pick up something he had forgotten, he had appeared at the head of the stairs just as she was walking down the hall.

He had frozen. His eyes had ripped over her, he had licked his lips, and a huge bulge had appeared in his pants almost instantaneously.

'Hi, Daddy,' she had greeted him softly, making no move to cover her maturing breasts or her blonde-fuzzed pussy.

Then her mother had called from downstairs, breaking the sexual tableau like fragile crystal. Her father had flamed red and stalked past her, actually pushing her into her room as he went past. But he had wanted her.

Just like Pete wanted her now. He was down to the buff. His long skinny phallus was aimed at her like a gun. At the tip of its purple knob a shining drop of liquid glittered in the light.

Cookie fingered her pussy, spreading her labia to show the hot hole and its surrounding pink petals. 'Right here,' she murmured softy. 'Put it right here.'

'Not yet.'


Pete shook his head. He stood over her, studying the lines of her slender body. His cock drooled a heavy gleaming drop down at her. A glittering strand linked it to his prick and stretched fine as a spider's web before finally breaking. It felt like icy acid when it struck her thigh. A beaded strand of gummy secretion yo-yoed from the tip of his prick.

Deliberately, wantonly, Cookie reached up and wiped his phallus with her fingers, carried the fluid to her mouth and licked her fingers. 'Fuck me,' she urged.

Pete grinned slowly. There was a touch of cruelty to the languid smile. 'Suffer,' he said softy. 'There's no rush.'

'I need cock,' Cookie insisted, spreading her outer lips still further. 'I need it, I need it, I need it.'

'Well,' Pete told her, 'you are not going to get it yet:' He leaned over and teased one finger into her pussy. He touched her clit and her hips heaved up in hungry response. He grinned broadly. He wiggled his finger back and forth, back and forth over her clit, rolling it against her pubic arch, first one way, then the other.

'Awww, please!' Cookie whined.

'Like that?' Pete asked.

'Awww, yeah, but I need cock,' Cookie wailed. 'I need cock.'

'You'll get it,' he assured her. 'When I'm good and ready, you'll get it.'

'Bastard,' she hissed, then groaned as he tormented her clit with his finger.

'You're getting wet,' he noted, slipping a finger into her. 'Real hot and wet and slippery.'

'God! Stop torturing me,' she groaned. Flames were slashing through her, driving her mad. Her vagina spasmed, futilely groping for what should be filling it. Blindly, she reached up and tried to locate his prick. The backs of her fingers bumped against it, and she felt a sticky wetness on her skin. She curled her fist around his phallus and tugged on it, trying to drag it down into her streaming hole.

'Careful,' he grunted. 'Don't want you to bring me off that way.'

'Please, fuck me,' Cookie begged. 'Please, please, fuck me!'

'Horny little one, aren't you?' Pete observed. 'Almost as horny as my sister. She's real skinny and tight, too. I like 'em skinny and tight.'

The information trickled slowly into Cookie's brain. 'You screw your sister?' she asked softly.

'Of course I do,' Pete answered. 'Doesn't Charlie take care of you ever?'

Cookie started to answer, then clammed up, ashamed. 'Fuck me,' she groaned desperately. 'Fuck me, Goddammit!' She retaliated against his tormenting finger by skillfully stimulating his prick with her thumb, smearing it with his hot lubricant.

'That's the way,' Pete told her. 'That's the way to get me ready.'

'Fuck me,' she hissed. 'Stick it in me!'

Pete knelt slowly between her wide spread thighs. Bracing himself up on one arm, he bent his cock down, aiming it into the hot, dripping hole of her pussy. Cookie could see his phallus approaching her crotch, even though it was impossible for her to see her vaginal orifice. Pete eased himself down, and she felt his cock enter her, felt his bulk spreading her juicy folds.

She fell back on the sofa as he bored his tower up off her, and drilled his cock into her. The only point of contact between them was their sex organs.

He eased into her, until she was filled with prick. Its head socketed itself in the end of her cunt hole. His hips were jammed into her crotch, but still only the centers of their bodies were in contact

'Well?' he demanded.

'Don't stop. God, don't stop,' she whispered.

Pete pumped his prick in her hole, sliding it out, then ramming it deep into her guts again. He did it slowly, drawing it almost all the way out. then sliding it back in and grinding his hips into her crotch, making sure he got the deepest penetration possible.

'Put a pillow under her ass, and you'll get in deeper,' an unexpected voice suddenly said.

'Ginny!' Cookie blurted. Then her voice hazed out in a galaxy of pleasure as Pete continued pistoning his prick in her gaping cunt.

'Hi, Sis,' Pete grunted, not stopping his stroking in and out of Cookie's pussy.

Ginny was stripping off her clothes with casual ease, tossing them aside. She sat on the floor by the couch, near Cookie's head, and studied the situation.

'Having a nice time?' she asked.

Cookie nodded.

'You should see Pete's prick,' Ginny reported. 'It's all shiny and slippery with your goo. It slides out of that little twat of yours like a magic act. Then it greases back in. Man, that is one sight that really gets me hot!'

The blow by blow description served to lift Cookie still higher. The thick heavy smell of sex flooded up from her glutted pussy. Pete's hips ground against the insides of her thighs. Her eyes closed, Cookie tried to visualize what Ginny had described.

The touch of lips against hers surprised Cookie. She instinctively responded to the kiss. When Cookie realized that it had to be Ginny who was kissing her, she was too far gone to protest or care. She accepted the other girl's tongue, welcomed it, battled it with her own.

Her mouth being laved by Ginny, and her cunt being ravished by Ginny's brother, Cookie was blazing up to a sizzling orgasm. Her vagina spasming around the cock pistoning in and out of it, Cookie slurped and sucked on Ginny's deft, darting tongue. Nothing mattered anymore but Cookie's searing, oozing pleasure. Charlie's rejection didn't matter, nor did it matter whose tongue was in her mouth, or whose cock was in her cunt. All that mattered was the convulsing, muscle-knotting ecstasy that went on and on and on and on, endlessly.

Deep inside her, hot cum was spurting into her vagina. Pete was cumming. His hips grinding into Cookie's crotch, he was pouring his sperm into her with clenching spasms of his buttocks. His slim, tan body arched back like a bow, his entire being concentrated on his jetting penis as it convulsed and pumped in Cookie's clutching tunnel.

Cookie's orgasm soared still higher as she felt the phallus in her hole recoiling. The walls of her pussy, already spasming, increased the power of their contractions, trying to milk Pete's cream from him.

But there was a trickle of regret and fear in Cookie's pleasure, now, too. Now that Pete was cumming, her orgasm was destined to end. Sooner or later his reserves would be exhausted. Then he would be gone from her, would leave her achingly empty once more. He would leave her with nothing to remember but the past, nothing for her mind to focus on in the future but the fact that Charlie didn't want her.

When Pete did start to draw out, Cookie heaved her hips up in a desperate effort to keep him in her. She followed him, until her body was in a straining arch. But it was no use. His cock shriveled in her still-spasming pussy, and was leaving her. And then it was gone. He had finally escaped her clutching cunt.

'Naawooo!' she wailed, ripping her mouth away from Ginny's sucking, working lips. It was a useless heart- breaking cry of denial.

'Hush!' Ginny snapped sharply. Then she moved. She lifted her leg and crawled down over Cookie! Cookie's eyes flickered open as a shadow crossed her face. There was a trim female body over hers. There were small pointy breasts with sharp tits, and a slender, flat tummy with a deep dark navel.

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