required age of eighteen had presented themselves to the adults of the tribe, and Dianna and I along with all of the others virtually feasted on the girls, sating ourselves with the new, untried bodies. Impressions of huge round brown breasts tipped with the bright stiff pinkness of their nipples; the honey-sweet taste of their juices, the firm soft grasps of their tight virginal cunts. After the girls had been made women, those present became trapped by their own demanding needs, and I held Dianna as several of the huge bronze-tanned men took her, spilling their seed into her softness just as I had gushed out into their women but moments earlier. It seemed like only weeks before that night at the mansion with The Group that I had taken Dianna to an inn hidden far out in the isolation of the countryside, a small place lost out among the trees and the rolling hills of small farms and miniature forests. There, Dianna, along with the other dozen-or-so female guests, was taught to transport herself into a perfect state of sexual acceptance; my brain stirred in the clutch of my sleep as I recalled the main room of the inn on the final night of the weekend, all of the women positioned around the room by the whims of the mistress of the house; the men were ushered into the room to be confronted by the display of the women, their legs bound open, the pink red flesh of their cunts glistening with their slippery anticipation, all inviting all and any of us to use them in any way we wished. I took several of the women that night, filling them as I watched several of the other men filling Dianna, she drenching herself in the seemingly endless reservoir of raunchy release. In the darkness of my sleep I could feel a slight stirring in my balls as I remembered what Dianna looked like as I arranged for the intensity of her needs and efforts to be recorded on film. Her role as the featured performer in a film made for the fantasies of unknown viewers enhanced her enjoyment of her several lovers that day, and the knowledge that the experience would be viewed by others long into the future added even more excitement, until finally, by satisfying the needs of those unknown others, she satisfied her own visi-sions of Dianna coming to the fucking of her men, the leris of the all-seeing camera just inches from her cunt, swept through my mind like the whispy rag-tag end of a dream.

And then even my mind surrendered, as it joined my body in the black swirling cave of my exhaustion. The first hints of consciousness were the sounds of movement around me, more feelings than sounds, really. By the time I managed to open my eyes, most of the women had already disappeared from the room, refreshing themselves over the basins of the mansions's several bathrooms. Several of the men had also fallen back into the real world and were struggling into their clothes. Someone had closed the door leading outside and, with fresh logs on the fire, the room was warming slowly to a toasty coziness. 1 chatted with Bill as I climbed into my clothes. As the men straightened to their feet, and into their pants and suits, most of them headed for the bar, thirsty for a drink. Bill and I joined the others. We talked together for maybe half an hour. The voices were quiet and hushed, the music and the crackling of the fire being the loudest sounds in the room. A few of us then strayed outside onto the brick patio. My body, like those of the others, labored under the burden of weary muscles; sore legs and tired backs, a general feeling of fatique resulting from the strain of the evening's activities. And yet I regretted the quick passage of time, the lateness of the hour; my mind was still filled with visions and fantasies that it wanted to pursue, and, in spite of the fact that the next gathering would be held with the next few weeks, I was not fond of having to leave this hedonistic wonderland. I hadn't realized how late it really was until I stepped out into the night air. The moon had arched over the sky and, by now, had disap*-peared somewhere off beyond the horizon. The stars twinkled down seemingly brighter than ever, blinking silver points suspended somewhere out beyond the skies; the extreme eastern horizon was just beginning to show the faintest golden tinges of the morning sun's colors, and the earliest traces of a fresh morning breeze were beginning to wisp out over the lawn. There was a chill in the air, and the trees marking the limits of the estate were beginning to come alive with the chirpings of hungry baby birds.

