Rike - A marine on board Falada. rlin nach'i - The common garb of the mechalus. Consists of a multi-pocketed smartsuit and soft boots.

Roscinzsky, Mick - A marine on board Falada.

Rostrevor-Malone, Hal Quentin - A marine engineer on board Falada. A friend of Gabriel's sabot pistol - A small firearm that uses electromagnetic pulses to accelerate a discarding-rocket slug at hypersonic speeds.

Sealed Knot, the - A mechalus symbol favored by medical practioners of that species sesheyan - A bipedal sentient species possessing long, bulbous heads, large ears, and eight light-sensitive eyes. Most sesheyans are about 1.7 meters tall and have two leathery wings that span between 2.5 - 4 meters.

Sheya, the sesheyan homeworld, has been subjugated by VoidCorp. However, a substantial population of 'free sesheyans' live on Grith.

Silence, the - see the Long Silence.

Silver Bell - A Borealin colony on the planet Spes of the Hammer's Star system which was completely annihilated by unknown forces in 2489. skinfilm - An artifical polymer membrance, usually only a few molecules thick, that is often used for sanitary protection or containment. sniffer - A ramscoop detecting device.

Solar Union - A common term for the Union of Sol. spaceport - A planetary landing zone for driveships. spatball - A sport spee-g - short for specific gravity.

Speramundi - A stardrive engine model.

Spes - A planet in the Hammer's Star system. stardrive - The standard starship engine that combines a gravity induction coil and a mass reactor to open a temporary singularity in space and thus allow interstellar travel. All stardrive jumps take 121 hours, no matter the distance. starfall - The term used to describe a ship entering drivespace.

Star Force - The naval branch of the Concord military.

StarMech Collective, the - A high technology-oriented stellar nation. starport - A zero-g, orbital docking zone for driveships. starrise - The term used to describe a ship leaving drivespace.

Steilin, Dawn - A marine second lieutenant on board Falada. stellar nation - Any of the thirteen independant nations of the Stellar Ring. They are Austrin-Ontis Unlimited, the Borealis Republic, the Hatire Community, Insight, the Nariac Domain, the Orion League, the Orlamu Theocracy, the Rigunmor Star Consortium, the StarMech Collective, the Thuldan Empire, the Union of Sol, VoidCorp, and the Galactic Concord. Stellar Ring - The systems that make up the thirteen stellar nations, the center of which is Sol. STG shuttle - Space-To-Ground shuttle. system drive - Any form of non-stardrive propulsion used for inner system traffic.

Tal - A sesheyan deity; the Hunter.

Tendril - An Fl blue star. Also the name of the system.

Thalaassa - An F2 yellow star. Also the name of the system.

Thalaassan - A citizen of Thalaassa.

Three, the - A grouping of the three sesheyan dieties Neshii'en the trickster, Tal the hunter, and Vec't'lir the brood-mother.

Thuldan Empire - A militaristic stellar nation. The largest of the stellar nations.

Thuldan Prime - Homeworld of the Thuldan Empire.

Tractate - A planet visited by Callirhoe's marine complement.

Treaty of Concord, the - The Treaty that ended the Second Galactic War and formed the Galactic Concord.

tri-staff - The traditional weapon carried by Concord Administrators. It is a two- meter-long staff topped by a three-pronged blade.

T'teka - A marine. Captain Urrizh's superior.

Unhewoi - A sesheyan deity. The Taker, or the Beast.

Union of Sol - The hub of the Stellar Ring and the most densely populated stellar nation in existence.

Urrizh, Captain - A marine. Gabriel Connor's immediate superior.

UU563 5BVIW - Sander Ranulfsson, a VoidCorp Employee.

Vec't'hr - A sesheyan deity. The brood-mother.

Verge, the - The frontier region of space originally colonized by the stellar nations that was cut off during the Second Galactic War.

VoidCorp - A corporate stellar nation. Citizens are referred to as Employees and all have an assigned number.

Wanasha - A Concord Star Force Cruiser.

Weyshe the Wanderer - A sesheyan deity.

Wanderer - 1) fraal: A term used to describe that segment of fraal culture that prefers life aboard their wandering city-ships rather than settling down to mingle with other species. 2.) sesheyan: see Weyshe the Wanderer

weren - A sentient species native to the planet Kurg. Most weren stand well over 2 meters, are covered in thick fur, and have sharp claws. Male weren have large tusks protruding from the bottom jaw.

Wuhain, Areh - Delvecchio's assistant ambassador.

WX334 D2BIN - A high ranking VoidCorp Employee.

Wyens, Mil - A marine stationed aboard Callirhoe.

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