'Then I received my first reward. Somehow Dick had managed to get his hand unobtrusively under my skirt and all the way up between my legs. About time! Hell, that was why I'd taken off my panties a little earlier so he could get himself a good feel of my hot cunt and give me some good finger-fucking. Now he was up there and, I must say, he really had some talented digits. Working them all up and down in the hot cream between my cunt lips, he first went to work on my clit, sending ten thousand volts of electricity coursing through my groins with each nudge and pinch. Then, finally, when I was right on the verge of exploding in a giant orgasm, he moved his hand down and plunged first one finger, then two, deep into my hot, anxiously awaiting vagina.

'Thank God for that hairbrush handle last night in the closet. I felt no pain only ecstasy, sheer, electrifying, all-consuming ecstasy. But it didn't quite have that ultimate sensation that was needed to put me back on the brink of an orgasm. A mouth and tongue down there on my cunt, that's what I needed, I thought as I shifted into yet a higher gear with my sucking of Dick's cock that and about a quart of good man-come to drink.

'Good ol’ mom. She sure did teach me a good lesson in how to suck a man's prick. For I'd only been in high gear about three seconds when I felt Dick's fingers jerking quickly out of my cunt, his legs jerking quickly up, and his chest jerking quickly down onto my head. It was a jolting, convulsive movement of his whole body, like he'd been struck by a bolt of lightning. Then I got it, not a whole quart as I wanted, but enough to completely fill my mouth.

'The taste? It was strange, sort of flat like the white of raw egg, yet full of exciting flavor, like salted honey. But it wasn't the flavor that effected me so much as the superpotent chemistry of it or maybe it was the supereroticism of having a man's fucking-rod exploding its passion directly in my mouth. I don't know for sure. Anyway, it acted like concentrated aphrodisiac on my whole mind and body, bringing me almost instantaneously to the point of a gigantic, earth-shaking orgasm. For a second or two I sucked and pumped even more furiously on his prick, desperate for every last drop of that creamy elixir then I let go.

'To put it lightly, I thought I was being wrenched completely inside out. Never, but never, had I experienced such terrible, excruciating ecstasy! And though I tried not to, I must of done a lot of writhing and moaning, because shortly I heard Dick's voice saying reassuringly above the newspaper: 'It's all right, folks she's just having a little nightmare. Something she ate back at the bus depot, I guess.' Then, to sort of back him up, I slid my mouth reluctantly off his still pulsating cock, raised myself to a normal sitting position, careful to leave the newspaper spread out on his lap, and complained sleepily: 'My stomach feels kind of funny. I think I'd better sit up.’

'What a wonderful, marvelous night ride. And what a beautiful traveling companion Dick was. He was made to order for the occasion, making me, in just a few hours, a full-fledged, fulfilled woman almost. Almost, because I had experienced only half of the sexual joy my mom had shown me. I still hadn't thrilled to the feel of a man's tongue in my cunt. But then, as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day; I could instill patience in my hot box a little while longer, until I had a chance to meet some nice, sexy guys in New York.

'In the meantime, I figured that I should cement relations with Admiral Richard, which was the pet name I gave him. I got his navy address so I could write to him and let him know how he could locate me after his discharge. And he promised faithfully to keep in touch, because he said that he'd sort of fallen in love with me, meaning, of course, my brand of cock-sucking. I was only in my late teens but I definitely was no fool; he couldn't possibly, in that brief time of a night, have gotten to know me well enough to love me for any other reason. But, what the hell, I didn't mind the feeling was mutual because there was really only one thing about him that turned me on. And it wasn't his good looks or charming personality. It was something on the order of live food, and before I arrived at my destination I was greedy and lustful enough to indulge myself twice more.

'New York City turned out to be ten times as big and crowded as I had imagined. The 'Admiral' had to rush right off from the bus depot to report in at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, so I had no one to lead me through the maze. For a few hours I was utterly lost, orphaned, on the verge of panicking and getting back on the bus for a quick return trip to my home on the farm. But then, thank God, a taxi driver noticed my plight. 'Hello, miss. Need some help? My cab is at your disposal if you'd like transportation to a hotel or somewhere.’

