out. I watched it ooze down in slick strings over his fingers. So that was what it looked like! My shoulders shook at the thought of having anything so slimy inside my body. How could people screw?

The spurts were coming fast now. They flicked the cummy strings over Dad's thighs and legs and I heard the stuff dripping onto the floor between his legs. His balls looked heavy and huge and I wondered how much seed they held. Did the sperm come from both of them at the same time? Was it hot? I gasped for air, pushed myself away from the door. When I was safe inside my own room with the door shut and locked, my hands flew to the elastic waistband of my panties.

'Nooo!' I said to my naughty thoughts. I wanted more than anything to strip my underwear off and rub my cunt like crazy again. The desire was so strong that I stood there with my feet planted apart and fought against my stormy emotions.

But someone had come in the front door of the trailer. Mom, back from shopping. I took my hands away from my crotch and dug through my drawer for something to wear. I heard her banging pots in the kitchen.

'You'd better come on pretty soon, Lorrie!' she called.

I pulled a bra under my heavy tits, got it fastened. Lots of girls didn't bother wearing them but I knew I'd be embarrassed to death if a boy accidentally brushed one with his arm and felt my naked tit.


'Coming!' I shoved the magazine back under the mattress and pulled on a pair of faded denims and buttoned them up. My sandals made the spots between my toes tingle again, but I ignored that, too. One last glimpse at my reflection in the mirror above my dresser. The jersey bulged out with my high, firm tits. Oh damn, why were they so big!


'I said I was coming…'


Mom guided the Plymouth around a car trying to park and turned left up a hill. She drove with both hands on the top of the steering wheel, chin poked out to see every last inch of road in front of the car. I noticed a strand of hair that had come loose from her bun, wanted to push it back but didn't. She would have been irritated at my touch.

'You know I think it's just grand that your father got this contract here in Olema. Such a nice change from Billings, such an improvement.' She smiled vaguely at me. 'Don't you think so?'

'Oh sure… sure.'

'And the trailer park isn't so bad, is it?'

'It's a nice trailer park.' I looked at the passing people, watched the trees slide by. I had learned the easiest way to talk with my mother was to agree with everything and not ask questions about anything difficult.

'Well, you have your own room now,' she went on, 'and a girl sixteen is entitled to a little privacy. Your father and I agree on that.'

'Who's this Mrs. Caruthers anyway?'

'The lady who invited me to join the church. I met her our first night in town when I was over seeing Reverend Dixon about changing our membership from the First Christian in Billings.'

'And she has a daughter?'

Mother found the loose strand of hair, poked at it with her fingers. 'Yes, and she's in the same grade you are next September.' She turned down a tree-lined street and slowed. 'They should be at the church this morning. I'll be helping Mrs. Caruthers on getting ready for the coming social.'

The town of Olema seemed greener, denser than Billings. Maybe because the summers would be longer, the warm days warmer. I smelled honeysuckle and some other flower I couldn't identify. Mother glanced my way.

'Mrs. Caruthers has even arranged a date for you. Her and her daughter arranged it, I guess.'

'Mom! I don't know if I want… I haven't even met this…'

'Her name's Janey and I've met her. Very polite, very sweet girl. Usually I'm very careful about the boys you date, you know that. But Mrs. Caruthers assured me that the MacInnes brothers were fine young men. Active in the church. She's known their family since she was a child herself.'

'But, Mom…' I shut up. I didn't want to go on a date, not just like that. I felt like getting to know people on my own time. Maybe I really felt like hiding out in our trailer until the summer drifted by and worrying about the new school, the new kids when I absolutely had to.

'Look, there they are now!' Mom pulled to the curb so fast a tire scraped and jolted us to a stop. When the introductions were over, Janey Caruthers commented my mother's dress which I thought was pretty plain. Mother beamed. Mrs. Caruthers was a blandish woman with small breasts. And I couldn't help notice the way she eyed mine. I tried not to show a profile, felt nervous and sweaty there under everyone's eyes. Janey had small tits, too.

'Come on, I'll show you the recreation room,' she said and I followed her down a flight of steps. When we were out of earshot, she studied me, pushed blonde hair out of her eyes. 'So your old lady's a church nut, too, huh?'

I was too surprised to do anything but nod. 'Have you really fixed me up with a date for tonight?'

'Don't thank me yet.' Her long hair flopped lank and pretty around her shoulders. 'You'll meet him in a second.'

'What do you mean?'

'The MacInnes boys aren't really my idea of a good time,' she shrugged. 'But it's a ride to the drive-in anyway.' Janey made the bottom of the steps before I did, and I noticed that she had a way of walking with her hips that she hadn't done in front of our mothers. It was the little pause, a hitch in her stride which made each half of her ass sway out farther than it had to go. For fun I tried to mimic her. It wasn't as easy as it looked.

Two boys were playing ping-pong when we came into the big game room. I knew without Janey telling me that they were our dates. Jimmy and Ron MacInnes. Through the hellos and shy smiles I saw Janey put her hand on Ron's shoulder, knew that my date would be Jim. Jim wore glasses that kept sliding off his short nose and when he laughed, it sounded more like a cough. His brother was taller, maybe a little older. We would go in Ron's car. Ron was the best-looking of the two except when he opened his mouth, and then he looked a little like Bugs Bunny.

We sat on the sofa and talked. Jim was eager and polite, and I liked him all right – what little I knew about boys wasn't much to go on. He asked the usual questions. Yes, my father was a supervisor working for the company putting up the new bridge west of Olema. Yes, I was living at the Happy Glen trailer park. Yes, I'd be a senior next year. No, I didn't like to play ping-pong or ride horses and I didn't think Raquel Welch was all that hot. While we talked, I kept noticing the way Janey touched Ron on the arm, on the leg, even poking him in the stomach once. She smiled and blinked her long lashes. Maybe she liked to show off her green eye-shadow. The boys decided finally to square off for another ping-pong battle as Janey and I watched from the sidelines. She leaned close.

'You'll have to show Jimmy where to put his hand tonight,' she whispered.

'Oh.' I swallowed. If Jimmy didn't know, I sure wasn't going to show him. I wondered how my mother got the idea that Janey was the type of friend she wanted me to associate with. There was something about her I liked though. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it.

'He doesn't kiss worth a shit, either,' Janey laughed, 'but then neither does Ron.' She puckered like a fish, laughed again. The bays smiled our way, batted the ball across the net like a couple of wild men.

'Your hair sure is pretty,' I said, trying to change the subject.

'So's yours.' Smiles. She was looking at my tits. Darn big tits!

'I guess they look pretty funny, huh?' I felt myself reddening. 'I mean, me being so tall and kind of skinny…'

Janey looked amazed. 'You're not skinny! Jesus, I wish I was…' She touched palms under her small boobs, tossed her head. 'But I got a nice ass, anyway.' We laughed together. Yes, I did like her. And was a little scared of

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