gall of the man! To dismiss her very serious problem with his crude witticisms! Her flint impulse was to fire him – but that wouldn't be right, dismissing him because of her personal grudge. Na, she would simply avoid him as much as she could.

Wrapped in her anger and oblivious to everything else, Jennifer rounded a corner and nearly collided with Laura Langley. The actress, who was wearing a brief bathing suit, seemed delighted to see her.

'Darling!' she laughed. 'I was hoping I'd run into you, although not quite so literally! We're having a little party on the beach this afternoon, and I want you to come. I've already spoken to your dear brother, and he's promised to be there. Will you come? I simply won't let you refuse!'

Jennifer thought quickly. Her first impulse was to refuse. After what she'd witnessed last night, in Jack Harlan's suite, she did not want to be around Laura and her crowd ever again. On the other hand, in spite of Laura's private life, Jennifer still greatly admired her as an actress and therefore hesitated to offend her. But, nothing objectionable, nothing lewd, could possibly be done on a public beach, so there would be no danger of being forced to observe another orgy.

'Why, thank you, Miss Langley,' Jennifer smiled. 'I'd be delighted.'

'Call me Laura, darling,' said the actress. 'All my friends do.'

In late afternoon, Jennifer changed into her blue bikini, took the largest towel she could find, and strolled down to the beach. At some distance from the hotel she saw a group of people sitting around, and even from far away she recognized Laura's bright, red hair. As she got closer, she was dismayed to see that it was the same bunch as at last night's party – Laura and Kip, Jonathan, Jack and Bonnie Harlan, and the poet Harold Witherspoon with his mistress, Ouida. Jennifer wished she had not come, but she knew it would be rude to back out now that they'd seen her.

She received cordial, effusive greetings, and Jonathan sprang up to kiss her cheek and slip his arm around her waist in an unbrotherly manner which she did not like. But gradually her doubts lessened. Nothing outrageous was happening. People were swimming, lounging around on towels and blankets, drinking beer, chatting, eating fried chicken and potato salad – all very much like an ordinary picnic. Jennifer relaxed and had a long swim. Later she lay on her towel, got pleasantly high on beer, and managed to contract the slight sunburn which seemed to be a status symbol in California. She felt drowsy and contented.

Dusk came, following a beautiful sunset, and no one seemed inclined to go back to the hotel. There was still plenty of food and beer, the air was still warm, the water inviting. It was Harold Witherspoon who began what Jennifer considered the hanky-panky. First, as the gathering darkness made them invisible from the hotel, Witherspoon produced his cache of marijuana, and all of the party except Jennifer shared it with him, sitting around a small campfire, smoking, and becoming more and more jovial and animated. Then Witherspoon proposed a nude swim.

This idea was enthusiastically received by everyone except Jennifer, who began to gather up her things in preparation for a hasty exit. Jonathan held her arm, however, and she was forced to listen to everyone's protests and persuasions.

'My God, Jen!' her brother teased. 'I knew you'd been raised kind of strictly, but you're a big girl now! Surely you don't have moral objections to nudity!'

'No, of course not,' answered Jennifer, much embarrassed. 'I'm not that old-fashioned. If you people want to do it, that's your business. It's just that I can't do it myself.'

'Oh, nonsense!' laughed Bonnie. 'There's nothing to be ashamed of, honey! In fact, you have all the advantages – you have the nicest body of any girl here, and you'll put the rest of us to shame! How can you pass up a chance like that?'

Jennifer thought wryly that Bonnie was right, she did have the best figure. Bonnie herself was a little on the round, plump side; Laura, although still impressively shaped, was getting to be over the hill; and Ouida was tall, slim, graceful, and elegant, but very nearly flat-chested. However, vanity could not persuade Jennifer.

'Oh, I really couldn't,' she blushed.

'Aw, come on, little lady!' boomed Jack Harlan. 'Don't spoil the party! Be a sport!'

Jennifer hated to ruin anyone else's good times, and, after all, she really was being silly. Nude swimming was commonplace nowadays. She finally gave in, and everyone cheered.