'Golly, yes, I do need some help! I don't know which way to turn in this mammoth city of yours. Do you know of a good, clean, economical hotel on Madison Avenue where all the big advertising agencies are? That's where I really want to go.' He was a fat, wizened little Italian fellow, radiating sincerity and honesty. I knew that I could place myself safely in his hands figuratively speaking, of course.

'Sure thing, miss. My cab's the first one on the street there. Hop right in and I’ll take you to a good little hotel I know just two blocks away from most of the big agencies on Madison Avenue. There aren't any hotels of any size closer than that.’

'I told him that was just fine, handed him my suitcases, and a few moments later was barreling through the heavy traffic of Gotham like part of some weird, magic process of osmosis. What a scary ride! Regardless of how thick the cars and trucks were, we seemed to never slow down as we raced around and between them, finding openings that I couldn't see but which he, somehow did see. Then just about the time I was feeling an uncontrollable urge to piss in my panties, we were there, smack in front of a modest-sized hotel that might've been second-class by my taxi driver's standards but which looked like a sumptuous palace to hayseed me.

'It was super deluxe in the room I got there, too. But the weekly rate, surprisingly, wasn't high at all. In fact, it was exactly the amount of money I had budgeted myself for until I landed my job and could afford to move into a small, permanent apartment. With its big soft bed and complete privacy, it was perfect for masturbating, too. And that was how I spent the rest of the day, masturbating. For now I had two mental visions taunting and arousing my pussy and mouth: that of my mom and dad sixty-nining, and that of me gobbling the sailor's delicious big cock.

'Of course, you'll want to know howl did it, so I may as well tell you. Well, first I took a nice hot shower and got my tits and cunt extra excited by lathering them good with thick, tingly soap suds, milking my nipples and finger-fucking my cunt hole some for good measure. Damn, I wish my tits were bigger! I would have loved to stretch them up to my mouth and suck on them. In fact, I tried that even tried to get my tongue down to my crotch but it just didn't work.

'So next, all clean and juicy, I took myself to bed. That was better because there was a large vanity mirror close by in which I could see myself. Lying completely naked on my back with my legs raised high and spread wide, I made a helluva picture, like my mom spreading her ass for my dad's mouth, only prettier. Yeah, if you don't mind me braggin' a little, I think I've got the prettiest, sexiest cunt in the whole world, especially when it's in heat and dripping wet like it was there in the mirror. It may not be as big and gaping as mom's, but it's pinker and the hair is silkier and my clit sticks out farther and there's a lot more juice.

'As a matter of fact, it was my extra heavy flow of juice that gave me my greatest thrill during that little session of masturbating. While watching it flow out from my cunt in the mirror, I kept running two fingers in, gathering all of the cream on them I could, then jabbing those same two fingers into my mouth and sucking the delicious coating off delicious because I pretended that my fingers were a man's big cock coming in my mouth. To complete the picture, my other hand was squeezing my tits and nipples in a milking motion, exciting them and trying to make them bigger at the same time.

I managed to have myself quite a ball. I even had myself a nice orgasm but, of course, nothing like the one I had with Admiral Richard on the bus. Afterward, I just had time for a little late supper in the hotel coffee shop before turning in, completely exhausted, for a night's sleep.

'The following morning, feeling nicely refreshed and in high spirits, I gussied myself up real pretty in the most fashionable minidress and pantyhose I could buy back home and went calling on several of the big ad agencies. What a disappointment! I had high hopes, with my copy writing samples, good looks, and charming manner, of getting snapped right up into at least an assistant's position, but, as luck would have it I couldn't even manage to swing an interview.

'In fact, I didn't so much as get past the reception desks. 'Here, miss, fill out this application form and we'll let you know when there's an opening,' the receptionists said to me. And that's all there was to it; after a couple of hours of jotting down my past, present, and future history, those damn female robots merely tossed my applications into a file with a hundred others and went back to making up their dumb faces, like forgetting that I ever existed. And the next two days were no different! I was beginning to think that my dream of becoming a big- city career woman was just that, a dream, and nothing more.

'Then, on the fourth day, I scored. Did I ever score! In more ways than one. I went to a big agency crowded with executive-type young men scurrying all about, and as I was sitting there in the reception room filling out an application, I glanced up and fleetingly noticed an important-looking guy checking out my legs. Hell, I thought, I

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