'You told him that?'

'I didn't use the word 'major.' I used the word 'total.' He also doesn't want you interfering with how he does his job.'

I nod. 'I don't expect to. Is he a good reporter?'

'As good as any I've ever had,' he says. 'When do you want to talk to him?'

'How's tomorrow morning? Around eleven? And I'll want the stories he's written on the murders to read through tonight. Plus the stories in the other papers.'

'Done,' he says. 'Laurie back yet?'

I shake my head. 'No.'

'Maybe if you'd take on some clients, she wouldn't have to go work for somebody else. Hey, why don't you put her on this case?'

Laurie is a former police officer whom I employ as my private investigator. There is no way she'd want to work on this. 'First of all, this isn't a 'case,'' I say. 'Second of all, she likes to be paid in money, not donuts.'

He takes a big bite out of a glazed one. 'Women don't know what they're missing.'


DAVID ROSENFELT was the former marketing president for Tri-Star Pictures before becoming a writer of novels and screenplays. For more information about the author, please visit his Web site at www.davidrosenfelt.com

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