'Nothing delays us now!' cried the poet, trying to undress and gesture at the same time. 'Let us offer our bodies to Neptune!' He swept his arm to indicate the ocean, tripped, and fell in the sand. Everyone laughed as Ouida picked him up and helped set him on his feet again.

Jen's impulse was to turn her back on the others while she took off her bathing suit, but she knew she was being prudish. She forced herself to face them, and as she tossed aside the skimpy suit she received brief but admiring glances from the men. The women were too busy looking each other over to notice the men's reactions. Although no one commented, each woman had her own secret judgment about whose figure was best. Ouida wished she was little and cuddly like Bonnie; Bonnie wished she was shapely and firm like Jennifer; Jennifer wished she was tall and slim like Ouida, and Laura felt no one could compare with herself. But the men, equally silent, felt a secret desire to fuck Jennifer and each hoped that the evening would give them the chance.

Harold Witherspoon led the charge into the surf, babbling one of his own unintelligible poems, and for half an hour they all splashed around, ducked each other, and played like children. Then there was a general retreat to the campfire, where they lay on towels and blankets, smoked grass and drank beer.

Jennifer felt happy. The nude swim had been perfectly innocent, even fun. She intended to finish her beer and then go to her room for a good, long sleep. Her new friends did not seem objectionable now, and she was not even embarrassed to notice them glancing at her nude body as she reclined on her towel. All seemed to be going so well – until, just like last night, Laura spoke up.

'Christ!' she exclaimed. 'I'm horny as hell!'

This announcement was greeted with laughter, and even Jennifer had to smile – it was so like Laura to say such a thing. Jennifer hoped it would stop there. But she was out of luck. Laura bent over Kip, who was sitting beside her, and voraciously sucked his limp cock into her mouth.

'Hey!' laughed Kip. 'Don't you ever get tired?'

Laura, her mouth occupied, did not reply, but everyone else did, somebody shouting, 'Go, Laura, go!' They watched intently, with obvious enjoyment, as the actress, her long, red hair streaming over Kip's naked thighs, sucked his cock swiftly and noisily, her fingers simultaneously tickling his flaccid balls. Kip was at first only amused, but as Laura's expert tongue came into play, he groaned, closed his eyes, and became oblivious to his surroundings.

Jennifer felt a strange struggle going on inside herself. One part of her wanted to leave the obscene performance instantly; but another part of her was unwillingly fascinated with it. Just as before, when she had spied on Laura and Kip in the woods and watched them screw, she was mesmerized by the sight of two famous people doing something so intimate. For the time being, then, she said nothing and only watched.

Harold Witherspoon soon became fidgety, wanting to get in on the action himself. He abruptly leaped onto Ouida, who giggled and shrieked, spread her legs, and pressed his silvery head between her thighs. Ouida pretended to struggle for a moment longer; then loud, wet sucking was heard, and the beautiful black girl moaned, closed her eyes, and lay back on the blanket as Harold greedily licked and tongued her pussy.

'Hey, honey, how 'bout you and me?' Jack Harlan grinned at, his wife.

'I thought you'd never ask!' tittered Bonnie.

He stretched out on his back, and Bonnie crawled over hint her plump pink body contrasting with his tan and hairy flesh. She seemed to plop her fat little ass right in his face, then stuck out her pink tongue and began to lick his long, thin, meaty prick. She squealed, then sighed, as Jack used his tongue on her tight-puckered anus, first circling it hotly, then wriggling inside to stuff and ream.

'Ooooo!' cooed Bonnie. 'Get your tongue in there, honey! Oh, it feels so nice!'

She shrieked in delight as he wormed his thick tongue all the way in her asshole, and then she seized his long, white cock and sucked it into her mouth for a vigorous pumping and a bath of hot saliva. Jack groaned and began to move his hips in time to her sucking, bat he did not withdraw his tongue from her anus. Meanwhile, Kip was beginning to pant and jerk his hips as Laura's cocksucking speeded up and her expert fingers rubbed and tickled his balls. Ouida was moaning, low and steady, while Harold gobbled and sucked and tongued all the creamy flesh between her legs.

Jennifer caught herself watching all the action with open mouth and wide eyes. There was no denying the

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