still stretching at her lips, watched Daved as he spoke to the two men next to him. His voice was soft, and I had to strain to hear what he was saying.

'Now, John,' David said to one of the two other men, 'I want to show you something really unbelieveable. Truly unique, you might say. And I'm certain that Tamara would like to show you her, uh, somewhat unusual talent. Wouldn't you like to show John and Ted your trick, Tamara?'

Tamara said yes, that she thought the two men might find her talent quite interesting. She turned her head back to the wall, her eyes now staring down at the bricks of the deck beneath her feet. She adjusted the position of her hands against the top of the wall, and then spread her legs open wider. My eyes glimpsed her pussy, the pink flesh of her cunt gleaming out against the brown of her skin. Her ass, also a deep and rich copper color, was perfectly curved and very inviting.

'John, I'd like you to take your finger and put it up between the lips of Tamara's cunt.'

Without hesitation, John placed his finger between the waiting labia.

'John, now, take your hand away and Ted, put your fingers where John's had been.' Ted, like John, did as he was instructed.

'Good. Now, Ted, you, too, remove your finger, and then both you and John step back a couple of feet, over here.' David motioned to a spot on the rough red bricks directly behind his woman.

'John, Ted, was Tamara's pussy all moist, at all wet?'

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