I talked with Bill and Ron for a few minutes. Ted and Pam's husband, Rich, joined us later. We finished off our drinks, and then Ron produced a couple of joints, and, figuring what the hell, took a good deep hit and then another, until by the time the roach was stubbed out, my mind was once again churning with lazy, lofting rushes. The women finally began to reappear. Dianna joined us out on the patio along with Vivian. I was surprised to find Dianna looking almost as if she were about to begin the evening rather than end it. She was, once again, wearing the clothes she had arrived with, and, except for the telltale slight droop of her eyelids, she looked as she did hours earlier, at the start of the night. Dianna told me how much she had enjoyed the sexual adventure, which was identical to the message betrayed by her sleepy, satisfied smile. Bill and Ron both complimented her on both of her performances and what they called her 'other activities.' Pam arrived out on the deck shortly after Dee and Viv. She looked tired, but said that her 'birthday present' had proven to be probably the most memorable night of her life and that she was already looking ahead to the next gathering. I felt a quickening in my balls when I realized that I would be given another opportunity to take the young women again, if only I could wait a few weeks. Vivian was wearing a thick white terry-cloth robe, the hem almost reaching the floor. She had decided not to dress, as she and Ron would be spending the night, or what was left of it, anyway, at the mansion. Then Ron asked if we'd care to stay over with them. I told him that we really wouldn't be able to, but that we could delay our departure for a little while, maybe relaxing and for some coffee. Pam and Rich, along with about six of the other couples, began to say their goodnights. Ta-mara promised everyone that she and David would be attending the next party. Barbara was almost sound asleep as Bill half-carried her down the driveway to the car. Others left, and by the time I was catching my second wind, only six other couples remained: Ron and Viv, Bob and Samantha, Jim and Linda, Jane and Jack, Eve and Ted and Susan and Frank. Vivian finally pulled the huge wooden front door closed, waving her goodbyes to the last of the departing couples, David and Tamara, just as Linda, the last of the women to reappear on the patio, stepped outside. Dianna joined Vivian in the kitchen as the two women began brewing some strong hot cof-fee. The rest of us settled down in the livingroom, sitting on the couches that we had moved back into the center of the room. Dee and Viv came out of the kitchen, coffee steaming on the trays they carried. The coffee was rich, and it seemed to work wonders on both my mind and body as I drank it. Ron went out in back and got some more logs for the fire, then poked and shoveled at the dying golden embers in the fireplace; he put one of the fresh logs on the andirons, and within fifteen minutes the fire was once again crackling and hissing loudly, filling the room with walls and ceilings of erratic dancing shadows and an all-enveloping warmth that no mechanical heater could provide. Vivian brought a tray loaded with sandwiches over to where we were sitting, and between the coffee and the food, everyone was once again, relatively speaking, wide awake.

Dianna and I were sitting on the couch together, my arm around her shoulders. Ron and Viv sat on the love-seat across from us, on the other side of the coffee table. Bob and Samantha had reclined back on the floor, their backs propped up against the frame of the couch; Jim and Linda were also on the floor, on their sides by the table; Jack and Jane were next to them on the floor; the remaining four, Eve and Ted and Susan and Frank, were all by the fire, curled up directly in front of the flames. The chattering of the birds outside was growing louder, and the eastern horizon was showing more and more gold and silver tint, and less and less of the inky blackness of the fast retreating night. Dianna was talking primarily with the other women, and every few minutes one or two of them would laugh in response to a remark made by one of the others. We had a second cup of coffee, most of the men taking a second sandwich off the tray. Someone remarked-Ted, I believe it was-as to how wide awake he felt, and everyone then mentioned that they felt the same. Then Jim began talking, recalling how The Group originally came into being. He and Ron had met at a fishing lodge one summer. They got together later when they both had returned home, for a baseball game, and then about three weeks later, this third time also in the company of Vivian and Linda. Jim remarked as to how well Vivian and Linda got along, and then Ron added that the next evening Viv had told him that she found herself terribly excited by Jim. During the next couple of weeks, Jim and Ron arranged a two-couple party for the next weekend, and that forth meeting provided the opportunity for the two couples to experience their first shared sexual explorations. After about six months of semi-monthly gatherings, the lusty quartet had become convinced that the matchings were_perfect, and their relationship evolved and developed into a solid friendship. About a year after the first meeting, Ron and Viv had the occasion to meet Ted and Eve. After a discussion with Jim and Linda, the new couple was invited to join the original four. Later, Bill and Barbara were added to the mix. At about this point, the idea of an organized group was considered, and some informal rules, all designed to enhance the experience, were agreed upon, most of them concerning the future admission of additional couples: all would have to be married, all attractive, all understanding and devoted to the concept that the thrills of physical enjoyment were something that should be fostered and enjoyed to the greatest extent possible; and that any applicants would have to be approved unanimously. It was also at this point that the couples started referring to themselves as 'The Group.' During the next year, three more couples were admitted, and with these couples came the idea of what Ron referred to as the 'Admission Ritual.' Parties began to

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