It was at that moment that Nadine exploded into her first orgasm as Shorty filled her convulsing hole with cum. That was the orgasm that the girl would never forget. It was the orgasm that started her on a twenty-year orgy to find another climax to surpass that one.

Lying on hot bed thinking about it Nadine wondered if her daughter, Sharon, was still a virgin. Although Nadine had lost her cherry to Shorty, she doubted that Sharon had done anything. Remembering her own first affair, the woman thought how lewdly thrilling it would be to watch Sharon being deflowered. That first introduction to fucking was a beautiful thing and it can only happen once in a girl's lifetime.

Yawning and stretching, Nadine slowly got out of bed to shower, still wondering what today's client would be like.


Coming out of the bathroom, Nadine walked over to survey herself in the full-length mirror. Nadine knew she had a beautiful figure and she enjoyed admiring herself. Looking at the reflection, she saw a lovely face with sparkling amber eyes and a soft full mouth that could fit so deliciously around big fat cockheads. She had medium long chestnut-colored hair that fell down over her flawlessly smooth shoulders. Looking in the mirror, her eyes moved down over her voluptuous, full tilt with their big lush nipples that stood out like shiny ripe cherries. Her eyes traveled over her flat dimpled stomach and on down to the soft triangle of swirling pussy hair that partially concealed her slippery twat. She could see droplets of hot pussy juice glistening on her wet cuntlips.

Still wondering what her client would be like, she decided to wear dark hose and a garter belt without panties, knowing this was quite a turn-on for most men. As she dressed, Nadine could hear her two children splashing around down in the pool. Walking over to the window, she could see them honing around in the water. Chuck and Sharon got along very well for a brother and sister, and Nadine often wondered if they messed around with each other. The thought of the two girls fucking always seemed to excite the woman's depraved mind. Ever since she'd been fucked by Shorty when she was twelve, Nadine had been obsessed with the idea of children screwing. It strangely excited her to think of Chuck's cock gliding in and out of his sister's pussy.

When Nadine was dressed, she walked down by the pool to tell the children goodbye before leaving.

'Hi,' she smiled when they jumped out of the water to greet her.

'Hello, Mom,' smiled Sharon, running toward her mother.

Sharon had the same oval-shaped face as her mother, but she had her father's big brown eyes and long dark hair that fell down over her slender back. With her soft pouting lips, she looked much younger. Her body, too, was rather immature for a girl of her age. She had slim boyish hips and her tits were rather small and pointed, but as Nadine had noted, she had unusually big hard nipples.

Sharon's brother, Chuck, was a strapping big boy for fifteen with broad shoulders and a lean muscular body. He had his mother's amber eyes, but his thick hair was a light brown.

'I'm leaving for a couple of hours,' she explained to them. 'Is there anything you need before I go?'

'I don't think so,' smiled Chuck. 'Dad's coming home this afternoon to take a swim with us.'

'Then I'll try to get home early and join you,' said Nadine, her eyes traveling down to the big bulge in her son's trunks.

Lately she'd been noticing his crotch and it vaguely excited her to see how well hung the boy was. At times she even fantasized that he was fucking her with his big stiff dick.

'So long,' called Sharon as she and her brother jumped back into the pool.

When Nadine arrived at the Hillview Motel she knocked on the door to room twenty-eight. It was opened by a stocky young man in his mid-thirties. 'Hi,' smiled Nadine. 'Were you expecting a visitor?'

'I sure was,' he grinned, 'but I didn't expect anyone as beautiful as you.'

'Thank you, sir,' she beamed, walking into the room.

Sitting down on a sofa, she pulled her short skirt up to expose part of her bare thigh above her dark hose.

'Care for a drink?' he asked, staring at her creamy white flesh above her stockings.

'No thank you,' she smiled, crossing her legs. 'Mind if I do?' he inquired. 'Certainly not,' Nadine replied, more than pleased with the man's appearance. Most of her clients were much older and she was surprised that this handsome young man in his middle thirties would pay a hundred dollars for a piece of ass. With his manners and good looks, he should have plenty of girls throwing themselves at him.

'I'm Nadine,' she smiled when he sat down next to her with his drink.

'Nadine,' he said, a strange expression coming over his face as he starred at her. 'Not Nadine Murphy?'

'I was before I married,' she replied, studying his vaguely familiar face.

'My God!' he gasped. 'I can't believe it!'

'Shorty!' she half-screamed when she suddenly recognized him.

'My God!' he repeated, placing his glass down on an end table. 'Didn't you marry Kent Crawford, the department store owner?'

'Sure,' she smiled. 'We're still married and have two kids.'

'Then what the hell are you doing here?' the man asked.

'Because I love to fuck,' was her honest answer. 'My family doesn't know anything about it!'

'I can't believe it's really you,' he continued. 'I've thought of you so often over the years.'

'I've thought about you, too,' she admitted. 'Only this morning I was thinking about our first fuck.'

'I often think about it, too,' he grinned. 'There's never been any other fuck like those we used to have when we were kids.'

'I know,' Nadine smiled. 'Nothing ever matched those days.'

They just sat staring at each other, their minds filled with delicious memories.

'Are you married?' she asked.

'Do you love her?'

'Very much,' he answered.

'Then why are you paying a hundred dollars for a piece of ass?' she asked.

'It's funny,' he whispered, putting his arm around her and placing his other hand on the smooth bare flesh of her upper thigh. 'You made a fuckhole out of me when we were kids. I just can't seem to get enough of it, and I keep hoping the next piece will be as good as our first.'

'Funny,' she smiled, pressing her face against his chest. 'I've been the same way.'

Smiling softly to herself, she decided to give Rex his share of the hundred bucks out of her own pocket because she sure as hell wasn't going to charge Shorty for a piece of ass.

'Oh, Shorty,' she whispered, raising her softly parted lips to his.

With their slippery tongues juicily entwined, she reached down and cupped his big throbbing bulge in her palm. Passionately probing their tongues around in their deliciously locked mouths, Nadine expertly lowered his zipper and eased his big lurching cock out.

Sliding the foreskin back, she stared at his lusty cockhead. It was no longer the smooth pink knob of a child. It was now huge and purple with a shiny surface that Nadine found wildly erotic. His big, angry-looking cockhead looked as if it had belched out gallons and gallons of thick hot cum during the past twenty years. She couldn't wait to feel it pumping his glorious jizz into her own fuck-hole.

'Shorty,' she whispered. 'Let's get into bed.'

'I'm ready,' he panted, rising to his feet.

He let out a low whistle when she quickly removed her dress, revealing that she was wearing nothing under it except her dark stockings and garter belt. He stared excitedly at her beautiful big-nippled tits that thrust out so deliciously hard. Moving in front of him, she began rubbing her juicy twat against the stiff boner that was sticking out through his open fly while she slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

'Oh, Shorty,' she whispered, taking his shirt off. 'I can't believe I'm really with you.'

With her body pressed tightly against his, Nadine could feel the thick fingers of his strong hands goosing and kneading into the soft warm flesh between her quivering asscheeks as he pulled her even closer to him. Pressing her mouth against his smooth bare chest, she was nibbling lightly on his nipples. She could feel his entire body

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