dry. Her nipples had begun to throb and burn. She cupped one tit in a hand, rolling it on her chest. She reached inside her bra and fingered the firm, ripe flesh of her tits while her body pounded with rising excitement. She could imagine the feelings that ran through the body of the brunette. She could imagine the deep, warm comfort of that big cock in her pussy.

'Aaaaaaa!' the brunette hissed in pleasure. 'Oooooooeee! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me harder! Drive it into me, sweetheart!'

The boy answered her urging. He began slamming his body at her, driving his cock through her pussy in vicious strokes. Ginny could hear the sound of the thick meat slapping through the juicy cunt. Her legs came up further on his body and wrapped about his waist. Her ass shimmered in the golden light of the late afternoon. Her thighs seemed like satin, their muscles rippling as she hugged his lunging body tighter and tighter. She wrapped her arms about his shoulders and buried her face against his neck. Ginny was sure that she had caught his skin in her teeth and was biting him as they fucked harder and harder.

'Oh, yes!' he panted. 'Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Uhhhhmmmmmmm!'

He shook wildly, balling away with new ferocity. They both gasped for air as their bodies merged into a single, writhing, twisting unity. Ginny kept one hand on her tit and reached the other into her crotch. She pressed the material of her slacks against her tingling pussy, rubbing firmly so that her slit could go crazy with excitement. Her heart was beating wildly as she felt united with the couple on the next balcony. She was just as lost in the sensuous thrill of the fuck as if she had been beneath the boy.

'I'm getting there!' she heard the brunette whisper frantically. 'Ooooo, I'm getting ready! Fuck me! Please! Fuck harder! I'm coming! Let your cum blow through me! Oooooooeeeeeee!'

Their two bodies shuddered in a frenzy of orgasm. They rolled and clawed at each other. His ass was a blur of driving motion. He drove his angry cock harder and harder as his load began to explode into her panting pussy.

'Yesssss!' he gasped. 'Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhh! I'm fucking you now! Ohhhh, baby! I'm fucking the shit out of you!'

'Fuck me!' she answered. 'Keep fucking, sweetheart! Fuck! Fuck! Ooooooeeeeeeee!'

Ginny had to get away from the scene. She had to get away from the sound of cock and cunt. She had to get out of range of their delighted gasps. She took advantage of the moment when they were lost in their orgasms and ran through the door into her own apartment.

Her knees were weak. Her breath was still irregular. Ginny stood in the safety of her own small dining room, panting and quivering with excitement. Her body was aching, crying for fulfillment. She felt her tits swollen inside the tight bra. She felt her clit still tingling at the gate of her pussy. She was dizzy from it all. She wasn't supposed to feel this way. This was wrong! This was terrible! To feel like this was ugly and dirty!

She had to find relief, however. Ginny ran to her bedroom, taking off her clothes as she went. Her hands were trembling as she stretched on her back across the bed. She lay back, her body alive with growing desire. Slowly she gave in to the temptation. Her hand dropped between her thighs. Her finger teased about the golden hairs above her cunt, then rubbed lightly at the lips of her pussy. Her breath came in a sudden gasp of excitement as she slipped her finger inside and touched her ecstatic clit. A spark of pleasure ran up through her pussy as she pressed again at the tiny nubbin.

'Ahhhhhh!' the blonde sighed, catching one of her nipples on the tip of a finger and rotating the throbbing button slowly. 'Mmmmmmm!'

She closed her eyes, lying back and letting her body pulse and glow with surging pleasure. Sid's face swam before her, Sid's smile softly haunted her. She imagined his cock down where her finger was sending such electric sparks rippling through her pussy. She imagined his hands caressing her heaving tits.

'Yessssss!' she hissed. Her cunt tingled with a thousand little sparks. She eased her finger past her clit and began to pump along the passage. Her juices were flowing, lubricating the velvet pussy as she fucked her finger more sensuously, more deliberately. Her other hand pulled and mashed her tits, stimulating the heaving globes until they seemed half again as large as before.

'Oooooooooo!' she moaned. 'Fuck me! Ohhhhh, God! Somebody fuck me!'

Ginny swung her face from side to side, letting her soft, blonde hair swirl over the bed. She drew her knees upward, spreading her thighs open even further. Her ass kept leaping upward, driving her pussy over the probing finger. The blonde shuddered as she listened to the soft sound of her finger stirring the juices of her cunt. She felt the juice begin to pour out of her pussy and run back to the cheeks of her ass.

'Ooooooeeeeee!' she panted. 'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

The room was spinning about her flow, whirling crazily from side to side. Lights swirled over the ceiling as her body hunched and pounded with the fantastic surge of her orgasm. She fucked her finger wildly into her pussy. She rubbed her nipples roughly. She panted with the rushing, overwhelming pleasure that shook her slender body.

'Ohhhhhh, yesssssss!' she gasped as the full blast of her climax shook through her. For a moment she felt pinned helplessly to the bed. Then her body erupted into voluptuous spasms. She rocked and bounced over the bed, humping, hunching, panting and gasping.

Her pussy quivered ecstatically about her finger as she finally fell back limply. The blonde felt a warm glow all through her body. She lay still, trying to let her breathing return to normal. Then the old feeling of guilt crept over her. She shouldn't have done that. What she did was horrible! That's what she had been taught. That's what she had always believed.

Ginny shuddered at the power her body held over her. That was why she had shunned Lorelei. That was why she had first taken a room under the protective guidance of the church. That was why she had never allowed herself to get emotionally involved with any man. She knew that she couldn't trust herself. She knew that sooner or later her body would betray her, just as it had tonight.

'Damn you, Sid Weeks,' she whispered to the empty room. 'It's your fault.'

It was, she was certain. It was all because of his warm smile, his casual good looks. Except for Sid.

Weeks she would have been sitting alone back at the church home. She would never have been exposed to the couple fucking on the next balcony. She would never have had all this raw passion stirred up inside her.

'Damn! Damn! Damn!' she said aloud, then turned over and buried her face into the pillows.


'Looks like you have an admirer over there,' Lorelei laughed to Ginny, nodding her head toward the black- haired man who watched them.

The girls had taken advantage of the brilliant sunshine and were spending their Saturday beside one of the swimming pools. They had studiously avoided giving any encouragement to the men and boys who constantly tried to strike up a conversation. Ginny had made that a condition for accompanying her friend. She had refused to come when Lorelei first suggested it. 'I don't feel like getting hassled by the guys,' she explained. 'I know you well enough to have no doubt that you know them all, that we would attract half the men in the complex.'

'I promise to be good!' Lorelei laughed. 'I won't put the make on a single guy as long as you're with me.'

In the end, Ginny gave up and accompanied her to the pool. Lorelei had kept her word. She had been cool and aloof every time a male body leaned down over them or tried to lounge along the sunning area beside them. When the girls refused to encourage them, the men would finally leave to find more success with the other females who clustered about the water.

Ginny glanced over in the direction of the redhead's nod. That one had made no attempt to meet them. He had just been sitting there, basking in the sun. His eyes, though, had never left the blonde's body. Ginny gave him a more appraising look.

He was a few years older than any of the other men around the pool, older than any of the tenants Ginny had seen around the apartments. His black hair was flecked with grey, giving him a rather distinguished appearance. His body was as lean as those of the younger men. He was lean and tanned, heavy black hair across his wide, muscular chest. He still hadn't even smiled at Ginny. He only lay back, relaxed. His eyes, however, never

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